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  1. DeceptaKhan


    aight yall,you knows its gettin nicer(well supposed to atleast) summers commin and vegas is callin.Thinkin of plannin a big 10-15 person trip for the end of summer. been about a year since i been,so im wondering whats news on vegas now anything new and crackin? any places blown up and others...
  2. DeceptaKhan

    Manchester Orchestra

    like em,not as much as i would like,but im gonna give them some time
  3. DeceptaKhan


    did a lil research,wut im lookin for is called nuevo tango i gues one of the biggest avant garde names is Astor Piazzolla check out his stuff if your curious emotional music at its best
  4. DeceptaKhan


    so i guess i like tango and never new it if any of yall have seen "waking life" the soundtrack is made by a group called tosca tango orchestra very kool very emotional music,i never knew that genre was actual tango. so i started lookin some up on itunes and theres a million, so do any of you...
  5. DeceptaKhan

    the Wii

    so iv fucked around with the wii a lil and my girl jus moved in so im thinkin of pickin one up.they got some fun interactive games ,but by now theres a shit load of games out i dont know which ones are solid.can anybody recomend any dope family fun type games.i got an xbox so i aint gona try to...
  6. DeceptaKhan

    Recommend some death metal

    canibal corpse
  7. DeceptaKhan

    funk/soul sample site

  8. DeceptaKhan

    funk/soul sample site

    used to be a site that had original funk and soul songs and the beats that have used samples of em they had like thousand of examples anybody know what im talkin bout the site had like a peach or pink background
  9. DeceptaKhan

    site that shows hip hop's songs sample funk/soul song

    i remember a site with like a red or pink background that showed hella original funk and soul songs that producers now have screwed aroiund with and made beats.there was like thousands of examples,real dope site,cant find it anymore. any one else know what im talking about had clipets of...
  10. DeceptaKhan

    whats the point of xp points

    whats the real reason to gain XP points.people be fuckin freakin out when they hear bout double xp point weekends but for what.i remember hearin way back that a certain amount of xp points was gonna get you microsoft points ,but i aint never herd anything else bout jus wondering am i...
  11. DeceptaKhan

    New Chris Cornell Album Produced By Timbaland

    i make better music on the toilet,shits n giggles
  12. DeceptaKhan

    whats the trick?

    ya thats it,im pretty sure its .rar
  13. DeceptaKhan

    whats the trick?

    theres an easy way of finding any and all albums right from google. its like you put the album name with ex.(.pdf) afterwards. anyone know what im talkin bout,i remember seein it int he open forum daaayz ago,thanks
  14. DeceptaKhan

    You ever listen to all your songs on shuffle...

    thats all i do,i got like 20k songs,so ill here a song and be like oh shit this is a knoker and once its over i know i wont hear that song for another couple month
  15. DeceptaKhan

    Dub (reggae)

    damn,i thought it was gonna be some raw minimalist dub shit,some of that album is koo
  16. DeceptaKhan

    Dub (reggae)

    you jus made my day...(teardrop)
  17. DeceptaKhan

    songs 4 gettin high

    C.L.A.S.S.I.C. but i think there live orchestra album is the trippiest when blazed j dilla,kankick,floyd the locksmith,odisee,afta 1 all quality hiphop instrumentals take out the vocals when blown
  18. DeceptaKhan

    Animal Collective

    you know iv been wanting to check this album out cuz i hear a bunch of incredible stuff about it,but i hear the samples on itunes im not totally sold.i might jus have to give it a shot and get it because i understand what there doin but...i dunno...guys any last words to totally get me sold,im...
  19. DeceptaKhan

    shootin guns

    so i woke up this mornin and had the urge to go shoot some shit.release some aggression in these hard im in san francisco and remember hearing about a shooting range in south sco,anybody know bout this place?have better recommendation?any thoughts.thinkin of going this weekend and...
  20. DeceptaKhan

    eliot lipp

    this guy is the fuckin SHIT if you like rjd2,prefuse 73,flying lotus,check his shit out on itunes its some out of this world stuff,mixing analog with digital his stuff is really blowin me away,jus super fresh shit that iv been needin