I put some tea tree oil on my face before sleeping because I'm breaking out from eating like absolute shit recently. It seems to be tremendously beneficial and works great, and has made a clear noticeable difference than what I'm used to. I'm kind of tossing the idea around in my head to begin a vigorous consistent well researched facial skin care regimen, maybe even with the aid of a dermatologist. I just wanted to type this out because I know how it's viewed by men. Even personally I feel the same things. "That's pretty feminine. That's borderline homosexual. That's vanity. That's not normal. That's weird. That's obsessive. That's a sign of lacking strength." etc.
Why is it though? I know that in sales and other professions where frequent engagement of the public occurs its very important; the human eyes go directly to someone's face there's been studies on it. There's a series of judgements and a subconscious reaction that occurs instantly which then influences the entirety of the interaction and possibly future interactions, and that's either a very powerful tool or a very powerful hindrance. We know we treat the waitress with the bright face and bright teeth and perfectly done make-up and lipstick differently than the one with bags under their eyes and pimples or whatever. The Hollywood stars that look the best are worshipped, those who are sloppy get roasted. The best dressed, best looking, most fit people are the ones consistently rising to the top in generally any large company, more often than not. "Putting your best face forward" is more than a saying and not gender specific and it's more than narcissistic vanity or physical appearance; it's has powerful psychological impact and is a tool that I want to utilize to influence any humanoid beings i am forced to have established contact with.
This could turn into an essay easily but the point is it's interesting to think about these strange established notions and outright acts of gender violence. I'm writing about it on my tumblr and I'll share it with you if you sign a legally binding contract to respect my safespace and follow only gender neutral terminology when in said safespace