“[The US] is the most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed..."

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May 13, 2002
By Australian Associated Press
Republished from Common Dreams

Chavez called the United States the "most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world."

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has told thousands of visiting students that if US forces are to invade his South American country, they will be soundly defeated.

The US government has strongly denied Chavez’s claims that it is considering military action against Cuba’s closest ally in the Americas.

But Chavez said the US government, which “won’t stop caressing the idea of invading Cuba or invading Venezuela,” should be warned of the consequences.
“If some day they get the crazy idea of coming to invade us, we’ll make them bite the dust defending the freedom of our land,” Chavez said to applause.
He spoke during the opening ceremony of a world youth festival bringing together student delegations from across the world and convened under the slogan “Against Imperialism and War.”

Chavez called the United States the “most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world.”

The Venezuelan leader said “socialism is the only path,” and told the students the collective goal is to “save a world threatened by the voracity of US imperialism.”

Earlier, the students waved flags, danced in traditional dress, and held signs praising socialism, Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of US President George W Bush, chanting “Get out Bush!” Other students chanted: “Bush, fascist – you’re a terrorist!”

Some 15,000 youths from 144 countries traveled to Venezuela for the week-long festival and conference, organizers said.

Chavez wore a red shirt like many of the students, and embraced delegation leaders as their groups marched past.

The ceremony was held in Venezuela’s military headquarters in Caracas. Troops looked on while students passed carrying colored flags and shouting: “We will overcome!”

This year’s World Festival of Students and Youth is the 16th. The first, in 1947, was held in Czechoslovakia, and during the Cold War most host countries were aligned with the Soviet bloc.

Apart from the former Soviet Union, other host countries have included Romania, Poland, Finland, Cuba, the former East Germany and North Korea.
The week-long gathering will include musical performances, panel discussions and an “Anti-imperialist Court,” which in past years has condemned the US government’s actions.

While tensions have grown between Chavez and Washington, the Venezuelan leader has built close ties with countries from Iran to China.

Chavez expressed his support for Iran’s new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying he expected to continue strengthening relations.

He said that like Venezuela, Iran was a country that had been “attacked” for many years by “the hand of imperialism.”

Chavez, whose country remains a major supplier of oil to the United States, also is sharply critical of the US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

© 2005 Australian Associated Press
Apr 25, 2002
It'll be years until a U.S. invasion (if one is even needed) there are a few more steps that need to be completed yet before the "last resort" comes.

Chavez knows this and his actions right now that are "most disturbing" to the U.S. (at least the ones they most openly bitch about) are those that counter the steps that proceed a U.S. invasion; not actions to deter/fight the U.S. invasion
Jul 7, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of US President George W Bush, chanting “Get out Bush!” Other students chanted: “Bush, fascist – you’re a terrorist!”

Dec 25, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
Apart from the former Soviet Union, other host countries have included Romania, Poland, Finland, Cuba, the former East Germany and North Korea.
With such a fine group of countries in its history, such an event could surely bring nothing but success!

Think, Eastern European prostitutes from Poland and Romania could slob the knobs of student attendees while former Soviet Union agents made sure the dissidents mysteriously disappeared if they did not want a blowjob, had herpes, or a small dick. East Germany could supply the machine gun pillboxes and guards ready to fire in case of littering, violence, or boredom. Noth Korea could provide fresh corpses for attendees to feast on - I hear humans are a delicacy out that way, while Cuba could run the Free Press Box, arresting journalists, students, and unpaid volunteers who speak out against the rally!

Finland, now Finland, I believe, is a decent country.
Apr 25, 2002
LOL @ most cruel Murderous empire ever.

The Mors, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, USSR are FAR FAR worse then the US. Even iraq under Saddam is worse then the slavery times in the US.

However with countries with perfect track records like, the former Soviet Union, Romania, Cuba, the former East Germany and North Korea. Mabye we should listen to them.
Jan 2, 2003
KleanKut said:
LOL @ most cruel Murderous empire ever.

The Mors, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, USSR are FAR FAR worse then the US. Even iraq under Saddam is worse then the slavery times in the US.

However with countries with perfect track records like, the former Soviet Union, Romania, Cuba, the former East Germany and North Korea. Mabye we should listen to them.
y is all this hype put on saddam??

what about north korea, uzbekistan, sudan, haiti, etc. etc,


quite making lame comments to "try" and justify the war...

o yah, what happened to the REAL native americans??
Apr 16, 2003
^^^ They're all servicing slot machines at your local indian casino. But seriously, Venezuela!? Come on Chavez, a little ballsy ehh? There arsanal consists of pitchforks and other various garden tools. No biggie.
Apr 25, 2002
AGENT707 said:
y is all this hype put on saddam??

what about north korea, uzbekistan, sudan, haiti, etc. etc,


quite making lame comments to "try" and justify the war...

o yah, what happened to the REAL native americans??

The war is just and i dont need to justify it. North Korea was on the list of countries i made the sarcastic comment about. N. Korea is worse then Iraq, the only diff is the leader will start ww3 and it will be nuclear if we invade. There are no more real native americans, i have cherokee blood, its only about 25% right now and it will dwindell away with my children and thiers and theirs.
Dec 18, 2002
KleanKut said:
LOL @ most cruel Murderous empire ever.

The Mors, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, USSR are FAR FAR worse then the US. Even iraq under Saddam is worse then the slavery times in the US.

Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt when I ask this but...

You DO know that horrible atrocities perpetuated by our government have been commited since slavery, and by comparison, makes Saddams reign laughable?

You can call me a "liberal" all you want, but history is history, and my choice to pick humanity over patriotism seems more logical than your blind devotion to ill causes.
Oct 14, 2004
If you dont like America then get out. I feel bad for any country that tries to invade America. While some of you pussies will let them run in, there are to many people here who enjoy freedom and will start blasting. Plus those shitty Middle Eastern places deserve what they get. Do you cats forget about the shit they do to Israel. Aww lets cry for the the poor Iraqis or Koreans waaaaa. But no one cares for Israel, I swear cats on here are some homosexuals.
Jun 17, 2004
you obviously dont know shit about israel... its the palestinians blastin on the invaders for freedom. although i agree to an extent nations like egypt jumped in just to take a few shots at israel, but is it what they deserve for killing innocent people and bulldozing down entire palestinian communities and relocating palestinians to "designated territories". thats some bullshit.

Contrary to what most people assume Israel did NOT become a nation by pen and paper at the hands of aristocrats... it became a nation by stolen British arms & artillery at the hands of Pro-Zionist Jewish militant organizations.
Aug 17, 2002
Rob S4 said:
If you dont like America then get out. I feel bad for any country that tries to invade America. While some of you pussies will let them run in, there are to many people here who enjoy freedom and will start blasting. Plus those shitty Middle Eastern places deserve what they get. Do you cats forget about the shit they do to Israel. Aww lets cry for the the poor Iraqis or Koreans waaaaa. But no one cares for Israel, I swear cats on here are some homosexuals.

LOL, whats the point of living in a democracy if you cant be critical of it. the "love it or leave it" rhetoric is stupid as hell. blind patriotism is the antithesis of democracy. your dumb ass needs to leave and go somewhere like the old Iraq were they appreciate sheep who dont say stupid shit like "oh get out of this country if u dont like it" and "baaaaaaa im a sheep"
Aug 17, 2002
oh ya and the pre-1948 zionists used terror tactics againt british police palestenians to get their point across. thats a fact that somehow always gets ignored. fuck it