Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Juggalo get a job

Meet people, get money.
I tried at a lot of stores and shit man, theres no jobs available. I just got no idea what Im gonna do when I finished my a-levels... my bro is in university right now but thanks to piece of shit politician Nick Clegg my mom has to work 2 jobs to pay for it and I cant go, shits just way too expensive. I guess she always figured my bro was the smarter one lol.

I wanna help pay the bills and shit but theres just a shortage of jobs.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
I hate this company I'm working for. I work remotely and they got me scheduled for some training that I thought would be a conference call but it turns out its some sort of webcam shit which means I have to actually put clothes on. I never worked for a place with so many fucking layers ... I gotta email the equipment department to get a sat phone ... Equipment says oh we don't do that no more you have to get in touch with the safety department. Oh and make sure you fill out a swf and flja and an rms-22. Just give me my equipment people.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Oh and if you need a GPS well that's not equipment or safety you have to contact IT to put in a request for that ... Don't you know anything guy who just started and got minimal training on how this company operates.