14 Yr Old Student Commits Suicide After...

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Feb 10, 2003
Where did he get the gun?
Am I missing something?

I never heard of someone comminting suicide based on what they vice principle said to him.
14 year old gets his hand on a gun and pulls the trigger based on threats?
Must have been fragile already.
Sad story. Vice Principle must feel awful. I would.
But ya cant blame anyone but the one who DECIDED TO KILL THEMSELVES.

How did he get this gun?
That is my first reaction.

Come on...
Aint that the real point?
May 13, 2002
Regardless of what you think of suicide, look at it this way. People come on here saying how their homies got shot in a gang altrication and everyone is always saying RIP and this and that. Nothing wrong with that, does that mean you agree with gangs and everything? No, it's out of respect. Some of you seem to lack this. I dont know what the real story is and more than likely you guys dont either. So all I gotta say is RIP.
Aug 8, 2003
BUTCHER 206 said:
horrible story why? because theres one less dumb ass in the world? Im sorry but if you kill yourself, you are a dumb ass. Standing up for rights, fighting for some random cause etc. all of that hippie dippy anti-establishment bullshit got this kid amped up and now hes dead because of it.
hes dead because he was told that he was gonna get sent to jail for standing up for his rights... read first... think.. .THEN reply... ur fingers are obviously typing faster then ur brain can process thoughts...
Oct 28, 2005
TROLL said:
hes dead because he was told that he was gonna get sent to jail for standing up for his rights... read first... think.. .THEN reply... ur fingers are obviously typing faster then ur brain can process thoughts...

If anything he died to be a martyr, or because he was planning on doing the job anyways.

No-one over 10 years of age (maybe even...say, 3 1/2) shoots themself to avoid going to prison, without even being so much as questioned by a police officer.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^You don't know the kid. There you go talking about people like you know them again. You stereotype the shit out of people and one day someone is going to fuck you up for it cause you'll probably mouth of to someone you shouldn't mouth off to. You don't know all the facts or ANYTHING about this kid. You're replies suggest you are a complete retard and nothing more.
Oct 28, 2005
Sixxness said:
^You don't know the kid. There you go talking about people like you know them again. You stereotype the shit out of people and one day someone is going to fuck you up for it cause you'll probably mouth of to someone you shouldn't mouth off to. You don't know all the facts or ANYTHING about this kid. You're replies suggest you are a complete retard and nothing more.
Hi. Can you do me a favor, and either shut the fuck up when you read my posts, or..and get this...ACTUALLY IGNORE ME?

You've got me WANTING you to ignore me now. You sound like a broken record every single thread with that "You don't know me! You don't know them!" nonsense, non-stop, like you've never had another thought in your head before.

This kid is NOT dead because of what a principal told him. He is dead because he Committed SUICIDE. Get the facts straight before you run to someone's else defense, and subsequently, to my jock like the dick rider you are.
Aug 8, 2003
Dirty Shoez said:

If anything he died to be a martyr, or because he was planning on doing the job anyways.
What???? how in the hell can anyone, including someone miles away and on the internet, say something that has no proof?!?! Dont get me wrong, im not saying the principal is responsible for the kid's death and he probably feels terrible for what happend, but to justify the morals of telling a child, A FUCKIN STUDENT that hes goin to prison for standing up for what he believes in is a losing argument my friend... Please tadou, explain to me how someone can find sense in killing themselves after being part of a cause which got its recognition by sheer NUMBERS.. the truth is we will never know what was goin through his head, but to say, "Oh well he probably was gonna do it anyway" is a tasteless and utterly disgusting comment made by someone who is obviously looking to justify what happend.

Dirty Shoez said:
No-one over 10 years of age (maybe even...say, 3 1/2) shoots themself to avoid going to prison, without even being so much as questioned by a police officer.
growing up i went to elementery school with a kid who poisoned himself because his mom said she was gonna call the police on him for stealing money out of her purse.. i remember goin to school and media vans were parked out and i never knew what had happend until my momz asked me if i knew him.. didnt.. but that type of shit happens...a child doesnt kno what goes on in prison but all they're taught is its a very very bad place, so that fear of not knowing whats gonna happen to them gets overwhelming..


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Hi. Can you do me a favor, and either shut the fuck up when you read my posts, or..and get this...ACTUALLY IGNORE ME?

You've got me WANTING you to ignore me now. You sound like a broken record every single thread with that "You don't know me! You don't know them!" nonsense, non-stop, like you've never had another thought in your head before.

Maybe it's cause you always say the same shit when you know NOTHING. You fucking idiot.
Oct 28, 2005
Then why don't you shut the fuck up and let everyone else contend with me then?

Why this bitch-made shit where, when you think the convo is to YOUR ADVANTAGE, you completely forget that I'm on ignore.........but when i start WRECKING YOU and PICKING YOU APART....THEN all of the sudden, you can't WAIT to scream out "You're on ignore!!! Idiot!!!"

You're a fucking tool and a wannabe, friend, and nothing more. For the final time, either get off my dick, or stop LYING and saying you have me on ignore.

TROLL said:
What???? how in the hell can anyone, including someone miles away and on the internet, say something that has no proof?!?! Dont get me wrong, im not saying the principal is responsible for the kid's death and he probably feels terrible for what happend, but to justify the morals of telling a child, A FUCKIN STUDENT that hes goin to prison for standing up for what he believes in is a losing argument my friend... Please tadou, explain to me how someone can find sense in killing themselves after being part of a cause which got its recognition by sheer NUMBERS.. the truth is we will never know what was goin through his head, but to say, "Oh well he probably was gonna do it anyway" is a tasteless and utterly disgusting comment made by someone who is obviously looking to justify what happend.
It is something I said which obviously has too much truth for you, because it doesn't exclusively assign blame to the Vice Principal. Sounds like a personal problem.

If I steal a loaf of bread from you, and you shoot me in the face......you didn't shoot me in the face BECAUSE i stole the loaf of bread--you shot me in the face because you're a fucking maniac that doesn't understand how reality functions.

growing up i went to elementery school with a kid who poisoned himself because his mom said she was gonna call the police on him for stealing money out of her purse.. i remember goin to school and media vans were parked out and i never knew what had happend until my momz asked me if i knew him.. didnt.. but that type of shit happens...a child doesnt kno what goes on in prison but all they're taught is its a very very bad place, so that fear of not knowing whats gonna happen to them gets overwhelming..
........................................You are wasting my time. This was a 14 year-old kid who shot himself. Not an 8 year old that drank draino.