who the fuck listens to this shit!?!?!? and why the fuck is this shit on the siccness!?!? there is no such thing as music anymore. its just a bunch of shit over some shit beat with a shitty rythym and just plain shitty. its like the fuckers just wake up one day and are like "oh im gonna record my shitty voice over this shitty beat and call it an shit album". fuck that shit ive written off music completely now. if a album was made after the year 2004 i wont even give it a chance until i hear otherwise. and its not just rap or whatever the fuck its called now days, its all genres.go ahead call me a "hater" but fuck compare music to music ten years ago in any genre. everything is made with a computer and digitaly autone or whatever the fuck,. there is no effort put into it anymore. there is no substance to the songs. if you can find multiple words that rhyme, record it!! youll be the next big artist! fuck this im done ranting...anyone catchin this raider game?