The thing is u just gotta get the tv that u want, not the cheapest one possible
When i bought my tv, i got a vizio but the nicest vizio they saving money by buying a vizio as it is, im not gonna be a cheap ass and buy the crappiest one because its cheaper. I shoulda mentioned that, that buying the cheapest tv possible is not a good idea with any brand
My pops spent like 400 something on the cheapest sony lcd they had at costco without researching it, and it sucks. I think its a 60hz (hz isnt the only thing that matters like ppl think, but its def something to consider while researching) and it has just a dark n cloudy fuzzy picture. I didnt hate on his tv tho
I like vizios, but i have to say the cheapest model one they had was wack as fuck lol the picture wasnt terrible but i would never fuck with it, the material around the screen looked like the black/grey plastic on the back end of a 1991 box tv... Vizios are kinda like hyundais, they didnt used to be all that great but theyre making some nice products now. But u do have to find the tv you really want. Check all the prices on all the tvs esp on black friday sales bc they always advertize the cheapest ones to get attention, but alot of the time theyll have your brands' whole lineup of tvs on sale for the same percentage off. Treat yourself dont cheat yourself nigga.