Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
Out of the OGs from FTS I gotta say Mad Dog was my favorite. BD got progressively worse on every release. He did have some cool lines though

All those dudes didn't have the drive it seemed. I've got stacks of Burned CDs that never came out some good some bad some great. I'll ask smoke if he cares if I upload them. If anyone cares.
Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
When i first met J-Dub i couldnt believe how gotdamn small he is lol

Smoke isn't small really. I'm just big haha. Bd is fucking huge. I remember going to my homies house and I stepped on j-dub because he was sleeping on the ground all curled up haha. I got scared cus this angry ass black dude popped up yelling at me. We're cool tho.