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  1. X

    damn couple of the homies got shot...last night

    Six men shot outside party The Bakersfield Californian | Sunday, Sep 23 2007 10:58 AM Last Updated: Sunday, Sep 23 2007 10:58 AM Six men were injured when gunshots broke out at a party on South Real Road at about 3 a.m. Sunday morning, according to the Bakersfield Police Department. The six...
  2. X

    kanye well ahead of 50

    Kanye Well Ahead Of 50 Cent In First-Day Sales Race Kanye West September 12, 2007, 2:55 PM ET Geoff Mayfield, L.A. Kanye West looks to top next week's The Billboard 200 chart, according to results that will be posted later today (Sept. 12) on Nielsen SoundScan's new Building Charts feature. All...
  3. X

    does anyone know how to setup there controller for gta san andreas

    yes im trying to set my logitech controller to play cs q
  4. X

    does anyone know how to setup there controller for gta san andreas

    thats wat im trying to do rigt now...does anyone know how the same controls on playstation........keyboard is a bitch...
  5. X

    wut cracks off in orange county

    monday nights anything..bored as fuck.......
  6. X

    does anyone know how to overclock video cards

    i was wondering..i know a geforce 7400 will not run shitty on fucken counterstrike source.......i got a pretty decent setup.....
  7. X

    who got gta san andreas for pc

    does anyone know how to configure the controller with it...all those axis shit
  8. X

    stockton restuarnts

    does anyone know any good ones in stockton...ithink i might move down there my baby mother is down there and im trying to come down before the baby down the reason i ask about restraunts is that i graduated culinary does anyone know any good 5 star or fine going to need a...
  9. X

    yesterday at my homeboys funeral......

    it was coo im glad i was a might seem funny.....but yeserterday made me realize that life is way to important to lose it over some go some pics....
  10. X

    damn tomrorow

    i bury my homeboy darrel...i got picked as a pallbearer for his funeral..its wierd its real hard to....but hes going to be in a better place at last......i will have pics tomorrow..wuts wierd cuz it took his death to make me realise that gangbanging is full of alot of shit....
  11. X

    quesion about burning dvds

    i got dvdr and i got some movies that i want to burn.....there avi format ive been trying data disk and it aint working
  12. X

    does anyone play cs anymore up in here

    if yall do we need to start up a siccness clan or the servers yall be playing in.......
  13. X

    rip to my homeboy darreal demetris porter.....

    my homeboy got shot and killed last night...its fucken crazy i was just wit him 2 days i aint got no words...shit hurtslosing homies and everything.....if yall know who the nfl player joey porter is this is his to my homeboy A 21-year-old Bakersfield man died early...
  14. X

    has anyone been to chilie before

    my pops is headed out tere tomorrow for a week and hes going to go see them statues on eastern island
  15. X

    why cant i download from torrents beind a router

    on my other computer it will download a torrent...but this one that im connected throug a router on i cant download.....does anyone know why
  16. X

    gta san andreas

    anybody got this game on pc...i cant find this shit nowere in the stores
  17. X

    anyone use this website for anything....have u found some interesting programs on here
  18. X

    this is how u really snap ya fingaz
  19. X

    im going to sacermento for a few days

    wut should i hit up...
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    what can u clean your lcd moniters with.....

    i wanna know before i use windex