Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
I went to visit a staffing agency before. They made it sound like I was going in for a job interview but they were just having me come in to sign me up with them.

They gave me the rundown on how it works. The lady told me sign up, and to keep in touch with them, and they'll help find me work.

They said to email the lady once every other week so she knows I'm still looking. I emailed, they never called for anything. Never heard another word from them.

So either they were full for of crap or have no marketable skills whatsoever.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
damn breh I hope you got a side hustle, how you survive in CA like that? respect and more power to you...
Fuck I do barely survive. its been a rough fucking 6 months since I moved from SF to Sac. When I was in SF I had a better paying job and more hours, but I was paying way too much in rent and was eating out way too much. I also had some financial aid that I saved (and will be taking the next twenty years to pay.)

So I had a little bit saved, and it's much cheaper living in Sacramento, but as I've mentioned before, finding (real) work has been next to impossible. Hopefully I get this better job on Monday and can start making money and saving it.

Luckily I live with my girlfriend, who has a good job, is thrifty with her money, and we never eat out. We haven't gotten to do much, but a roof over our heads, food in the fridge, and cable/internet is all we need for now.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
Niner thats exactly how staffing agencies work. U do go in for an interview, u think ur gonna get a job right away, and then they stall. Depends on the area, SF has the most opportunities and outside of there it trickles down to nothing. If you're in a small town you're SOL.

Not all temp agencies suck, but the recession changed everything. I went from getting steady, full-time temp assignments in SF until 2008, when all the now-unemployed old people took the entry-level temp shit I used to get.

The best offer I ever had was a full-time salaried position doing maintenance for CNET in SF. 6 story building, with all kinds of toys/product/video games on every floor. I temped there for 3 months one summer when I was 19, and turned down their offer because I was in school and couldn't work full-time. They offered it to me again a year later, and I was still in school. I also thought, as did the rest of the country, that those jobs would be there.

While temping there though I got paid an insane amount of money to change lightbulbs, put together new chairs, clean out offices, set up conference rooms, etc. I also got a ping pong table out of working there (they were throwing it away). I would KILL for that job now.

Ive done a million temp jobs, from handing out coupons/candy to people on the street for Crocker Galleria to cold calling funeral homes in the South to get confidential info for research firms (I had to ask them if they dealt with whites only, wow did they get pissed), to doing data entry for anti-money laundering firms and looking over records that included high-profile celebrities and cartel members.

By mid 2010 I couldn't get a single day a week.

This staffing agency here in Sac has told me I've gotten a job, or at least an interview, and then told me the company that was hiring went with someone else. Isn't that what the staffing agency does though? Picks who'll be interviewed by the hiring company?


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
oh and as for a side hustle I use to slang trees but got sick of being a lackey for a wannabe gangster and dealing with kids who constantly came up short on money. Not worth the time and energy to basically smoke for free and get some meager cash in your pocket.

And i was pretty dumb about it too. Id get so comfortable at my job (Safeway) that I'd deal out of the cash booth where I was counting money. Not only were there cameras, I'd just keep a couple ounces, baggies, scale, etc in a backpack and it would just reek. What a fucking retard I was.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Working is dumb...I'll be done with school in just over a month, then I'll be in a shop, more-or-less my own boss. No more commuting, managers, manual labor, phone calls, blah, blah, blah...No more shit I hated from every other job I've ever had.

Even just starting out if I can swing 4-5 haircuts a day I'll be making as much as I did at my last job with no commuting or other bullshit. Then it goes up from there.

Hang out, cut some hair, eat some lunch, cut some more hair, laugh all the way to the bank.