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Oct 25, 2011
Meth is completely disgusting. Anytime i smell something in the air that is similar to that dope smell it makes me sick to my stomach. I never could figure out how i picked up that habit. My lazy ass loves to sleep too much lol. Granted its been 11 years since i got high but thats one I'll never understand. I think to myself, Case, your a lazy pothead, how in the hell did you enjoy meth? And truthfully the only truly enjoyable time ever on meth was the first night i got REALLY high. That night ol boy had a half zip and sais we are gonna get you fuuuuucked up. That was the first time i smoked it, the first time i smoked it outta a bong, and the first time i had ever taken hot lines. Back of my head all tingling like crazy. That night was coo. The rest of the year i was high? Not so much
shit breh I aint touched it since 98 & I still get ill if I smell anything remotely close to the scent.

Fresh cut grass stinks like it to me so i hate the smell of fresh cut grass.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall

The photo was taken in front of Love in the Name of Christ, a Christian organization in Everett, Pennsylvania, and posted on Facebook back in July.

On Tuesday, the 14-year-old — whose name has not been released by police — was charged with desecration of a venerated object, the Smoking Gun reported. If convicted, he could wind up spending two years in a juvenile jail, according to Kron 4.

“Desecration” is defined in Pennsyvlania as ““Defacing, damaging, polluting or otherwise, physically mistreating in a way that the actor knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or discover the action.” notes that in Pennsylvania, a vandalism charge usually carries a maximum penalty of only one year in jail. JT Eberhard writes:

So let’s say an adult (subject to harsher penalties than minors) elected to spray paint “Jesus loves dicks” on the side of this boy’s school. That guy, at most (and the “at most” comes in to play for people with previous criminal records, which this boy doesn’t have), would serve a year in jail – and that’s assuming the cost of having the wall re-painted exceeds $150, otherwise the penalty would be less.

But a 14 year-old does something stupid that causes literally zero property damage and he could face two years in juvenile jail because it’s a “venerated object”? That’s insane. That’s really ludicrous.

The teen's original Facebook post garnered 124 Facebook comments, ranging from “Amazing” and “this is heaven” to “this is repulsive, even if you don’t believe you could at least have respect for those who do and those who ARE going to Heaven…you discusting [sic], disturbed, disrespectful little punk ass bitch.”

A spokesperson for Love in the Name of Christ told Raw Story that the ministry did not ask police to press charges.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that the statue is located in a park. The statue sits in front of Love In the Name of Christ, a Christian organization in Everett, Pennsylvania.
Noted that the church didn't ask to press charges but the fact that a law like that is still on the books in some states and is being enforced in 2014 is
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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Like 'Defacing, damaging, polluting or otherwise, physically mistreating in a way that the actor knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or discover the action.' is so fucking vague I'm going to go to Pennsylvania and start asking people to be arrested for random things that outrage me. Starting with the dumbass who decided to press charges in this situation.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
If that was a Muslim statue of Muhammad (prohibited in Islam) that kid would be beheaded.

Not saying that the punishment fits the crime in this case in the least, but hopefully this kid learns not to disrespect what others consider sacred.
I highly doubt he would be beheaded out here but I get what you mean. Also I'm pretty sure they don't allow any depictions of Muhammad so that's kind of irrelevant as there are no statues, still get what you are saying lol.

Is what the kid did disrespectful and juvenile? For sure. But seeing he didn't actually vandalize or destroy anything this should be a non issue. If he spray painted the statue, sure get him for vandalism. If he spray painted it with hateful messages directed at Christians then put any enhancements that fall under hate crimes that may go along with it. But just doing something like that, that may or may not offend certain people, I'm sorry I'm going to have to disagree man. At least legally I should say. Not saying some people don't have the right be offended, and maybe rightfully so, but it's a stupid law to have exist still at least with that vague of wording.


Oct 25, 2011
I highly doubt he would be beheaded out here but I get what you mean. Also I'm pretty sure they don't allow any depictions of Muhammad so that's kind of irrelevant as there are no statues, still get what you are saying lol.

Is what the kid did disrespectful and juvenile? For sure. But seeing he didn't actually vandalize or destroy anything this should be a non issue. If he spray painted the statue, sure get him for vandalism. If he spray painted it with hateful messages directed at Christians then put any enhancements that fall under hate crimes that may go along with it. But just doing something like that, that may or may not offend certain people, I'm sorry I'm going to have to disagree man. At least legally I should say. Not saying some people might be offended, and maybe rightfully so, but it's a stupid law to have exist still at least with that vague of wording.

Am an in agreeance with you breh, I dont think the punishment fits the crime at all.

Vague wording on an age-old law holds no grounds in 2014.

But at the same time, on a different note, it's disgusting the way the youth has no respect for anyone or anything these days & has this sense of entitlement like they can go around doing whatever they want with zero repercussions.


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
I drink high alcohol content, IPA 22s. That way i only need a few to get to where i wanna be. Plus i fucking love the taste of them super hopped ipa's. Fort George makes an excellent ipa that comes in 4 packs of pint cans. And theres another one, i forget the name, thats an imperial ipa aged on oak spirals. That shit is amazing but only comes in 4 packs of regular sized cans. And its pretty fucking expensive. But boy is it a good beer