and did you ever put out a Born Invincible album and if so is it available for order and you have plans with other dude to make a new one?
another thing is.................when will you work with George tha Jamma again, you sounded tight when you were part of the BI and associated with the Chi...
getting old huh, can say rap in general is getting OLD...cause most of the rappers talk about the same damn shit in songs and yet they still claiming they're bringing something new to the game...fuck nahhhhhhhhhhh...same old same old....heat, how are your artists being creative...
do you mind if i do the project on your label? like do a completely redesign of your identity? do not worry, this is for educational purposes and one part of the project i am allowed to do is try to redesign the coporate identity of whatever business but i need to be in contact with someone of...
now tell me what y'all think of next level out of new mexico...some young chicanos with that snapping style...yeah it ain't midwest but they too can compete with self made and warfare
oh yeah, some of the songs feature kishwali and clika...
you can i guess buy it off gimisum or go to they're listed there and why would daynja not appreciate this shit...its in real audio stream and not mp3's...i foreals don't think its mastered that bad i think its cause its real audio it sounds like it
will any of those acts actually show offence to you but if i was able to go to this concert i'd be there to see PD, Qualo and them more so than y'all but usually they're no shows aren't they?
i went on a site that listed midwest states and it also had oklahoma and colorado listed but i too them out cause colorado i consider west and oklahoma as southwest
as i said in other posts, used to have some songs by Toot of Drama Life but its gone now but i think that group had some "beef" with Afta Lyfe (another Omaha group)