20+ dead at virginia tech

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
actually, i have. but when you DON'T KNOW WHERE IT'S COMING FROM it's another story.

if you see a dude walk up to your friend, and as he's walking he has a gun IN HIS HAND, there's a BIG fucking difference, it's not unexpected.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
surgurliman said:
^^^dude,u realize that he stood at the door and had a clear shot of everyone in the room.he woulda shot u the second he seen u trynna pick up a desk.
yeah, i'm sure he wouldn't be focused on any of the other 32 students, right?

just get the fact that you dont' know me, or how i react to things when i am threatened. you can run and hide, it suits your user name...lol...just messin with you...really tho, i wouldn't have sat there, i guarantee it. if my LIFE is on the line, that other mother fucker is GOING to die if I can kill him/her/whatever. If someone broke into my place, no questions asked, THEY ARE GOING TO DIE because I feel threatened and in need of defending myself....fuck sitting there pissing and shitting your pants while your friends die...that's a BITCH move.

HERESY said:
No it isn't just talk. Some peopel have the mentality that if they are going to die they are at least going to go down fighting.
I'm glad someone has a brain that is being put to use.

FLIGHT OR FIGHT. I'll take the fight if my LIFE is on the line, otherwise I don't give a shit about some stupid asshole trying to prove they are "hard." Just like if I was ever gonna get taken down my the fucking cops/government...I'd go out shooting, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
May 10, 2002
funny how you cats are gunna sit here on the internet and be all tough assed about this.....

i woulda done this or that. shut the fuck up

honestly. you're at school and somone comes in with a gun blastin ppl a normal reaction to that scenario is panic and confusion. You sit here with a clear head about it after the fact gloating on the internet about how you're so tough and so much smarter then these ppl but i dont think you have ever had a first hand experiance with somthing like this and you really shouldnt even be talkin shit.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
surgurliman said:
i just dont think that college students would have that ''i aint going out like that'' mentality that we siccness thugs do.

i'm a college student, and i wouldn't go out like that if someone did taht at my school.

cmoke, you dont' know what we/i/anyone would do besides YOURSELF...so maybe YOU should shut the fuck up. i'll say whatever i feel lke saying...you don't know what ANYONE on here has experienced first hand, besides WHAT THEY TELL YOU....so dont' be talkin about shit you DO NOT know about......that should be a given.

if someone was going to kill you, what would you do? would you really sit there in your seat SHITTING YOUR PANTS? or would you at least TRY to do something?

I never said that I wouldn't get shot or that the desk would hit him. I'm sayin I WOULD THROW that shit at him, and TRY to do something...not just curl up into the fucking fetal position.

i know this will go on where some asshoel tries to tell me i wouldn't do shit....so just refrain, cause nobody knows what anybody else would do....take my word for it. if it's my LAST chance at doing something...better FUCKING believe i will at least try, not bitch up and sit there or hide under a desk that's made of........WOOD...that can be shot through....people panic, and that's why shit like this happens, cause there's nobody to save their pathetic asses from hiding.

i feel for the dead, their friends, family, the injured, but really....NOBODY did shit....not one fucking person...from what i've seen at least. that says to me they are all WEAK individuals who will not stand up for themselves in the face of death. Fuck that. I'd rather go out trying to SAVE lives, then just sit there and get fucking shot. that's RETARDED.
May 10, 2002
thats cuz these cats are sittin at home eating fucking cookies and thinkin to themselves man these ppl are stupid i would busted some crazy shit on this fool.....but when it comes down to it in real time they wouldnt know what the fuck was goin on.

how much time you got to think about it? how long does it take to unload on one classroom? get with it.
Nov 1, 2005
all that talk would be understandable if dude had a nife,bat,sword or sum shit like that but when a guns busting...its way different.look at all the different mass killings there's been thru the years.at schools,work,restaurants...u never hear of people trynna mess with a gunman.if they aint cowering,theyre runnin.
Jan 1, 2006
I think that note is bs saying he targeted "RICH KIDS"... didn't someone put that one of his victims was black? and I'm not being ignorant in anyway but when people say rich kids they think about white suburban people
Feb 9, 2003
I don't get it Virginia Tech didn't have their own Police Department? Most Universities do.

Ok...according to yahoo they do have a PD.


And the funny thing is that their homepage has a link asking us "to Let [them] Know How [They're] Doing." Obviously not a very good job.
Jun 2, 2002
HERESY said:
^^ What type of "disturbing material" are you talking about? I haven't read much about the case today so fill me in.
"BLACKSBURG, Va. - The gunman in the Virginia Tech massacre was a sullen loner who alarmed professors and classmates with his twisted, violence-drenched creative writing and left a rambling note in his dorm room raging against women and rich kids. A chilling picture emerged Tuesday of Cho Seung-Hui — a 23-year-old senior majoring in English — a day after the bloodbath that left 33 people dead, including Cho, who killed himself as police closed in.

News reports said that he may have been taking medication for depression and that he was becoming increasingly violent and erratic.

Despite the many warning signs that came to light in the bloody aftermath, police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set Cho off on the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history.

"He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him," school spokesman Larry Hincker said.

A student who attended Virginia Tech last fall provided obscenity- and violence-laced screenplays that he said Cho wrote as part of a playwriting class they both took. One was about a fight between a stepson and his stepfather, and involved throwing of hammers and attacks with a chainsaw. Another was about students fantasizing about stalking and killing a teacher who sexually molested them.

"When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of," former classmate Ian McFarlane, now an AOL employee, wrote in a blog posted on an AOL Web site. He said he and other students "were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter."

"We always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to hear about something he did," said another classmate, Stephanie Derry. "But when I got the call it was Cho who had done this, I started crying, bawling."

Professor Carolyn Rude, chairwoman of the university's English department, said Cho's writing was so disturbing that he had been referred to the university's counseling service."



Evergreen Hustlah
Sep 13, 2005
Tha Eva Green
u know...now all these college professors are saying that they didn't really know him, most people didn't know his name...well i've taken a few college courses n' most professors don't care to know you n' say so them damn selves cuz their be too many mofo's in the class to be trying to be my friend n' shit...maybe dude was weird but i'm pretty sure by the way i dress, act, walk, talk, most upper middle class white people would consider me weird too...or dangerous which borderlines it