20+ dead at virginia tech

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May 12, 2002
-TiM C- said:
I am really curious as to what he did after the first shooting. He had almost two hours to cool out until the real massacre. Was he just sittin on a bench on campus mean muggin all the students with two straps under his coat or what?
It says in the story homie posted above cuzzo... he went back to his dorm and wrote a three page note blaming what he did and was about to do on everyone else but himself and calling out rich white people and shit.

Don't forget that this is at the same time as the school acting like things were back under control. So much 'under control' that lil dude was just hopped up on his dorm bed with a loaded glock and a 22 scribbling bout his pussy hurtin.

I guess when shit is over the school gonna catch heat for this one. Not only that but everyone and their mother suddenly in the news in the past 6 hours saying how weird dude was... and they all did what about it exactly?

Mayne about 4 separate people said this dude never even opens his mouth. In class he don't say his name. The brotha that lived next door to his folks out of town said he would holla at him and the dude never replied.

Did it ever occur to folks that this dude wasn't a people person?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
ReKz said:
The cops were there after they received the 911 call, they locked the dorm down and were searching it floor by floor....that's when they found the "person of interest" in the area (outside, I believe)....when they were doing this, the killer was already on his way to the (or in) the hall where he killed all the people....

well that obviously wasn't enough and they should have fucking known better.
Jun 2, 2002
Very sad.

You think the school would take the student more seriously when he's producing such disturbing material in class, MORE than just sending him to the school psychologist. I'm not saying a more serious route would have prevented anything, the individual was going to do what he set his intention on regardless, but things like that and signs like that need to be attended and taken more seriously, they were BLIND. Real sad this went down and continues to go down.

Jan 1, 2006
They scrubbed this from the media all last night and today but the reason they didn't cancel classes was because they had the suspect in custody for the first two shootings (so the school emails read). Which is why they felt the situation was isolated and then 2 hours later another shooting. I understand the confusion but who was this so called person they had in custody?
Jan 12, 2006

What happened yesterday:

When I first heard about the multiple shootings at Virginia Tech yesterday, my first thought was about my friends, and my second thought was "I bet it was Seung Cho."

Cho was in my playwriting class last fall, and nobody seemed to think much of him at first. He would sit by himself whenever possible, and didn't like talking to anyone. I don't think I've ever actually heard his voice before. He was just so quiet and kept to himself. Looking back, he fit the exact stereotype of what one would typically think of as a "school shooter" – a loner, obsessed with violence, and serious personal problems. Some of us in class tried to talk to him to be nice and get him out of his shell, but he refused talking to anyone. It was like he didn't want to be friends with anybody. One friend of mine tried to offer him some Halloween candy that she still had, but he slowly shook his head, refusing it. He just came to class every day and submitted his work on time, as I understand it.

A major part of the playwriting class was peer reviews. We would write one-act plays and submit them to an online repository called Blackboard for everyone in the class to read and comment about in class the next day. Typically, the students give their opinions about the plays and suggest ways to make it better, the professor gives his insights, then asks the author to comment about the play in class.

When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of. Before Cho got to class that day, we students were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter. I was even thinking of scenarios of what I would do in case he did come in with a gun, I was that freaked out about him. When the students gave reviews of his play in class, we were very careful with our words in case he decided to snap. Even the professor didn't pressure him to give closing comments.

After hearing about the mass shootings, I sent one of my friends a Facebook message asking him if he knew anything about Seung Cho and if he could have been involved. He replied: "dude that's EXACTLY what I was thinking! No, I haven't heard anything, but seriously, that was the first thing I thought when I heard he was Asian."

While I "knew" Cho, I always wished there was something I could do for him, but I couldn't think of anything. As far as notifying authorities, there isn't (to my knowledge) any system set up that lets people say "Hey! This guy has some issues! Maybe you should look into this guy!" If there were, I definitely would have tried to get the kid some help. I think that could have had a good chance of averting yesterday's tragedy more than anything.

While I was hesitant at first to release these plays (because I didn't know if there are laws against it), I had to put myself in the shoes of the average person researching this situation. I'd want to know everything I could about the killer to figure out what could drive a person to do something like this and hopefully prevent it in the future. Also, I hope this might help people start caring about others more no matter how weird they might seem, because if this was some kind of cry for attention, then he should have gotten it a long time ago.

As far as the victims go, as I was heading to bed last night, I heard that my good friend Stack (Ryan Clark) was one of the first confirmed dead. I didn't want to believe that I'd never get to talk to him again, and all I could think about was how much I could tell him how much his friendship meant to me. During my junior year, Ryan, another friend and I used to get breakfast on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Shultz Dining Hall, one of the cafeterias on campus, and it was always the highlight of my day. He could talk forever it seemed and always made us laugh. He was a good friend, not just to me, but to a lot of people, and I'll miss him a lot.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^^that's hella fucked up...good point about not being able to "report" people that have serious issues...

my home girl went to a hospital last week, and was talking about killing her mother and brother, then hit a fucking paper towel dispenser off the wall...security had to restrain her...then they said, "we'll just give you some numbers to call." then they let her go....the system doesn't fuckin care.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I'd like to know how many clips this mother fucker was carrying....32 people dead is a lot of fucking ammo...and with the doctor sayin the injured were hit AT LEAST 3-4 times, or they had 3-4 wounds, same shit, you know dude had to have been strapped the fuck up....

i wonder why he didn't shoot THROUGH the door those idiots were pushing against tho....i doubt it was a bulletproof door. he's not as methodical as they try to make him seem. it would be common sense to shoot through the fucking door.
Apr 24, 2006
DJ Rob Fernandes said:
A Virginia Tech police spokesman said Tuesday Cho had been issued a speeding ticket on April 7 for driving at 44 mph in a 25-mph zone on campus. His court date was set for May 23.

ABC News cited unnamed sources as saying Cho returned to his own dorm room after the initial shootings, where he re-armed himself and took the time to write a "disturbing note" before heading to Norris Hall.

The Chicago Tribune reported that the note railed against "rich kids" and "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus.

The Tribune also said Cho had been behaving strangely lately, setting a dorm room on fire and allegedly stalking women.
you're gonna tell me that some dude set a dorm room on fire and they weren't suspicious enough to keep tabs on this fool???:ermm:


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • V


HERESY said:
fa real tho...

@ I AM, I think he did try shooting through the door. How come you calling them Idiots for pushing the door clossed? Put yourself in their shoes homie, its easy to talk stuff...


Sicc OG
May 26, 2002
I AM said:
i wonder why he didn't shoot THROUGH the door those idiots were pushing against tho....i doubt it was a bulletproof door. he's not as methodical as they try to make him seem. it would be common sense to shoot through the fucking door.
"After he couldn't get the door open he tried shooting it open ... but the gunshots were blunted by the door," O'Dell said


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
SiKHMaDe said:
@ I AM, I think he did try shooting through the door. How come you calling them Idiots for pushing the door clossed? Put yourself in their shoes homie, its easy to talk stuff...
the idiot part was a bad choice of wording. i assumed the door was made of wood or some shitty material that could be penetrated by bullets....

i did put myself in their shoes...i would have thrown a fucking desk at his bitch ass while he was shooting everyone else...not being a PUSSY and hiding....this shit reminds me of 9/11...pussies gettin punked with a mother fucking box cutter....and they just let dude's take over the plane...same shit here...throw a desk at his little bitch ass, i doubt he would have done shit if someone did that...he woulda been on the ground...gun NOT in hand....

ya never know though...but i would have thrown a desk at him. not just sat there waiting for my classmates to die. they all hesitated and it got a bunch of them killed....when dude walked in with a GUN POINTED AT THE TEACHER--SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING RIGHT THEN...BEFORE HE SHOT ANYONE ELSE...OR HAD TIME TO POINT THE GUN AT ANYONE ELSE....but they sat there, paralyzed like little lab rats waiting for their dosage...if he's aiming at the teacher, that gives a student that's NOT a pussy, about 3-5 seconds to do something...they didn't do shit, and that's why they died.

that might not be sensetive, but that's half of the reality of it. the other half is the fact that it's a tragic event and never should have happened....but shit isn't always peaches and cream...