Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
Smoking is much better than selling. After buying a fat sack, there's no fucking worry about having to sell your shit to cover your front. Not worth the stress, and selling ruined weed for a while for me.

also, when the fuck did Jt tha Bigga Figga become Figg Panamera? What's the story on this?

that song with Migos is actually pretty good, despite it being fucking retarded
Props: FDS and FDS


Jan 29, 2006
even though i got this new job, i got offered a way better, more reliable job thru the staffing agency that had stiffed me the last 3 or 4 times, so I gave up on trying to get work through them. supposed to have an interview monday. if I get this job, I'll quit the new job.

I just sat for the last 3 days waiting to hear from my 'manager' about when I was supposed to work, and called in today to find out what was going on, and the head manager was like "oh he's no longer with us." well wouldnt that have been nice to know. this company has their head up their asses.

"on-call" schedule (10 to 40 hours a week, with no heads up), @ $9 doing work any idiot siccness member could do


full-time, $12 an hour (to start), with benefits doing more important work that could further my career,

I think I'll take the second one.
take the second one for sure


Jan 29, 2006
Working is dumb...I'll be done with school in just over a month, then I'll be in a shop, more-or-less my own boss. No more commuting, managers, manual labor, phone calls, blah, blah, blah...No more shit I hated from every other job I've ever had.

Even just starting out if I can swing 4-5 haircuts a day I'll be making as much as I did at my last job with no commuting or other bullshit. Then it goes up from there.

Hang out, cut some hair, eat some lunch, cut some more hair, laugh all the way to the bank.
Would u be up for working in Richmond? I could talk to the barber that owns my shop if you're willing to. BART isn't too far away.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Would u be up for working in Richmond? I could talk to the barber that owns my shop if you're willing to. BART isn't too far away.
I have a couple shops out here I have my eye on. Ideally I'd like to stay in Oakland. But yeah, it wouldn't be out of the question. If it comes to that I'll holler at you about it.
Props: FDS and FDS


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
I went to visit a staffing agency before. They made it sound like I was going in for a job interview but they were just having me come in to sign me up with them.

They gave me the rundown on how it works. The lady told me sign up, and to keep in touch with them, and they'll help find me work.

They said to email the lady once every other week so she knows I'm still looking. I emailed, they never called for anything. Never heard another word from them.

So either they were full for of crap or have no marketable skills whatsoever.
It's after the first job they give you. That first one is where they figure out if they can make money off you. Keep pressing the issue to let them know your keen.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
It's after the first job they give you. That first one is where they figure out if they can make money off you. Keep pressing the issue to let them know your keen.
They never called back, so there never was a "first job". If it was up to me to get a job I wouldn't have needed them at all...

Besides, this was over 2 years ago,
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Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
I was hoping to get into the entertainment industry with some family here but they are jews and I hate them. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

I have a dislike for all celebrities too and musicians. The whole of jewhollywood can go fuck itself.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Are you going to be a barber?

I have a few friends who do that, you can make good money.
Yes I am.

You sure can. Depends on your shop and work ethic. My friend at school met with the owner of a shop in SF he most likely will be working at. Another barber there who's in his 2rd year at the shop is making around $90k/year.

At the shop I've been talking with, with what they charge, if I only did 5 haircuts a day I'd be making a hair more than I did at my last job around $48k, plus tips. Also it's just down the street so I wouldn't be spending any money on gas.

Hustle up some new clients, do a few housecalls a month, I'll be living the life.

Plus there's other shit you can do too, like one of our instructors was telling me today about the barbers that cut at convalescent homes once a month, make some extra money. Also the barbers that cut at funeral homes get $50 a head, and that was 15 years ago.
Props: NAMO and NAMO


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Fuck work. I'm going back to school in two weeks.

Fuck a "work ethic". My ethics aren't based on how much shit I can do for someone's business.

Did that shit for ten years, working my ass off for some giant ass company that doesn't give a fuck about me, staring at some fucking walls that I didn't pay for, slanging some credit cards and products I ain't cool with, and working with mother fuckers I would never hire in my own business.

I'm cool.