So what are you saying? If you are a man you would fuck men in prison?
Im saying that rape happens in prison....does it not? Whether its for power or for pleasure, it happens. A man needs to be aroused in order to fuck..so something is going on. I am sure you have heard horror stories of these happenings.
A bit of an overgeneralization
Maybe, but it doesn't detract from the generalization that a man will pretty much fuck ANY girl...i was simply using an extreme example of how much men really DON'T care. How many times have you lowered your standard to get some ass?
White guy on Chapelle show: "A mouth is a mouth, man"
That would seem like that likely answer, but I have feeling that it isnt always the case.
Black dude from 40 Year Old Virgin: "I go friends that fuck other guys...in jail."
So you have never fucked a fat chick? An ugly chick? A fat, ugly chick?
Anyone who says they havent, is a full on liar.
My point is, men are WHORES. We will make exceptions to get some pussy, no matter what it is attached to.