That honestly makes me think its not going to be that good if they're resorting to controversy to promote the movie. Or this is a new pattern
Didn't seth rogan recently do something to promote a movie like lied about north korea wanting to kill him or declare war or something? Movie industry is desperate lol
This actually happened to this religious couple I went to high school with. I only bring that up because they were both waiting until they were married but I guess after dating since sophomore year they decided to bang after senior prom and he knocked her up first go round for both of them. From what I heard both their families disowend them until after the baby was born which is kinda fucked up lol.
Anyone that is going to make a big deal of a fucking movie poster of mutated ninja turtles jumping out of an exploding building because of something that happened over a decade ago should have been in one of the towers themselves when they fell. People are fucking morons and will complain about anything.