Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
so earlier me and my patna stopped by my girls job cuz i had to dropped her something off so while I'm there she gives me a roast beef sanwhich she got at some restaurant on her lunch and said she didn't want it because they having some baby shower and the boss is catering it or some shit i told her i just ate tacos and she told me to give it to my nigga that was waiting in the car. but i said fuck that nigga and kept it for my self cuz that shit looked hella good and ima wanna eat it later. so i just took a bite of that muthafucka and holly shit qmy nose been on fire for the last 15 minutes that shit had hella horse radish in it thats what i get for being a greedy fat fuck and not sharing. that was the strongest horse radish I've ever had
Horseradish is hyphy