i bet i am the shortest person here...even shorter than the 15 year girls that post...i'm 5 feet by the way, the filipino bushwick bill...if you look closely at my pics you can see my arms are short chubby shits like bushwicks...haaaaaaaa
yeah i have it, you used to be able to money order for it on the killabeats.com site(doesn't exist anymore) its 11 beats and one song doesn't sound mixed
i'll encode it to streaming real player on my site for people to listen....i just dunno who did what beats...a friend from the chi told me...
you ever get killa beats volume 2 mass murder, it had some tight shit too but it was a pre-release and only on cd-r and no credits at all.....i am told it'll never be released
some do have like direct blood in them but fuck is up with some who probably .02% in them and claiming fucking to be hispanic or some shit....i'll never fucking claim spanish cause i doubt i have any in the family blood and if i do it thinned out the tree WAY down the line....i am not claiming...
theres no real point to the video, just them walking around some city in europe around train stations and shit........from what it says on MTV news it seems its just bizzy is well just "busy" with his own side projects he can't do the group business so i guess its like he's prioriterizing his...
call of the wild was crucial conflicts indepedant label compilation, most of the beats were don'e by other producers and al so we didn't get a 'rodeo' feel to it and it wasn't a great compilation either, the talent they foudn wasn't great except a few but damn that renegade song 'gade life'...