Ashley Madison leaks could be linked to suicides

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Apr 25, 2002
Dude I think people are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm saying private info that got stolen. Just because you cheat don't mean you should have your CC info stolen and personally details blasted on the Internet.

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You get what you pay for.


Apr 25, 2002
Whatever man I'm done arguing.

This the u.S.a, not some bum fuck country with sharia law were people are punished just because people are morally opposed to it.

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Your word is your bond. When you take an oath, swear, make vows and then break them, you get what you deserve.

May the hackers continue to expose them.
May 9, 2002
I think you're a little too emotionally involved with this . All I'm saying is people shouldn't have their private information stripped from them just because you are morally opposed to something they did. No matter how big of a slimy piece of shit they may be, I may not feel sorry for them but I still don't think either side is right.
And you think wrong. I have always been opposed to cheating. Cheating = LYING. Lying, literally, is a sefl-defense mechanism to keep the ego in line. Thats what it is designed to do.

Lost of reason, none of them valid.

They absolutely should have their privacy stripped. You knew the risks when you signed up and now the cat is out of the bag. As far as alcohol is concerned drinking is done in public 24/7. You have bars, it's sold in stores, there are laws regulating it, etc. Cheating? Not so much because you think you have an expectation of privacy but there really is none. How can you have an expectation of privacy when you're cheating on your spouse?

Does your rule apply to all scenarios? For same reason the death penalty is hypocritical, your logic seems to be following the same path.
Sometimes when you are a piece of shit, the punishment doesnt fit the crime. Thats life. Sometimes when you punch someone in the throat when they are looking, you deserve to get your leg chopped off. Being a piece of shit usually gets what they deserve 10 fold. I dont make the rules, breh.

Again fighting being a piece of shit by being a piece of shit seems hypocritical at best.
See above.

Also you are far too smart to believe in Karma.
I never said i did.

You are painting this black and white but the reality is far more nuanced.
There is no excuse for being a piece of shit, bro. None.

What about people in loveless marriages that have agreed to maintain a home for the sake of their children?
Sorry, but studies show that staying together for a child even though the love is gone ina marriage is more damaging than not.

Should You Stay Married for the Sake of Your Kids? | Fox News Magazine

5 Reasons Kids From Unhappy Homes Say It's Better To Divorce Than Stay Married

No, these are NOT the most viable sources, but it took 2.7 seconds to find them.

What about people in countries where being a homosexual is punishable by death?
What does that have to do with marriage? Either way, Ashley Madison is a US based site.

What about people who have agreements to be open but discreet whose information is now available to anyone?
I already mentioned that, however the main purpose of the site is to float affairs...its their motto. There are PLENTY of "swinger" sites meant for that purpose.

What about people who signed up out of curiosity but never followed through with anything?
Even thinking about being a peice of shit gets you caught, doesnt it? Lesson here? Dont be a piece of shit.

What about people who never signed up but had an old hacked e-mail used by someone else?
Sometimes life sucks, huh? Always some collateral damage when the bigger picture is being shown.

Many people have come out with nuanced perspectives of this complicated situation that is far different than the stereotype being presented on feminist leaning blogs of "rich abusive husband locks poor little wife in closet while he fucks everyone in town"

It is short sighted to cast such a broad net that all these people are pieces of shit but in any case being a piece of shit to someone who is a piece of shit is hypocritical.
I dont think so. But at some point, "getting what you deserve" in most cases happens, IMHO. They may have ZERO correlation, but hey...

Dude I think people are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm saying private info that got stolen. Just because you cheat don't mean you should have your CC info stolen and personally details blasted on the Internet.
Apparently, it does. Who knew? ROFL


You get what you pay for.
May 9, 2002
Whatever man I'm done arguing.

This the u.S.a, not some bum fuck country with sharia law were people are punished just because people are morally opposed to it.

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So America should just be a free for all and have NO rules? lol...ok. Sorry, but you cant run a society that way. It doesn't work.
Feb 28, 2008
So America should just be a free for all and have NO rules? lol...ok. Sorry, but you cant run a society that way. It doesn't work.

I don't think anyone could try any harder at misinterpreting what everyone's been writing.

It was fine until you came in with your absolutes. I mean you can't even have a discussion with you because obviously you are always right no matter what with your superior intellect and morality, and whoever you think is a piece of shit is 100% a piece of shit and deserves their birth certificate, social security, and credit card stolen and plus their friends And family murdered.

PS. I love you
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Props: :ab: and :ab:


Apr 25, 2002
I don't think anyone could try any harder at misinterpreting what everyone's been writing.

It was fine until you came in with your absolutes. I mean you can't even have a discussion with you because obviously you are always right no matter what with your superior intellect and morality, and whoever you think is a piece of shit is 100% a piece of shit and deserves their birth certificate, social security, and credit card stolen and plus their friends And family murdered.

PS. I love you
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What about the spouse left in the dark? Do they or do they not have the right to know?
Feb 28, 2008
What about the spouse left in the dark? Do they or do they not have the right to know?

Uhhh yea? I never argued that. I'm saying this rogue vigilante "justice" is bullshit. And everyone has their own definition of who they think falls under the "piece of shit" category. Everyone has done something they are not proud of. What if at the worst moment of your life someone had the info on you (ILLEGALLY) and posted it for the whole world to see, just because they felt like they didn't agree with it.

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Props: :ab: and :ab:


Apr 25, 2002
Uhhh yea? I never argued that. I'm saying this rogue vigilante "justice" is bullshit. And everyone has their own definition of who they think falls under the "piece of shit" category. Everyone has done something they are not proud of. What if at the worst moment of your life someone had the info on you (ILLEGALLY) and posted it for the whole world to see, just because they felt like they didn't agree with it.

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How is it wrong when Ashley Madison didn't delete the info like they said they would? They charged for it but never did it. Yes, you are correct that a "piece of shit" may vary from person to person but, across most societies on the planet, cheating is shunned just like rape, murder and stealing are.

If someone has my info and they gained it illegally, I'd have to look at how they got it in the first place. If they hacked DMV that's one thing. That's a government institution/service so it is what it is. But if I'm on a site where I'm doing something AGAINST the values im promoting, and then that site is hacked, I should expect no privacy and deserve it as I would be a hypocrite. Now granted, some people who signed up aren't hypocrites but it's the nature of the beast.

So is the real problem an unrealistic expectation of privacy in the digital age or a lack of standing by your word and contributing to the destruction of a home?
May 13, 2002
Cheating and being in an open relationship are two entirely different things. That being said, sure, there were probably swingers and poly's on that site and in their case, they dont fall under that umbrella of "piece of shit". However, the site is designed FOR affairs specifically (that was their target customer)...its literally their motto.

And if you feel like you need to cheat on your spouse, a) talk to them about it or b) break it off. There is no excuse for cheating. Period. I just went through this and I can tell you, its fuckery through and through.
I know cheating and an open relationship are different things, that's why I said ideally if you want to sleep with other people you can talk to ur spouse about it or be in an open relationship.

My point is more about this wide generalization that everyone who cheats is a piece of shit because every case can be different, each person and scenario is different. I mean if, say for argument, a good friend of mine is in a shitty marriage, but maybe they are staying together because of family or kids or whatever the case may be, whatever it is they just aren't in love anymore. So if this friend is unhappy and is sleeping around on the down low, I'm not going to think he's a piece of shit. I'll just think to myself he's in a tough spot in his life and hope for the best.

It also boils down to how much stock you put into those "marriage vows", to me that doesn't mean shit, just some words and legal documents. Now if you're a religious person and those vows mean something to you, then surely it's going to be more important. To each his own. To me marriage is some old outdated practice that's entire purpose was to show ownership of the woman, a form of oppression. But that's really irrelevant since cheating is cheating regardless if you're married or not.

My whole thing about this is you're risking getting your spouse STDs if you're fucking around and not being careful and still fucking your spouse. That to me is the fucked up part and is what prevents me from ever wanting to do that personally, but not so much for any moral reason. I think fucking is just fucking and it's really not as horrible as society makes it out to be, I don't see any reason why someone can't love their spouse with all of their heart and not get something on the side once in a while. I guess it just depends on the time and place you live. In other societies in other times having sex with other people while being married was very common practice and considered the norm, there wasn't anything wrong with it at all! As men I'm sure we've all had cases where we've been in love with the girl we're with, but at the same time see some fine ass chick whether it be on TV, the internet or in person and think to ourselves "damn I'd love to hit that!" but that's is far as it goes because doing anything further is "wrong" but honestly would it mean we don't love our girlfriends or wives just because we have natural instincts to desire sex with an attractive woman? Of course not. But if we lived in a different society where having sex freely was common place I'm sure we all would if given the chance.
May 9, 2002
I don't think anyone could try any harder at misinterpreting what everyone's been writing.
Im sorry you feel that way, but im taking what you are giving, pimp...nothing more.

It was fine until you came in with your absolutes. I mean you can't even have a discussion with you because obviously you are always right no matter what with your superior intellect and morality, and whoever you think is a piece of shit is 100% a piece of shit and deserves their birth certificate, social security, and credit card stolen and plus their friends And family murdered.
I have strong opinions. Thats who I am. I never said anyone had to like me for it or even accept them. I am who I am and I feel the way I feel.

PS. I love you
I dont swing that way, breh.
May 9, 2002
I mean if, say for argument, a good friend of mine is in a shitty marriage, but maybe they are staying together because of family or kids or whatever the case may be, whatever it is they just aren't in love anymore. So if this friend is unhappy and is sleeping around on the down low, I'm not going to think he's a piece of shit.
Im not going to break everything down because ive stated where i stand, but i will say this. Staying married for kids is a BAD idea, and there are studies to prove this and i have linked some stories about it in another response.

Look, life is merely a series of choices. Thats it. We decide our own fate, no one else. If a person decides they want to cheat on their spouse, regardless of the situation (BTW, cheating is going behind someone's back and being intimate with someone else, with out the other person knowing...lets make that clear), then be ready to face the fuckin consequences. Thats what this comes down to. Some people are saying the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Maybe, maybe not. Personally, I think it does and quite frankly, I find it hilarious. Nothing is going to sway from that view. If others dont agree, great! Its not that big of a deal lol. We all have our own perspective on situations, well you have read mine.
Nov 24, 2003
And you think wrong. I have always been opposed to cheating. Cheating = LYING. Lying, literally, is a sefl-defense mechanism to keep the ego in line. Thats what it is designed to do.
Agreed that you are too emotional involved in this for some reason, your judgement is being clouded.

Cheating = LYING = agreed.

What your missing is that too assume all "37 million" people on that site were cheaters in the black and white sense of the word is inaccurate and really just a biased sample fallacy.

Lost of reason, none of them valid.
How do you define cheating? Is having sexual thoughts about someone other than your spouse cheating?

Sometimes when you are a piece of shit, the punishment doesnt fit the crime. Thats life. Sometimes when you punch someone in the throat when they are looking, you deserve to get your leg chopped off. Being a piece of shit usually gets what they deserve 10 fold. I dont make the rules, breh.
You may not make the rules but you are certainly trying to influence them. And the direction you are influencing them is hypocritical. Be a piece of shit to someone who is a piece of shit.

Sorry, but studies show that staying together for a child even though the love is gone ina marriage is more damaging than not.

Should You Stay Married for the Sake of Your Kids? | Fox News Magazine

5 Reasons Kids From Unhappy Homes Say It's Better To Divorce Than Stay Married

No, these are NOT the most viable sources, but it took 2.7 seconds to find them.

Fair point and you are correct. I should have said sexless marriages not loveless marriages.

What does that have to do with marriage? Either way, Ashley Madison is a US based site.
There was a post on Reddit from a woman that was sold into her marriage to her older abusive husband and was facing violence if she tried to divorce him who was on AM. Is she a POS for being sold into a marriage and then facing punishment to get out of it?

Here is another post off Reddit (same as your links, I cannot confirm the source)

I am from Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality carries the death penalty. I studied in America the last several years and used Ashley Madison during that time; that website has since been hacked and the hacker plans to release the names of every user on there. I am single; I used it because I am gay. Gay sex is punishable by death in my home country so I wanted to keep my hookups extremely discreet. (AM promised that they had systems in place to ensure confidentiality).

Now, I'm back in the Kingdom. It looks like the list of Ashley Madison users could leak everyday. I have almost managed to get together enough money for a plane ticket; I do not think it will be safe to ever return since there is incontrovertible proof (pics, chat) on AM that I'm gay.

Where should I go for the best chance to get refugee status? And how do I apply?

I already mentioned that, however the main purpose of the site is to float affairs...its their motto. There are PLENTY of "swinger" sites meant for that purpose.
Gotcha. Many things are used not for their intended purpose.

Even thinking about being a peice of shit gets you caught, doesnt it? Lesson here? Dont be a piece of shit.
Debatable. Are you a piece of shit if you watch porn? What about if you get turned on by some chick at the grocery store and you think about fucking her instead of your wife? Do those things make you an undeniable certified POS?

Sometimes life sucks, huh? Always some collateral damage when the bigger picture is being shown.
That is a pretty big generalization / simplification. Apparently if you got caught in the crossfire as an innocent victim that's just fine as long as the pieces of shit get their comeupins?!

I dont think so. But at some point, "getting what you deserve" in most cases happens, IMHO. They may have ZERO correlation, but hey...
I am not sure what you mean - what has zero correlation?
May 9, 2002
Agreed that you are too emotional involved in this for some reason, your judgement is being clouded.

Cheating = LYING = agreed.

What your missing is that too assume all "37 million" people on that site were cheaters in the black and white sense of the word is inaccurate and really just a biased sample fallacy.

How do you define cheating? Is having sexual thoughts about someone other than your spouse cheating?

You may not make the rules but you are certainly trying to influence them. And the direction you are influencing them is hypocritical. Be a piece of shit to someone who is a piece of shit.


Fair point and you are correct. I should have said sexless marriages not loveless marriages.

There was a post on Reddit from a woman that was sold into her marriage to her older abusive husband and was facing violence if she tried to divorce him who was on AM. Is she a POS for being sold into a marriage and then facing punishment to get out of it?

Here is another post off Reddit (same as your links, I cannot confirm the source)

I am from Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality carries the death penalty. I studied in America the last several years and used Ashley Madison during that time; that website has since been hacked and the hacker plans to release the names of every user on there. I am single; I used it because I am gay. Gay sex is punishable by death in my home country so I wanted to keep my hookups extremely discreet. (AM promised that they had systems in place to ensure confidentiality).

Now, I'm back in the Kingdom. It looks like the list of Ashley Madison users could leak everyday. I have almost managed to get together enough money for a plane ticket; I do not think it will be safe to ever return since there is incontrovertible proof (pics, chat) on AM that I'm gay.

Where should I go for the best chance to get refugee status? And how do I apply?

Gotcha. Many things are used not for their intended purpose.

Debatable. Are you a piece of shit if you watch porn? What about if you get turned on by some chick at the grocery store and you think about fucking her instead of your wife? Do those things make you an undeniable certified POS?

That is a pretty big generalization / simplification. Apparently if you got caught in the crossfire as an innocent victim that's just fine as long as the pieces of shit get their comeupins?!

I am not sure what you mean - what has zero correlation?
I am not going to divide this up, but is about choices. Ill leave you with that thought.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
Dude I think people are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm saying private info that got stolen. Just because you cheat don't mean you should have your CC info stolen and personally details blasted on the Internet.

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anybody who thinks anything they do on the internet is "private" is a fucking fool, and gets what they deserve,
Props: BUTCHER 206
Feb 28, 2008
anybody who thinks anything they do on the internet is "private" is a fucking fool, and gets what they deserve,

Yet if someone outed everyone on this site who ever talked about selling or doing drugs they'd be a punk ass bitch.

Guess they'd still be fools tho and get what they "deserve."

This is what I'm talking about how people love to pick and choose who "deserves" or it.s "ok" to be hacked or stolen info from and all I'm saying is it shouldn't be that way cuz It would be a downward spiral.

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Props: :ab: and :ab:


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
Yet if someone outed everyone on this site who ever talked about selling or doing drugs they'd be a punk ass bitch.

Guess they'd still be fools tho and get what they "deserve."

This is what I'm talking about how people love to pick and choose who "deserves" or it.s "ok" to be hacked or stolen info from and all I'm saying is it shouldn't be that way cuz It would be a downward spiral.

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lol ok buddy, if I got arrested for something I said on a forum, id laugh at myself and move on with life. I know what im putting up, and what can happen, truth is i dont give a fuck, it is what it is.