You guys have great argument over religion and political issues, but none of you really have argued the use of religion to promote the power to sacrifice the lives of innocent people. Religion being used to kill, I think that’s one we can all agree with. Most religion like Christianity, Buddhism, Atheist, Hindu, Taoism, Catholicism, Socialist, humanist, and/or people-ist…. a lot of belief-isms condemns any form of killing of innocent people, yet our political views, even respectively belonging to those “non-killing” beliefs, have found some how to promote the right to kill - “I believe in one just to suit my other believe.”
Now, how can you be identified as a true believer when you contradict yourself with having national & politics stands? If Good & God is number one, shouldn’t killing and wars be off the radar list?
Is killing right or wrong? If killing is right, then Al Qaeda’s has the right to believe the US destroying their culture to take a stand 9/11, just as much as the US beliefs about terrorism harming the USA’s way of life the US must take a stand to declare war. They are one in the same, one killing for the sake of killing some sort of collective belief. Another question is, how does one stand behind his/hers countries historical killing of innocent people yet condemn another country historical killing of innocent people. Iraq went and killed their own people! The USA went and killed their own people! Should death be to those in the majority or to the minorities? Who is right or wrong when it comes down to one’s belief… the one with the biggest guns or the one with the strongest belief?
Do you believe in the freedom of religion or only the freedom of your religion?