40 hr work week too much?

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Do americans work too much?

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Apr 25, 2002
my grandpa in the 60s-70s was workin for del monte and he got 3 month paid vacations , and some fucker from sweden who lives next to my sister said they get 90 days off just for havin a kid or 45 for each spouse
May 13, 2002
^^^Yeah, that's true. There are a number of countries that do that....I know Norway is one of them.

Foul Mouth said:
alot of countrys aint got 40 hour work weeks but alot of countrys you work till you die.they aint got social security like we do,right now anyway..............
I dont know what part of the country you live in, but the majority of americans do work 'till they die. Sure, you might get SS once your 65 years old (how much longer that last?) but how much longer are you going to live? The average WHITE male in America lives until they are about 72-73 (blacks and latinos are significantly lower) so what does that say? The majority of retired americans cannot and do not live solely on SS, they have other retirement plans and savings, which most americans do not have.

I seen so many old folks working at grocery stores, 7/11, fast food etc. It's heartbreaking at times.
Apr 25, 2002
Fucking lazy socialists, LOL

Who will drive the means of production if you are taking 42 weeks of vacation per year.
Somebody else who works at the same place. You swear everybody in the United States will use vacation at the same time, it doesn't happen like that. Who said anything about 42 weeks? That only leaves 10 weeks of work...it's 42 DAYS!!

While you're on vacation, somebody else will be working. You know, it might even help the nation out a little bit, because more people will be needed for jobs, which will probably cut back a little bit on unemployment. BUT, we're slaves running this country, especially in the silicon valley...we start from 16, sometimes earlier, and go until we die...and a lot of people die from heart attacks related to stress from their jobs.

Does it make any sense to you, that techies get paid OBSCENE amounts of money, to work from home whenever they want, and to kick it at work?? That happens while people do back breaking labor to literally build this country. The whole system needs to be upgraded, in my opinion of course...we work way more than anybody else on the planet.

Who cares about world domination? We work for that?? You know people in Italy, and all over the rest of the world value shit that matters? We value money and power, most other countries (esp. in Europe) live simple lives with VERY LITTLE problems.
Apr 25, 2002
Foul Mouth said:
alot of countrys aint got 40 hour work weeks but alot of countrys you work till you die.they aint got social security like we do,right now anyway..............
The majority of Americans won't see their damn social security anyway, it's a bullshit system that hasn't proven effective. I'm paying some old guy money from every check I get, and CHANCES ARE, he'll never see it. Yea, we should all agree with Social Security and act like it benefits somebody....
Aug 31, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
I seen so many old folks working at grocery stores, 7/11, fast food etc. It's heartbreaking at times.

my neighbor worked in constuction all his life. when he got too old he started pushing shopping carts for Winn Dixie and he worked there till he heard a heart attack and died. R.I.P.
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
^^^Yeah, that's true. There are a number of countries that do that....I know Norway is one of them.

I dont know what part of the country you live in, but the majority of americans do work 'till they die. Sure, you might get SS once your 65 years old (how much longer that last?) but how much longer are you going to live? The average WHITE male in America lives until they are about 72-73 (blacks and latinos are significantly lower) so what does that say? The majority of retired americans cannot and do not live solely on SS, they have other retirement plans and savings, which most americans do not have.

I seen so many old folks working at grocery stores, 7/11, fast food etc. It's heartbreaking at times.

regardless of how you see it,we get benifits and get the option to stop working after so long.most countrys dont get shit and work till there on the death bed.and yeah,the old folks still workin at 7/11,some need the extra money.thats life.we all (dont know about you) need axtra money.at least MOST of'em aint forced to work.40 hour work weeks aint shit when these other countrys work half those hours and get double the work done...........

theres just bigger issues out there than bitchin about 40 hour work weeks imo...............
Jan 9, 2004
Sydal said:
Somebody else who works at the same place. You swear everybody in the United States will use vacation at the same time, it doesn't happen like that. Who said anything about 42 weeks? That only leaves 10 weeks of work...it's 42 DAYS!!
Sydal you must have missed 2 0's post where he said:

"Personally I think we should only work 6 hrs a day, or a total of 30 hours per week (w/o loss of pay) at the most. A minimum wage of $12.50/hour or $500 per week minimum guaranteed income, and 42 weeks of vacation per year."

Of course it doesn't make sense, how are you going to rotate every working person to have 42 weeks of vacation and still have people left over to cover all their jobs. That's why it wouldn't work and that's why I laughed. 42 days is more plausible.

As for techies, they have a specialized skill that no everyone else has that's why they can collect obscene amounts of money. Anyone can do back-breaking work, that's why those jobs get paid less than highly specialized jobs. I think some of us on this board are techies, they can address it from their cush, capitalist-tool laptops. LOL
Jun 18, 2004
It's all about working for eight months ata good temp job and then collecting unemployment for a year...$270 a week...get your SS now!...and as for life being "boring" if everyone worked 20 hr weeks...shit... it's 80 degrees in SF right now, and there are myriad things I would rather do than be at a worksite right now...peace.
May 13, 2002
Damn Sydal, I agree with everything you said especially your point about more vacation time and less hours will lower unemployment.

@ Foul Mouth,

We are the richest nation in the world. There is no excuse why we need to work harder than any other country in the world.

You made a number of points; unfortunately most of your points are false.

most countrys dont get shit and work till there on the death bed.
False. All the countries I mentioned in this thread do get shit and have much better “social security” type systems and retire earlier than Amreicans. In France, the average male retires at 59; in Germany its 61; in Belgium its 57; In Italy its 58; Norway 58; in America, of course, it’s over 65.

and yeah,the old folks still workin at 7/11,some need the extra money.thats life.
Yeah, they need extra money cause they don’t have any money and America doesn’t take care of our elderly and many of them are forced to work until they die.

we all (dont know about you) need axtra money.
At times, but if you live to 70 years old I hope you have the luxury of retirement unlike millions of elderly Americans.

at least MOST of'em aint forced to work.
False. MOST of them are forced to work to continue living.

40 hour work weeks aint shit when these other countrys work half those hours and get double the work done...........
I don’t understand what your point is here- you’re saying that other courtiers work half the hours and get double amount done? Hmm, how is that a bad thing for them?

People who oppose less working hours and more working rights for the American people are either A). Rich property owners or B). An idiot…kind of like a Jewish Nazi or a Black Ku Klux Klan member. It just doesnt make any sense.
Apr 25, 2002
Real spittage 2-0. I think this thread should be archived and put in with the classics just because you and I, see eye to eye on an issue, ha!

Back to the topic at hand though. Some of you have no idea what you're in store for, for the rest of your physical lives. My mom will be 49 years old this year, it is also her 31st year working @ Kaiser. She's always pist off, always stressed about her job, she has high blood pressure, and I keep telling her she needs to retire. Why doesn't she retire? Because she doesn't get full benefits until she's 65 if she does so. Her age and her time spent there makes her perfectly eligable for retirement, but like I said, she gets fucked on benefits because she isn't "of age" yet.

2-0...Would you happen to know the suicide rate in other countries? Or heart attack rates related to stress?? I'm curious to see those statistics because I think that might sink the facts in with some folks who don't get it.
Apr 25, 2002
my point on the last comment is we work alot more hours per week,but we're the laziest country.we bitch and gripe the most,were the stupidest.im sayin its coo they work half the hours.we work alot more and dont get what they get acomplished.its a whole different country.if somebody on this board has a hard time with 40 hours and thinks its better in another counrty,go for it.guarentee they aint gonna hang.if the work situation is cool,theres gonna be alot of other shit thats gonna fuck with them.........

i just dont see the point of the thread.do you have any information on the other countrys "retirement benefits"? i just dont believe the other countrys are heaven on earth.i bet you theres flaws in there systems and alot of shit this forum would have a problem with............your just getting the facts that make our system look bad...................

ps. i know our whole system is fucked.im not sticking up for it.and i know a few other countrys got it better on that page.but its not to the degree you make it out to be...............

and come on Sydal,slaves in the Silicon Valley? isnt that like the richest area in the nation.they get paid pretty nice.we're im at,in the Valley,thats slavery.............
Apr 25, 2002
Sydal said:
2-0...Would you happen to know the suicide rate in other countries? Or heart attack rates related to stress?? I'm curious to see those statistics because I think that might sink the facts in with some folks who don't get it.

what would your point be? in the U.S. white's are the majority of suicides.in the U.S. minoritys (as a whole) work harder then whites...............

could you tell me what the comparison in the U.S. for sucide is for upper class white businessmen to mexicans working the fields?

my dad ,uncles,and grandparents used hit the fields homie,they would never bitch about 40 hour work weeks.they was doin more than that gettin payed pennies per basket.its the spoiled mothafuckas that bitch about it.shit i would love to work 20 hours a week and get 40 hour bay area wages too.but im part of this generation.and im sure the older generation might hate 40 hours too,but i bet there mostly white.spoiled............
May 13, 2002
2-0...Would you happen to know the suicide rate in other countries? Or heart attack rates related to stress?? I'm curious to see those statistics because I think that might sink the facts in with some folks who don't get it.
Yeah, I’ve read about suicide in other countries several times in the past couple years.

I remember, not too long ago, there were a lot of articles about suicides in Japan. It has been on a huge increase over the years and they even have really bizarre things like “Suicide Groups” where you can go online and meet people to commit suicide with.

It definitely reflects the lifestyle changes within the country. As I’m sure you know, Japan has been notorious for its hard working citizens which of course creates a lot of stress on the individuals, but I also think there are a lot of other factors that are involved in order for one to off themself.

I posted this thread several months ago about the growing problem of suicide in Japan over the last few years. In the article it states that Japan had a record of over 34,000 suicides last year alone, and they average over 30,000 suicides per year since ’97 or ’98.

America doesn’t have the highest rate, it’s below Japan, and if I remember correctly there are a few countries with slightly higher suicide rates than Japan, most likely one of the small former Soviet Union countries that are all fucked up to begin with.

America (and Japan of course) do however have the highest suicide rates amongst the Industrialized or Rich countries of the world.

Foul Mouth said:
i just dont see the point of the thread.
I thought I made it pretty clear: I asked people if they think Americans should work less than 40 hours a week. It’s just as good as a topic as anything else comrade. Some people don’t care about shit like this, but others take this seriously, especially a lot European countries where the average persons life doesn’t revolve around work.

o you have any information on the other countrys "retirement benefits"? i just dont believe the other countrys are heaven on earth.
Yes I do and if you want some specifics ask some questions and I’ll provide some answers. I don’t want to randomly dump stats on this thread and flood it with info no one will read.

I never stated that these countries I speak of are Heaven on Earth. In fact, I’m sure I’m one of the first to criticize a lot of these European nations. But with that being said, it doesn’t mean we can’t learn things from other countries and make our country a better place to live, you understand?

ps. i know our whole system is fucked.im not sticking up for it.and i know a few other countrys got it better on that page.but its not to the degree you make it out to be...............
On this thread, I don’t see what kind of degree I’m making America out to be other then what the facts are- we work more than any other industrialized nation in the world; we have less vacation time out of any other country in the world. Those are the facts and personally, I’d like to catch up with the rest of the world but hey, that’s just me. I’m not saying were being whipped & shackled to chains while we work and have to work 22 hour days; I’m just saying the rest of the world doesn’t work as much, why should we?
Apr 25, 2002
Foul Mouth said:
and come on Sydal,slaves in the Silicon Valley? isnt that like the richest area in the nation.they get paid pretty nice.we're im at,in the Valley,thats slavery.............
HAHAHAHA. Have you ever worked AND lived in the Silicon Valley? YES, SLAVES!! I believe we are one of the 2 richest areas in the nation along with NY. MOST of us work the hardest, and out of the whole country, earn the least...you get what I'm saying? Our living expenses are higher than our salaries. Our rent/property is higher, our food is more expensive...everything we NEED is more expensive than what we can afford (the AVERAGE person). Want to know why? Because we are the home of the fucking tech industry. I know people all over Cali, and all over the nation, and they all get by making $10 per hour. I have a VERY hard time with $15. Everywhere else, you make enough to accomodate your needs, HERE you DO NOT!!

People in the music industry have a hard time taking us seriously because they think we're a bunch of rich kids from the silicon valley. Truth is, a lot of people are broke as fuck, especially in San Jose, where I was born and raised, and where I still live. With every year, it gets a little bit worse, as property value goes up and more families are forced to move. The Silicon Valley IS RICH, the people living here are far from.

Here's an example. You know those HUGE houses that rappers buy, that you see on cribs so often? What they get for a million, would go for about 8 where I'm from...so can you imagine what a normal sized, one story house goes for? South San Jose, they go for about $550,000 to START, for a house 2 times smaller than the new ones you see in the valley.
Apr 25, 2002
i feel you there,but im from stockton.if your not familiar with it its about 30 minutes from Antioch.we get shitty wages.period.through the years and increasing this past few years,people from the bay move here to get cheaper housing.i can understand that.work in the bay,live in the valley.your moneys worth alot more over here.but what about us? the ones that was born and raised here and the ones who've been gettin shitty wages? now were forced to pay increasing rent because the owners know that the house is gonna rent regardless.the ones from the bay can afford that with no problem.everybody bitches about the bay cost of living,but realize,it aint much diferent over here.and the ones bitchin about the bay cost of living are the reasons why my cost of living is constantly getting higher,while our wages seem to be shrinking...........
May 13, 2002
I never stated that these countries I speak of are Heaven on Earth. In fact, I’m sure I’m one of the first to criticize a lot of these European nations. But with that being said, it doesn’t mean we can’t learn things from other countries and make our country a better place to live, you understand?
I also want to add to this: there is also a much deeper agenda planned by the ruling class in America. They want the living standards in America to drop for the middle & poor classes, perhaps to the point similar to the years after the depression and leading up to WWII.

As all the articles I posted regarding the attacks on the working class in the last several years and the attacks that are going to occur shortly (within the next two years) indicate, the upper class is slowly, but surely reversing a lot of the grounds gained by the working class people over the last 50 years. It’s all right in front of you; social security slowly being abolished; abortion & women rights slowly being restricted; serious slashes in public service spending; cuts in education, transportation, health care benefits, etc.; reversing the law of guaranteed time and half for overtime etc. etc. etc. All of these attacks are seriously adding up and are being sped up like no other time in our history.
Apr 25, 2002
Sydal said:
HAHAHAHA. Have you ever worked AND lived in the Silicon Valley? YES, SLAVES!! I believe we are one of the 2 richest areas in the nation along with NY. MOST of us work the hardest, and out of the whole country, earn the least...you get what I'm saying? Our living expenses are higher than our salaries. Our rent/property is higher, our food is more expensive...everything we NEED is more expensive than what we can afford (the AVERAGE person). Want to know why? Because we are the home of the fucking tech industry. I know people all over Cali, and all over the nation, and they all get by making $10 per hour. I have a VERY hard time with $15. Everywhere else, you make enough to accomodate your needs, HERE you DO NOT!!
I work in Pleasanton and it's the same situation... If I wanna live where the software companies are the rent is double so I drive an hour each way to work instead...

And speaking of the work, it's harder than a lot of people think... These software jobs you don't get no overtime or nothing and you're there for 16-18-20 hours a day sometimes... I've been there for over 30 hours straight before...