Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2018
I'm not seeing what you're mad at or what side you're on lol

Do you agree that Nike is gross or are you saying that Nike is fine with what they pay?

61 cents per hour with a 48 hour work week is still fucked up regardless if the liberal fucks on twitter are using old 1990's numbers for exaggeration.

I don't understand how Nike can say they have little control of their sub-contracted factories. They choose to do business with them to begin with. At any moment they can produce their products in America and pay the workers $20 an hour with benefits. They choose to go the sweat shop route, and let's be real, if Nike had their factories in America paying 100,000 factory workers $20 an hour with benefits their profit margins would shrivel and they wouldn't be paying Colin Kapernick millions of dollars for his commercials.

I ain't hating on Nike by any means, I wear Nike, just like I own an iphone, and use who knows how many other products produced by sweat shop labor, but for them to pretend like they have no control over it or to pretend they aren't hypocrites with their Kapernick "dream big" commercial while paying factory workers $3.50 a day is hilarious.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2018
I cant cook for shit but I also buy shit use it a couple times and never use it again I gotta meal prep or ask my friend if she will meal prep for me if I pay her I'm over paying $20 a day for just lunch
You don't have to meal prep, you could simplify your lunch or the meals you eat around work or that you can't cook for. If you can cook one meal a day (dinner I assume) then it makes things easier. With so many food tubers these days, cooking has never been easier.

If you understand basic concepts of nutrition you can skip this

As for food tubers there are so many, it depends what you like? You can't go wrong with gordon ramsey jamey oliver, here are some others

Bryan Talbot

Clean & Delicious

Domestic Greek

For cheat days, Almazan kitchen, laura in the kitchen, Tasty, Munchies, there are so many