Alot of the people oding are younger kids (that started with rx pills and are just starting ronda) and they start buying h cus its cheaper, but get ripped off at first... The middleman will be like "oh no oxys but i can get some bomb ronda" and they'll go pick up some like $30 a gram shit and charge the person like $100... So that person will start shooting like half g shots each time and get comfortable... But when that person actually finds some fire ass dope thats worth the 100$, they'll be confident they can handle it and shoot up a half g and then they croak.
People are greedy as fuck right now and it costs them... Instead of being cool and hooking up somebody with good dope and making 100 everyday for a week and stack 700 bucks, they rather be greedy and make $110 the first day and rip the person off so they wont ever come back with more money. So many niggas be bootsy as fuck like that right now it really is fuckin sad and pathetic.
Nowadays niggas will just rob you and not even try to get away... Niggas will be given $200 to come back with a gram of some fire fi fi dop eand only come back (high, because they already just did some of it lol) with 0.4 of some bunk shit, and still be like "uhh yea mane uhh... Can u break me off a piece?"
And the real reason some people still dont switch from oxy to heron aint because theyre scared of real drugs, it's because they dont wanna get ripped off and they know u cant step on a pill. That, and that oxys are getting cheaper again due to everybody switching to h.