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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
lol @ some guy getting butthurt over that guys question

[quote ] I think you have grossly over generalized about Asian people. I fail to see how your biological family is representative of 2.8 billion people, much less Vietnamese in general. So your biological family drinks Heineken and you don’t. My mom doesn’t drink dark rum, but everyone else in my family likes dark rum (including me/grandparents/cousins,etc), so I guess that would make my mom ask, why do all Canadians drink dark rum? Do all Canadians descend from the Caribbean? Why can’t sugar cane grow in Canada?

I went to school with numerous Vietnamese people, some of whom I took to various brewpubs/beer bars. Some of them liked it and some of them didn’t. The ones who liked it and went back to Vietnam, tell me they sometimes bring their work colleagues to brewpubs in Hanoi/Ho Chi Min.

Did you ever think, you were just lucky to be able to adapt to craft beer and not puke your guts out like your biological brother? I wouldn’t worry about this too much and just enjoy craft beer. I think there are much more important and deeper things in life to think about, such as where your next beer trip will be, how can you score some awesome brews and what new pubs are opening up.


Fuckin Canadians


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

Well shit... Nuttkase @Nuttkase i was almost completely certain that was a structure fire, but its just burning mulch. I wonder why it got so intense for awhile there; maybe they dumped accelerant on it to speed it up in the middle if the night when no one was paying attention lol. Shit didn't smell like burning mulch smelled like burning building

Fire-smell-identifying Card Revoked!