Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Lol a ny doctor has ebola

Close the borders, you filthy americans need to be quarantined
Was it confirmed? Last I heard it was possible and they wouldn't know until tomorrow. He also had just got back from out that way (is part of Doctors Without Borders) so it's not like it was random or something and I guess dude had self quarantined himself in his apartment since he started showing symptoms.

That said they probably really should make people that head out there to help quarantine for the incubation period before returning but seeing that's almost a month I'm guessing it would be a deterrent for them wanting to go out there to help out.

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
Unfortunately. He's gonna raise some fucked up kids. I wish CPS would just intervene now, and snatch those kids the fuck away. I can think of no worse childhood environment than having that fucking piece of shit as a role model. His kids gonna be killing rodents and tourchering cats by the age of six.
Nov 18, 2010
Was it confirmed? Last I heard it was possible and they wouldn't know until tomorrow. He also had just got back from out that way (is part of Doctors Without Borders) so it's not like it was random or something and I guess dude had self quarantined himself in his apartment since he started showing symptoms.

That said they probably really should make people that head out there to help quarantine for the incubation period before returning but seeing that's almost a month I'm guessing it would be a deterrent for them wanting to go out there to help out.
They said he does on buffalo news after nfl game.

They also said he took the a train and went bowling yesterday as well lol