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Apr 25, 2002
my god man you'll never quit despite everything being right there in the open from the IBF, etc.
That's you, bro.

You take Stevenson's promoters word as gospel, yet pick & choose which quotes fit your defense from hopkins lol. Find some post on an internet forum and say "yeah it all checked out. FACT" lol ok bro.
It did all check out. I looked into all of it and watched the vids. And you were taking Duva's word as gospel and look how that turned out? Bottom line is you all went from "Stevenson is ducking" to "fuck Al Haymon." WTF?

Bottom line here is Stevenson has missed out on two big fights and it will be a 3rd in Pascal unless they realize Pascal deserves more money than 30% of the pot.
Blame HBO for the Kovalev issue. That was HBO all the way like I said and the emails/documents released show this to be true.

Blame BHOP and GBP for the fight not happening. He wanted 75% of all Sho money, took too long but probably had all of this planned as his company was named in a lawsuit.

Pascal is still up in the air but it doesn't matter as he is in the BEST position out of anyone seeing as he is #1 to fight both guys.

Stop trollin nigga!
May 13, 2002
It did all check out. I looked into all of it and watched the vids. And you were taking Duva's word as gospel and look how that turned out? Bottom line is you all went from "Stevenson is ducking" to "fuck Al Haymon." WTF?
I never said Duva's word was gospel. What I did say is true though - that Haymon is violating the Ali Act. No one has done anything about it though luckily for him. And yes, fuck Al Haymon. He is bad for the sport. Look at 2014 Showtime ratings (down the toilet) and the vast majority of his cards. He's done pretty bad for boxing this year.

Blame HBO for the Kovalev issue. That was HBO all the way like I said and the emails/documents released show this to be true.

Blame BHOP and GBP for the fight not happening. He wanted 75% of all Sho money, took too long but probably had all of this planned as his company was named in a lawsuit.
And you know hopkins wanted 75% of the money HOW? Exactly, you don't. That's crazy talk.

Pascal is still up in the air but it doesn't matter as he is in the BEST position out of anyone seeing as he is #1 to fight both guys.
Nadjib Mohammadi is still mandatory as well so he might have to come first unless they pay him step aside money.


Apr 25, 2002
I never said Duva's word was gospel. What I did say is true though - that Haymon is violating the Ali Act. No one has done anything about it though luckily for him. And yes, fuck Al Haymon. He is bad for the sport. Look at 2014 Showtime ratings (down the toilet) and the vast majority of his cards. He's done pretty bad for boxing this year.
You were taking it as gospel when you were claiming he was ducking Stevenson. All of you were, but when the truth came out it started to go "fuck al haymon."

And you know hopkins wanted 75% of the money HOW? Exactly, you don't. That's crazy talk.
Here ya go:

‘We really thought we were going to go into a fight with Bernard Hopkins but he was too greedy,’ Stevenson’s promoter Yvon Michel told TVA Sports. Michel stated that Hopkins wanted nearly 75% of the money offered by Showtime.”
Ok. So I just made all that up right?

Nadjib Mohammadi is still mandatory as well so he might have to come first unless they pay him step aside money.
We will see, but BHOP has been exposed for what he is. I called him a liar and you were probably wondering why. Now it is coming out.

He was greedy, didn't disclose when the deadline was ending (fact), tried to get more money (according to Stevensons camp and then went back to his original plan, which was, to fight Kovalev to get the company out of litigation.
May 13, 2002
man this embarrassingly bad how you can just run with Stevensons PROMOTORS word, Yvon Michel, who's proven to be a snake just like Bob Arum, King and the rest. It's like saying Bob Arum said Mayweather didn't want to fight Pacquiao so that's the end of the story.

Again, Hopkins made less money fighting Kovalev than any type of deal against Stevenson. Asking for 75% to leave for a fight to make only over a Lil over a million dollars doesn't add up. All you have to do is use common sense to realize Yvon Michel is full of shit. Bhop got $1m and some change to fight Kovalev. If he took 50/50 or whatever for Stevenson he would have made close to $2m on Showtime if not more. That is how you know Michel doesn't know what he's talking about. Sure, maybe that's what Haymon told him, but Hopkins would take double the amount any day of the week regardless of the opponent. Instead he took way less money to fight the more difficult opponent. That speaks volumes about what was going on behind the scenes.

Again, it's absurd to think Haymon didn't know about the IBF deadline when Golden Boy was negotiating with Al Haymon. They knew, and didn't care because they thought Hopkins had no options (they didn't think Golden Boy could work with hbo)
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Feb 10, 2006
Perfectly said at the end 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx ! The truth is I agree with the timeline 100%, especially the part about the lawsuit between ME and GBP. But the fight between BHop and Stevenson did not come thru cuz of who Is and who IS NOT a Haymon fighter. They could have offered a BILLION dollars to BHop, but Haymon still wouldn't have allowed Stevenson to sign off cuz of the IBF deadline that would have benefitted another Haymon fighter. Once BHop realized what Haymon was trying to do to him, those BILLION dollars would have turned into $500k.
Feb 8, 2006

PC: Congratulations on a hell of a performance from your fighter Sergey Kovalev. Did that fight go as you expected it to?

JDJ: Yes! Sergey did exactly what I asked of him and the plan that I laid out and it worked. In training, I had been in a couple of camps with Bernard and I told him, whatever you do, do not fight this kid because this kid is the truth. You know Bernard being Bernard and his ego being what it is; this kid was strong and can box and that kind of ended up being Bernard's downfall. I figured it would go the way it went and I'm glad Bernard didn't get knocked out because that's not what he needed at this stage of his career. He went out on his shield and he fought the best that he could fight and he just didn't have what it took to keep this kid off of him at this stage in his life.

PC: Your last sentence is interesting because when we first talked about a Kovalev/Hopkins fight years ago, you told me Bernard won't be able to keep Kovalev off of him. Was that the game plan going in, to just stay in his face and make him fight even when he didn't want to?

JDJ: Exactly! Bernard is used to setting a pace that works for him. It's a slow, methodical pace where he punches when he wants to and he sets traps that allows him to make the fight slow and to his pace. Well, this kid with his style, he kept Bernard busy. He made Bernard move, he made Bernard slip, and he kept Bernard going. He didn't allow Bernard the time or the space he needed to punch or set his traps. Going in, I knew this kid was going to be a better boxer than they thought he could be and it worked to our advantage. After the first knockdown, Bernard realized, "Damn, this is going to be a long night of work here." This kid definitely hit him with some power he didn't know he had.

PC: It can be a good and bad thing to score that early knockdown. Against Jean Pascal, we watched Bernard fight himself back into the fight when Pascal started head hunting. For you as a trainer, how did you keep Sergey calm where he didn't turn into a head hunter?

JDJ: Well, all throughout camp, I stayed in his ear telling him if you drop this guy, don't get crazy and just start headhunting because Bernard is only gonna get shot one time. Bernard will not get shot with that same shot again right away. He landed a nice shot on Bernard. Now he knows your power is the real deal. Now let's go back to boxing and touching that body. Sergey got a jab that is unreal. When he throws that jab to the body, it drains you of all of your power. In the middle rounds, we were jabbing Bernard to the body and it was sucking all of the life out of Bernard. It really made Bernard just feint and think because once he started landing that jab to the body, it wasn't no coming back because that jab took it out of him. He was worried about the next punch coming. It just nullifies his whole game. Bernard wasn't going to throw combinations with what Sergey was hitting him with, so I just felt like the fight would go the way it went. The only thing that surprised me is I thought if it went the distance, Bernard would at least win 3 rounds. I didn't think he would get shutout the whole fight. I thought he had enough in him to at least win 3 good rounds and maybe lose a 9-3 decision, but a shutout, that surprised me.

PC: One thing that surprised me is I don't think I've ever seen a Hopkins fight where he either didn't want to or attempt to clinch and make it a rough fight. In order to do that, he would have had to get close to Sergey and there was danger there.

JDJ: I knew that once he tasted the power, it was highly unlikely for Bernard to try to get inside for at least 5 or 6 rounds. I knew it would take awhile for him to figure the riddle that is Sergey Kovalev. Most people thought that the kid would die out after round 6 or round 8, but what I kept telling people and they didn't realize is this kid is a tremendous boxer. When we are in camp, we train for 12 hard rounds. People don't realize, we don't train for 8 rounds; we train for 12 rounds because one day we gonna have to go that distance and that day was November 8th. We trained for that and it allowed us to do what we had to do to make that night work in our favor. But I think once Bernard got hit, it changed his whole game plan because he realized this kid can really punch. And when he got dropped... Bernard is a very proud fighter and I think when he got up, he had it on his mind that he wasn't getting knocked out. "No matter what happens, this kid is not gonna knock me out." And he kind of went into a survival type mode, which was good and I give him credit for that because he didn't get knocked out. I mean, it was sad seeing him get knocked down, so I didn't want to see him knocked out at this stage. But I think once he realized I can't deal with this kid, it made him fight the best way he could to make it without getting knocked out.

PC: Would you like to see Bernard walk away as a fighter?

JDJ: Yeah! Right after the fight, I told him he has had a wonderful career. I told him there is no shame in walking away right now rather than you fight somebody that's not even in your league and they end up either knocking you out or stopping you. Why would you go through that of being stopped by somebody that doesn't even belong in the ring with you. It's best to just walk right now. He didn't get knocked out. He could walk away. He may have lost, but he didn't lose fans. He walks away right now, it will still be looked at as if he was on top of his game and that's the best way to do it.

PC: Is it imperative for you guys to land the Adonis Stevenson fight, or since Sergey is looked at now as the man at 175, that fight doesn't need to happen in your opinion to solidify any status?

JDJ: That fight now is kind of like Mayweather/Pacquiao. You know, 3 or 4 years ago, that fight was the fight that everybody wanted to see. They have taken so much time and for them to not make the fight, there really isn't anymore excitement to that fight any longer. The fight with Stevenson and Sergey was supposed to happen last November, so after a's still intriguing to the fans, but as the years go by and the fight doesn't materialize, Sergey's stature is more of that than it was last year when Stevenson was the guy. Now Sergey is the guy and the tables are turned. So now if Stevenson wants the fight, the terms have changed a little bit. Sergey has 3 belts and now he is in a position where he is the man at light heavyweight. And the thing is this, it's not that Sergey would do that. Sergey wants the fight first and foremost. He is a fighter. He wants the fight. He won't let all of those things stand in the way. But he's in a position now where he can call the shots. Last year, Stevenson wanted to call all the shots. He wanted the money, he felt like he was the draw, he wanted this and he wanted that. You can't call the shots now because Sergey is in a better position. If it materializes, Sergey is all for it. It's up to Stevenson and his people to make it happen.

PC: How soon would you like to see Sergey back in the ring?

JDJ: The word is HBO is saying March because now that he has 3 of the 4 belts, he's gotta make his mandatories and satisfy the sanctioning bodies. So he will fight in March and hopefully 3 or 4 times next year. He has to defend those belts that he has by the sanctioning bodies. He may fight 4 times; get his 3 defenses in and then get the winner out of Stevenson and Pascal. So he may fight 4 times next year.

PC: That's a good deal. Congrats again my man. That was a great performance by Sergey and I wish you guys the best of luck. Is there anything else you want to add before I let you go?

JDJ: I want to thank all of the fans that watched the fight and supported Sergey, and for those who didn't, maybe now you will realize at 175, he is a true threat. And maybe next year, we can get a super fight with Ward or this kid from Canada. So maybe next year, we can get that and I want to just thank all of the fans again for supporting. Thank you Percy for letting me voice my opinion. I appreciate it man and you are a true asset to boxing. We need more guys like you that tell the truth and let guys speak their minds.


Apr 25, 2002
Perfectly said at the end 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx ! The truth is I agree with the timeline 100%, especially the part about the lawsuit between ME and GBP. But the fight between BHop and Stevenson did not come thru cuz of who Is and who IS NOT a Haymon fighter. They could have offered a BILLION dollars to BHop, but Haymon still wouldn't have allowed Stevenson to sign off cuz of the IBF deadline that would have benefitted another Haymon fighter. Once BHop realized what Haymon was trying to do to him, those BILLION dollars would have turned into $500k.
You can't agree with both. The two are on oppisite ends of the table. BHOP wanted more money. PERIOD. You guys will take the word if Duva, who has been exposed but not Stevenson's promoter? You will disregard BHOPs words and ADMISSIIN in regards to the fight and lawsuit?

Again, only BHOP knew the cutoff date. Stevensons camp said he NEVER informed them of a cutoff date (day, month and hour) and, until they are caught in a lie like Duva or are shown to do shit like BHOP, then I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
May 13, 2002
there's no way Haymon isnt in the loop with IBF, Golden Boy and Hopkins deadline for his mandatory, not when their discussing a fight for months. Maybe Stevenson promoter was out of the loop since GB was dealing with Haymon, but when you say only Hopkins knew of the deadline is justbsilly bro.

At the end of the day Kovalev and Hopkins fought for a unification, which seems impossible to do with Stevenson and he keeps fighting no names so again that speaks volumes, it's no different than the Gaecias fighting Salka's, Peter Quillin's turning down career paydays, etc. This is the Haymon way.
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Apr 25, 2002
there's no way Haymon isnt in the loop with IBF, Golden Boy and Hopkins deadline for his mandatory, not when their discussing a fight for months. Maybe Stevenson promoter was out of the loop since GB was dealing with Haymon, but when you say only Hopkins knew of the deadline is justbsilly bro.

At the end of the day Kovalev and Hopkins fought for a unification, which seems impossible to do with Stevenson and he keeps fighting no names so again that speaks volumes, it's no different than the Gaecias fighting Salka's, Peter Quillin's turning down career paydays, etc. This is the Haymon way.
All evidence shows Hopkins didn't disclose the cutoff date/time.


Apr 25, 2002
man this embarrassingly bad how you can just run with Stevensons PROMOTORS word, Yvon Michel, who's proven to be a snake just like Bob Arum, King and the rest. It's like saying Bob Arum said Mayweather didn't want to fight Pacquiao so that's the end of the story.
And you ran with Duva's word. How did that turn out? Don't shoot the messenger.

Again, Hopkins made less money fighting Kovalev than any type of deal against Stevenson. Asking for 75% to leave for a fight to make only over a Lil over a million dollars doesn't add up.
It does add up. They said FUCK YOU and he had to go elsewhere. And besides, he wanted to help his company so it was a no brainer at that point.

All you have to do is use common sense to realize Yvon Michel is full of shit.
Duva and Hopkins are full of shit.

Bhop got $1m and some change to fight Kovalev. If he took 50/50 or whatever for Stevenson he would have made close to $2m on Showtime if not more. That is how you know Michel doesn't know what he's talking about. Sure, maybe that's what Haymon told him, but Hopkins would take double the amount any day of the week regardless of the opponent. Instead he took way less money to fight the more difficult opponent. That speaks volumes about what was going on behind the scenes.
2/3 to 1/3. Then he comes back and says he wants 75% of all the bread and he does so because the fight is taking place in america, not Canada and he is the bigger draw in america. Again, this is according to Stevenson's camp. And remember, Michel was the same guy who EXPOSED Duva and Sho when ALL of you guys, every single one of you, were saying Stevenson was ducking Kovalev. 100% FALSE when the emails outlining the contracts, the bids, the stipulations HBO wanted, the money they were offering (pennies), etc. Now all of a sudden it's "Don't trust Michel?" Well who the fuck are you guys trusting? A guy that is partnered with a cross dressing coke head? A woman who has a history of lying?

Again, it's absurd to think Haymon didn't know about the IBF deadline when Golden Boy was negotiating with Al Haymon. They knew, and didn't care because they thought Hopkins had no options (they didn't think Golden Boy could work with hbo)
It's not absurd. They have gone on the record and stated that he NEVER told them. Now if they are going on the record saying this, and they have a track record of telling the truth, where is YOUR PROOF that he did tell them? Oh you don't have it.

BHOP is a liar, bro. Just accept it. You all talked shit about Stevenson and the fact is the guy NEVER ducked anyone, tried to make the fights, etc. Then when you guys see that ducking shit no longer works you point the finger at Al Haymon.

And how do we know this all wasn't a big fuck you to Al Haymon from the start? It seems that way considering the tension he and GBP had for a while.

Wake the fuck up people.

And once again, Stevenson beats Kovalev, Kovalev beats Hopkins, Hopkins beats Stevenson. But now Hopkins punk ass is dropping in weight to face a "champion" and if it's Ward he's a bigger liar than I thought as he was always saying he would never fight him.
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Feb 10, 2006
Exactly, 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx , it's the Haymon way. What you need to understand HERESY @HERESY is that when BHop was talking about GBP, Schaefer, and Haymon being on the same page there was a "Cold War" going on with HBO and GBP and those men were targeted. Oscar was out but later came back in the pic and eliminated Schaefer. When you look at the timeline, once the lawsuit and the IBF deadline came to play, it's like everything happened on a day to day bases. Haymon showed who he sided with and that was with HIS fighters. Bernard "woke up" along with Oscar and did his part to eliminate the lawsuit. It was a chess move by Bernard cuz Espinoza and Haymon didn't think HBO would take Bernard in but they did.


Apr 25, 2002
Exactly, 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx , it's the Haymon way. What you need to understand HERESY @HERESY is that when BHop was talking about GBP, Schaefer, and Haymon being on the same page there was a "Cold War" going on with HBO and GBP and those men were targeted. Oscar was out but later came back in the pic and eliminated Schaefer. When you look at the timeline, once the lawsuit and the IBF deadline came to play, it's like everything happened on a day to day bases. Haymon showed who he sided with and that was with HIS fighters. Bernard "woke up" along with Oscar and did his part to eliminate the lawsuit. It was a chess move by Bernard cuz Espinoza and Haymon didn't think HBO would take Bernard in but they did.
Bullshit. The timeline says no such thing.

It's funny that you cats went from "Stevenson is a ducker" to pinning shit on Haymon. You fools knew damn well that Stevenson wasn't ducking Kovalev or Hopkins.

To the two of you I say, STOP TROLLING, NIGGA!