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  1. DeceptaKhan

    Orgy anyone?

    if men want to act like women thats kool,jus dont expect me to listen to there music,i think there whack and try too hard to be known,but thats my opinion,carry on
  2. DeceptaKhan

    Quicksand - one of the most under-rated bands of the mid 1990's.

    gave em a try,not my style,thanks though
  3. DeceptaKhan

    These Ppl Still Believe the Earth is Flat

    doesnt suprise me,if people belive in organized religion,anythings possible
  4. DeceptaKhan

    Hella - There's No 666 In Outer Space

    very kool,another worthy artist ill deeply check out
  5. DeceptaKhan

    Guitar drifting

  6. DeceptaKhan

    Drum Solos

    fuck the 12 year old one aint workin,ill check it later but that 7 year old fuckin straight ripped shit up,wut a savage warrior
  7. DeceptaKhan

    Cap'n Jazz (band)

    they sound aight,i dunno singer sounds like hes whinnin while hes singin
  8. DeceptaKhan

    to those who say rugby is for pussies homage to rugby hits
  9. DeceptaKhan

    Cap'n Jazz (band)

    thanks,will have to check these guys out
  10. DeceptaKhan

    Protest The Hero

    sounds sick,definetly something new
  11. DeceptaKhan


    PHILLY V.S. CAROLINA I hope carolina spank the shit out of the eagles
  12. DeceptaKhan

    web designing

    was jus wondering if yall could drop some basic knowledge on web designing,like what i should check out.i know theres dreamweaver 8 out there,but should i learn html first or what.anything will help,the opinions and guides i find online are pretty whack so i thought yall would have better knowledge.
  13. DeceptaKhan

  14. DeceptaKhan


    BODOG.COM sports betting at its finest what chall know bout this
  15. DeceptaKhan


    so i really want to get back into playing the piano,jus kinda jammin and fuckin around,thing is i dont wanna get a high end keyboard yet,so i was thinkin about gettin a midi keyboard and gettin some type of program that has hella sounds?does that sound realistic?im thinkin some type of big...
  16. DeceptaKhan

    free cable

    i was down at a homies pad down in san diego about a year ago and his roomate had every single fuckin channel,includin all the paper views,i was fuckin amazed,and found out that he was gettin it all for free.he started totally breaking it down to me and pretty much told me its way easier then...
  17. DeceptaKhan


    herd this shit is off the chain,hella freaky beezies,and far from a sausage fest(from what iv herd cause hella dudes dont wanna get all dressed up)herd some crazy shit goes down at these things.jus got my ticket speak on ith oh ya and george clinton...
  18. DeceptaKhan

    THE BRIDGE...tbib?

    check out this trailer to a documentary made about the golden gate bridge,and if you can dont read the lil info about the film,jus let the trailer tell you the story(trust me its better).i was stuck thinkin about this shit all day yesterday...
  19. DeceptaKhan

    mic input dammit

    so i jus found out my sound card doesnt allow audio in,i know shitty,my quesiton is how much do sound cards for laptops go for,i dont want a janky one but i dont think i can afford the highest end.and the other quesiton is ,is it something i can install?or am i gonna have to bring it into a comp...
  20. DeceptaKhan

    abelton live 5.0

    anyone body fuck with this program?i got a big ass demo and im hooked,this is the shit,i am definetly going to be getting the live 5.0 version,theres jus so much shit you can do,and its pretty usre friendly,with a good "gettin started"demo.i jus had to give my 2 cents,i give this thing 2 thumbs...