300,000 Iraqis protest American invasion

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May 13, 2002
By Edmund Sanders
Republished from Los Angeles Times


Iraqis flood central Baghdad on Saturday in what police called the largest anti-American protest since the fall of Baghdad.

Published: Sunday, Apr. 10, 2005

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Chanting “Death to America” and burning effigies of President Bush and Saddam Hussein, tens of thousands of Iraqis flooded central Baghdad on Saturday in what police called the largest anti-American protest since the fall of Baghdad, the capital, exactly two years ago.

The peaceful demonstration by angry young followers of Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr underscored the United States’ accomplishments and its failures since the end of the war.

Once staunch supporters of the U.S. invasion to oust the dictator who ruthlessly suppressed them, many Shiite Arabs in Iraq have grown so frustrated by the lingering military occupation, with its checkpoints, raids and use of force, that they took to the streets to call for a deadline for troop withdrawal.

At the same time, the fact that so many protesters were able to gather and freely voice their opinions without bloodshed or insurgent attacks suggests Iraq is making progress toward establishing a democratic system and creating a strong security force.

“This is the first manifestation of freedom in Iraq,” said Lt. Ali Muhsin of the Iraqi National Guard, raising his voice to be heard over the din of protesters. “We have never witnessed such a thing before. In the old days, people would only have been able to do this if they were hailing Saddam. Now they are protesting for their rights.”

Carrying banners that read “Go Out” and “Leave Our Country,” marchers hit the streets early Saturday morning, blocking roads and causing traffic jams around the city.

Most of the protesters came from the Baghdad slum of Sadr City, but busloads also arrived from Kut, Amara, Baqubah and other cities. Some estimates put the number of protesters at 300,000.

By 11 a.m., the massive but orderly demonstration assembled in Firdos Square, where on April 9, 2003, several hundred Iraqis – with the help of U.S. forces – toppled Saddam’s statue.

“The American people need to know that they can’t suppress us anymore, even with all their strength and power,” said Mohammed Salih Khalaf, 54, a day laborer from Sadr City.

Raising fists and shouting in unison, protesters chanted, “No, No to America! No, No to Occupation!” Many waved Iraqi flags and carried pictures of al-Sadr and his revered father, Mohammed al-Sadr, who was assassinated during the Saddam regime. One protester dragged a picture of Saddam through the gutter. A few Iraqi police officers observing the scene raised their own fists in unity.

Munaf Abbas, 25, a chemical engineer from the southern city of Amara, blamed the presence of U.S. troops for rising violence in Iraq.

“America is the mother of terrorism,” he said. “All the explosions are happening because they are here.”

U.S. officials have said they hope to withdraw troops soon but are reluctant to set a deadline or timetable, which they say depends upon the ability of Iraq’s security forces to keep the peace.

Members of Iraq’s newly elected government plan to raise the issue in the National Assembly, which meets again Sunday.

Despite the anti-American slogans, some people in the crowd expressed support for the United States and ambivalence about the occupation.

“I came here today to mark the fall of the tyrant Saddam and to call for his execution,” said Mohammed Abdul Hussein, 42, an anesthesiologist now working as a salesman. “We deeply thank all the people, including the Americans, who helped us get rid of him.”
May 13, 2002
^^^Couldnt have said it better myself.


Local residents view a destroyed vehicle following a car bomb attack in the northern Iraq city of Mosul, April 12, 2005. At least five Iraqis died following two car bombs which struck two hours apart and targeted U.S. military convoys, witnesses said. There were no immediate reports on U.S. casualties. REUTERS/Khalid al-Mousily

Suicide blasts hit US Iraq base
Monday, 11 April, 2005

At least two suicide car bombs have exploded at the entrance to a US military base in Qaim, western Iraq.
The blasts caused several casualties, but it is not know how many were American or Iraqi troops, or civilians.
Jul 10, 2002
It so crazy how long this BS has been going on for. I'm just thinking now how far back it seems sense the sanctions were set and how bogus it was then, and how much worse it is presently. There hasn't been a day go by where I haven't prayed, wished, and hoped for us to avoid this conflict.

Hopefully this rally will act as a catalyst to expedite the end of US occupation and let the Iraqi people be (too bad Bush's cronies ain't lettin' no one go until the corporate infastructure is firmly established)...
May 13, 2002

Double car bombing rocks Baghdad
Thursday, 14 April, 2005, 10:16 GMT 11:16 UK

A double suicide car bombing in central Baghdad has killed at least 15 people, the Iraqi interior ministry said.

The cars blew up nearly simultaneously amid heavy traffic in a street near a fortified interior ministry office.

Police officers and several children were among the dead, witnesses said. More than 30 people were wounded.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
The whole situation in Iraq is out of wack. We're "liberating them" and then we're "fighting a war on terrorism," the government of our country is a fucking joke. Political leaders in our country are sheep, just like most of the citizens. I think it's great that they had a protest, more power to them. The only problem is that they might hate Americans in general, and not just the Bush like characters who should be pimp slapped....


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
"It now appears that, far from improving the quality of life for Iraqi youngsters, the US-led military assault on Iraq has inexplicably doubled the number of children under five suffering from malnutrition. Under Saddam, about 4% of children under five were going hungry, whereas by the end of last year almost 8% were suffering."

Now that is some fucked up shit. It pisses me off that this type of stuff isn't in the news as much as it should be, people brush it off a lot of the time as well. Makes me want to switch from Public Relations to Broadcast Journalism...Hmm, might not be a bad idea..


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
my roommate yesterday said that this "war" was "100% completely necessary" because the American public demanded it and needed it to comfort them, even if it wasnt related to OBL.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
^^^no, dood, its rediculous...it was infuriating because how do u JUSTIFY the killing of over 100,000 civilians (not sure of the latest numbers) and the countless other damage thats been done, by saying the "american people needed it"...im more scared now than i was BEFORE we went into Iraq.
Apr 25, 2002
The fact that they can hold a demonstration in thier own free will in the streets opposing the higher power and not be mowed down with a machine gun, proves that there have been leaps and bounds made in the advancement of the liberation of the Iraqi people.

I take that back im sure Saddam would have allowed this. (sarcasm)
May 13, 2002
Ah yes, over 100,000 dead civilians is a great price to pay for the great US Imperialism, ah I mean liberation!! I'm sure the Iraq's are just fucking thrilled about the tons and tons of depleted uranium you left on their land. "We thank the Amerikkkan people for allowing our children to be born with deformities! God bless amerikkka!!"



The bodies of more than 50 men, women and children have been recovered from the River Tigris in the town of Suwayra, south of Baghdad.

Many had been badly mutilated, Iraqi authorities said.

President Jalal Talabani said the bodies were those of people who had been taken hostage and then killed in the nearby town of Madain.

Meanwhile, there were at least three blasts in Baghdad, including one inside the heavily fortified Green Zone.

A police officer was killed when a suicide bomber struck at an outer checkpoint on the way to the party headquarters of interim Prime Minsister Iyad Allawi.

Earlier, a child and another civilian were killed in separate bomb attacks aimed at US troops or Iraqi police.

And in the town of Haditha, north-west of Baghdad, at least 19 men were found dead at a football stadium.

They had apparently been lined up against a wall and shot.

The interior ministry said they were Iraqi soldiers who had been abducted by insurgents while travelling to Haditha.


The Arabic TV channel al-Arabiya said its cameras had filmed the bodies lying on the river bank.

"We discovered bags with the slaughtered children inside them," local policeman Riyadh Sakhi told al-Arabiya.

"There were two girls. One was a student and the other was very young. We discovered bags with slaughtered and beheaded young people. We discovered a large number of unidentified bodies."
May 13, 2002
How can you be a protector of freedom when you are killing the people of Iraq?

Protector of freedom, and dealer of death to all that oppose it.
You mean dealer of death to those who oppose US control of their natural resources?

Freedom is the sure possession of those alone with the courage to defend it.
What freedom do you have, soldier? The US constitution doesn’t even apply to you; you are property of the united states government. In other words, you’re a slave and a puppet to the rich ruling elite who are sipping on wine next to a fire while they send drones like you to do their dirty work. Where is the courage in that? Where is the honor?

Beautiful picture in your sig BTW. America as Death. Couldn’t be more fitting.
Apr 25, 2002
YOuNg WiNo said:
klean kut you'er a soilder you fallow orders no matter what thats your job .
Thank you for that stunning report Cpt. Obvious, when can i expect your next revilation? None of you have been down on the ground of iraq and talked with the people like i have. 300,000 protesters, thats a lot. In a country of 27-30 million that is still the mass minority. I love how none of you have ever been to this country but feel like you can speak on it like you are a subject matter expert. On what grounds? Media reports? HAH! You are all like Vanillia Ice rapping about gang bangin. All you know is what u see on TV and read the paper or the internet. out.