Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
6pac of Torpedo IPA's on deck...

It was associate appreciation day today so I grubbed on hella tri tip and hotdogs. And also when I was walking thru the hall some guy with extreme retardation threw his hand up and gave me a high five, he probably sensed that I'm also part retard
I was with a friend at a rental office waiting to turn in an application and there were some cute girls about our age that when we said Hello, wouldn't even make eye contact. Then we were leaving and saw this toothless, carnie looking janitor and he acted like we were old friends. "Whats up guys! hope you get the place!" and shook our hands. He was genuinely excited to see us. Later my friend said "it's disturbing that carnie types feel more comfortable around us than girls." It was like he knew that we were scumbags and his type of people.

cool story bro.