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  1. X

    this shit is funny look at these 2 lil muta fuckas
  2. X

    fucken restraunt industry sucks

    im going on 23 days straight of work and still working 15 hour days all this week......shits a bitch
  3. X

    wow bakersfield is almost as high in crime than la.....

    shit is crazy out here.....are gangs is growin massive and they think they can actually stop it i douibt that
  4. X

    what is a good organzie mp3 program

    what is a good program to organise mp3s
  5. X

    partition magic

    i got a question. what is partition magic actually does it let you brake your hard drive into different ones
  6. X

    anyone got half life 2

    why when go to play it it always freezes up on the loading screen i tried everything....i disabled the firewall but it still freezes yup
  7. X

    wow i just found out my girlfriend almost 2 months pregnant

    aint this some shit......
  8. X

    does anyone have windows vista on there computer

    i got the vista does everyone like it....
  9. X

    do anyone know where i can download counterstrike at

    good looking if anyone knows
  10. X

    i just bought a new computer

    its a doul 3.0 ghz a gig of ram a 250 hd and a 22 inch view sonic...and i bought half life 2....oh yea does anyone know where i can download counter strike at
  11. X

    damn i know this should be in the i candy forum

    shit ive just seen the bitches that be on round and shit...god damn anybody agree....them mutha fuckas is lucky
  12. X

    my momma been gone for 8 months

    shit is crazy she been passed away for 8 months just seem like yesterday i was right with her.....ever since she passed my life been going good but bad.....shit is a fucken bitch....i just wish i could see her one more is too short yall tell ya peeps you always love...
  13. X

    im going to build a new computer

    any advice im gonna be playing alot of games on it and trying to stay under a thinking about buying one from
  14. X


    i finally got this blue tooth shit for my phone but i dont know how to use the shit..i got a nokia 6133
  15. X

    best high speed internet

    im looking to get high speed what is a resonalable price on internet now days....i heard sbc is pretty fast...
  16. X

    how do i setup a wirless network....

    i got internet in my house now..its cable i have to have a routher to do it..or wha
  17. X

    wirless network question

    i got a unsecrued wirless network where im at right now but i just cant seem to connect to it what would be the problem it got 3 bars and everything
  18. X


    damn they got grills now.......for like 40 bucks where you dont have to do all the molding bullshit
  19. X

    damn i miss my momma.........

    damn its been almost 2 months since my moms passed..its hard now coming home from school at night not being able to speak to my mom and tell her what i did in school...i just dont know how to cope with something liek this....
  20. X

    can anyone make a rip background for my mom in this pics

    6-07-1956-7-1-2006 rip momma i love you.......your lil juju