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Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
See what i mean? Fat people equate diet coke as being a decision to control their weight, a decision that deserves credit. I've said dozens of times i prefer the taste of diet sodas over regular sodas but this wasn't even a possibility to the fat mind, it was filtered through his fat subconscious and projected onto me in an act of war. He attempted to use humor (at least i think that's what happened?) to soften the aggression and maybe conceal it altogether, but the self-loathing is readily apparent throughout this back-handed compliment and through observations noted through a fat amount of time and it's clear, cookie cutter and run of the mill very transparent and basic, crude, projection. Various psyops I've waged in relation to choosing diet coke may have helped create the false reality that has guided the formation of this sentence that he has crafted but those obvious misdirections should have been filtered out by a healthy mind and disregarded.
Yes butcher, I am at war with you.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I frequently enjoy the diet coke fallacies and actively engage them and even create the situations in which they're presented; then laugh. Sharing that picture here with the trap-laid at the end of that text message got me a three-for-one: two friends + mac jesus.

"at least one thing in that pic is healthy"
"of course diet coke, wouldn't want to gain a single ounce"
"good on you for getting the diet coke"


Probably more to come and it never gets old


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

This soda was either made very recently or is expired. Doesn't make sense it's expired the QFC in Bellevue constantly gets wiped out of pepsi max stock and they were just wiped out recently. Oh well. I'll assume I'm going to die after drinking almost all of it and continuing to do so even now

It'll have been worth it though to have made a good health decision to avoid sugar and unnecessary calories.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Butcher, have you thought of drinking just water?
Actually I haven't. That's genius because if i just eliminated any tasty beverages altogether instead of drinking at least a gallon of water per day plus rotating through dozens of beverages like teas and coffees and diet drinks and isotonic or occasional full sugar drinks i could just drink water and only water and would never even have to make any drink decisions or enjoy anything ever again. Hopefully over time the urges to enjoy my sense of smell and taste will go away completely and it won't even be a conscious decision to drink anything else

Thank you, I've never thought about that or discussed that several times on here and could not have thought that up myself and I appreciate and support your superior mental strength


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
wow you are being really aggressive towards me butcher, is it because I am fat.
Yeah. I am. I recognize it, sorry. There's no excuse for it and it's uncalled for and I'm not really myself right now obviously, "waking up on the wrong side of the bed" etc., inexcusable and ridiculous. I'd like to start tonight over then move it forward in a positive direction but may be unable to control myself and am apologizing in advance for the aggressions that will be typed in reply to your next post


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
These goddamned career politicians are like blood sucking mosquitoes have been recklessly draining the taxpayer unchallenged for far too long. It's like Washington is a giant feeding ground for it and there's a disconnect from the American public and corruption or inexcusable incompetence at all levels, like a swamp, to simplify it. I wish a political outsider would come along to drain this theoretical swamp; i bet the majority of the American people are desperately hoping for change and would overwhelmingly vote that person in with an unprecedented landslide victory


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard

1. Tip Containers to Drain Water
Mosquitoes need a precious-little amount of water to breed, so reducing, if not eliminating, standing water is the first step in eradicating the mosquito threat. "We create all sorts of areas for water to collect, which provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes," Jundt says, noting that a 6-inch-diameter plant saucer with only 1/2-inch of water can be enough for mosquitoes to reproduce. "All they need is eight to 10 days for eggs to turn into adult mosquitoes," Jundt points out. "It doesn't take long."
He advises tipping any item that contains stagnant water, such as plant saucers, dog bowls, and bird baths, on a regular basis. Then, if needed, fill them with fresh water.
2. Toss Unnecessary Items
"Really, we're our own worst enemy. We create mosquito habitats close to our house," Jundt says. So if your yard is full of items you don't need that are holding water, get rid of them. Old tires, for example, are notorious for retaining water that allows mosquitoes to breed. Throw them out, or if you're using one for a swing, drill a hole in the bottom so the water can leak out. Also, clean your gutters so the water can drain freely.
Trees and plants near the house provide shade and housing for mosquitoes, while stagnant water and organic material, like leaves, give mosquitoes everything they need to breed and survive. "The better manicured lawn, with brush trimmed back, eliminates the areas that can be used as habitats," he says.

3. Turn Over Buckets and Pools
Kid's toys, buckets, wading pools, and anything else that holds water but you don't want to throw out should be flipped over when not in use so they don't fill with water.
For water that can't be drained, such as what accumulates in fish ponds, ditches, or rain barrels, use "mosquito dunks" to kill mosquito larvae. Roughly the diameter of a quarter, a dunk is dropped into standing water and releases a toxin that kills only mosquito larvae—it won't harm fish, birds, or other animals. Buy the dunks at home centers. They cost about $10 for a six-pack, which kill larvae for 30 days in 100 square feet of stagnant water.

4. Tie Your Tarps Tightly
If you're using a tarp to cover a pile of firewood, a speedboat, your grill, or any other large items, make sure it's pulled tight. Otherwise, rainwater pools in the folds and the low spots. If the tarp can't be pulled tight, remove it so the water drains.

5. Treat the Yard
A 1-gallon jug of lawn insect repellant costs about $30 at home centers. Spray it on the grass, shrubs, and landscaped areas to create a barrier that insects won't want to cross, or buy granules that can be applied to the lawn with a fertilizer spreader. The barrier, which is typically made with oils, repels insects without releasing fumes or chemicals and so won't harm pets or kids in the yard. It's effective for about two to three weeks.
You can hire the pros to do this too. Mosquito Squad, for example, treats a 1/2-acre lawn for an entire summer for $400. It also handles one-time events, such as outdoor weddings.
These tips work great for eliminating mosquito problems, but they require planning ahead. If the insects have already invaded your backyard party, there's not much you can do. Jundt says quick-fix remedies like burning candles and placing fans along the ground won't keep you from getting bit.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
No, why do you think that?

Had to sinus rinse and i keep losing partial hearing in my left ear (where I expressed suspicions awhile ago that because of the cold or flu induced post-nasal-drip i was experiencing with continuous bacterial mucus congestion in close proximity to that adenoid / nasopharynx area i may encounter this exact thing, then prevented it).

That's what i get for being around people on Christmas eve; the flu. Then being dragged around all day yesterday and breathing second hand smoke and constantly being cold from drunks leaving doors and windows open or wanting to stand outside in 25 degree weather for long periods of time, repeatedly made it come back