Young Inferno vs Fawg

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Aug 28, 2002
I agree with fatal on this.. while you were rhyming about yourself he was 'slammin' almost everything you said. and fawg your right its who ever has the better flow but punch lines make a flow better and you didnt throw many in.. so I gotta go with Inferno...

Vote: Inferno


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
OK, i have a minute.

1st off, if i would of know i was hittin a soft spot, i wouldn't of said a thing. But i did, and now your pissed. boo hoo. Thatz the way it seemed to me, cry me a fuckin river.

But if you going to vote, on slamz alone, thatz pritty WEAK. And if you WERE RIGHT, i should not of gotten any votez.

Vote which ever way you want. Don't tell me how to, cuz i vote on which ever verse im feelin. I don't really care about slamz, cuz what most of em are is just made up shit, and i don't feel that. you or inferno don't know me, except for what i post. And him callin me gay and or fagot, is just him stuck KNOT knowin what to say, and im not like that, it was just a flow i wrote.

Yeah, i admit, slamz are apart of battlez, but thatz not ONLYwhat they are made out of. Fuck Tell me I have a lot to learn. You sittin in front of you computer with eyez wide shut. What about puttin yourself UP in a battle, like i was doin, I don't have anything against inferno, except his sig remindz me of computer nerdz, and its childish.

The Fact is you KNOT all KNOWIN, and what ever you say isent true, its just your opion.


$ic K

Sicc OG
Aug 27, 2002
Fawg said:
I thought battles were more about who had the better verses, not who can slam the other person better. I mean I could go off on somebody, and not have it rhyme once. And if the other personz just rhymed, who would you vote for? nut ridin huh, well a, can i ask who is all apart of the Krooked Konceptz???enough said.


well said, but i think its more about who knows who more, in my battle vs young inferno i had IN MY OPINION a little on him, and only copd 1 vote...i dont see how that many people couldnt feel what i spit, and it was more originally and many topics, he comes at me with like the same basic thing over and over, same vs you 2....and copd all the votes .......

i figured i wouldnt open my mouth cuz ill get flamed, people will just resort to usin the reason vs me of "oh your just bitching cuz u got waxed" not true....i polled other people OFF these boards and won my own little BATTLE and the majority of people said my battle was better.... im not trippin anyway this is just TEXT, if we could do MP3 battles youd feel my style a little more

nuff said
Apr 25, 2002
so u were pissed bout me winnin our battle and now u are votin 4 Fawg should of known thats why.

@Fawg Fatal actually gave a legitimate reazon why he voted 4 me its obvious that Sic K's vote was outta anger cuz he jus lost 2 me guess we can see whose really nut ridin
Apr 25, 2002
Fawg said:

All i said was "Don't cast anything then... ", in what way is that causing him to vote for me, he could of taken it anyway. I just was sayin if your not gunna vote don't say anything. I didn't even know he would change his mind.

I wasnt directin that at u like u made him vote 4 u or anythang like that I was jus questionin why he did that
Jun 9, 2002
ehhhh now, fatal...

ey, man... i dunno about the whole siccness VET statement...

you act as if just because you been on the siccness longer than me, you have a say in my opinion...

i thought fawg's shit was fresher... i gave reasons why... i didn't like ferno's verse cuz it had madddd played lines about being gay and stuff... didn't like... am i gonna vote for a verse i like, or a verse i dont like? i mean, no disrespect to ferno, cuz i seen you come better than this...

i just wanna know man... just cuz someone has a different opinion than you... doesn't mean their wrong... their is no right in wrong in the game of opinions...

but, thats just if that vet reference was put towards me, cuz im one of the only people who voted for fawg...

anyways... peace and health
Apr 25, 2002
Fawg said:
1st off, if i would of know i was hittin a soft spot, i wouldn't of said a thing. But i did, and now your pissed. boo hoo. Thatz the way it seemed to me, cry me a fuckin river.
it aint lyke that. im not pissed, im tryna let you know wutz up. wut getz at me iz foolz lyke you sayin i voted for Inferno or any KK member simply bcuz they're on my squad. that shyt aint even ryght. why do u think they're on my squad? cuz they suck ass at flowin or wut? theze catz are on tha top of tha ladder, when they win they win. but people go into denial az you have and try to tell yourself tha only reazon they're gettin votez on you iz bcuz they're on my squad. wake up. i gave you reazoning and tha whole reazon i did that iz so you know WHY i voted againzt you. i dont see how much more u can azk for. i refuze to vote for you juzt so it doeznt look lyke im nut rydin. fuck that shyt.

But if you going to vote, on slamz alone, thatz pritty WEAK. And if you WERE RIGHT, i should not of gotten any votez.
go back and look who voted for you. then azk yourself why. hmmmm, that line-up aint too experienced iz it? exactly.

Vote which ever way you want. Don't tell me how to, cuz i vote on which ever verse im feelin. I don't really care about slamz, cuz what most of em are is just made up shit, and i don't feel that. you or inferno don't know me, except for what i post. And him callin me gay and or fagot, is just him stuck KNOT knowin what to say, and im not like that, it was just a flow i wrote.
see, you dodgin everything i said to you. why do u think they call it a battle? have u ever heard battle songz not diss tha other fool? my point exactly. you're obviously not a battle cat.

Yeah, i admit, slamz are apart of battlez, but thatz not ONLYwhat they are made out of. Fuck Tell me I have a lot to learn. You sittin in front of you computer with eyez wide shut. What about puttin yourself UP in a battle, like i was doin, I don't have anything against inferno, except his sig remindz me of computer nerdz, and its childish.
wut u tryna say? u wanna battle me? LMFAO!

The Fact is you KNOT all KNOWIN, and what ever you say isent true, its just your opion.
you're in denial. cryin over my vote. you're startin to look lyke a straight up BYTCH. i gave reazoning, and i even offered advise bcuz thatz how you're suppozed to battle. you got votez from new folkz who cant even rap themselvez with tha exception of bayzhe. azk a vet to vote on thiz, and when they say tha same shyt i have said, you juzt shut your mouth.
Apr 25, 2002
Re: ehhhh now, fatal...

BaYzHe||!PoW!|| said:
you act as if just because you been on the siccness longer than me, you have a say in my opinion...
your opinion iz up to you. but wut doez that have to do with me tellin Fawg to azk a Vet to vote?

i thought fawg's shit was fresher... i gave reasons why... i didn't like ferno's verse cuz it had madddd played lines about being gay and stuff... didn't like... am i gonna vote for a verse i like, or a verse i dont like? i mean, no disrespect to ferno, cuz i seen you come better than this...
thatz an opinion. but you're juzt lyke Fawg. you're comparin a regular verse to a battle verse in a BATTLE. ill tell you wut, you pozt up another verse againzt Dvious and dont diss him at all. letz see how many votez u get. thatz my point.

but, thats just if that vet reference was put towards me, cuz im one of the only people who voted for fawg...
it wuznt directed at you. tha only person it wuz directed at wuz Fawg.


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
Whatever MaN, your the one quotin everthing I say, plus anyone else that has an opinion.

You just came in, voted, i said one thing, i said i was sorry for it, and you still wont leave it alone.

I just wanted a quick battle, do you really think I gave a fuck if i won or lost, i had fun doin it.

Are you running for public office, so what the fuck are makin a debate about ever thing I say.

Yah see how im spacin everthing, thatz just to make it easier for your ass to say something about it.

Go ahead

I don't give a fuck what you say, ill read it, and take a look at it, but your just bein anal now.

Simply said, if you don't like my verse, don't vote for me. And thatz what you did, my bad for thinkin other wise.

Battle how you want to, vote how you want to.

It's not like I don't go around not slamin people in my verses, take a look at the battle cel vs fawg, yeah i lost, but yeah all the slamz were reel, not made up.

If yeah want me to make shit up, i can do that, its easy, try flowin, rhymin on whatz reel for once.

And if you want VET to come vote on this shit go right ahead, its not like anyone else is gunna come vote after all that bullshit you just said.

But im not gunna go out ta my way to ask for someone you know to vote on a little battle, and already know what hes gunna vote for. Hes gunna read the verses then read what you wrote, then who the fuck do you think hes gunna vote for. hes not even goin to remember the verses.

Once again, battle how you want, vote how you want.

just get off my case, thankz for spekz, but back the fuck off.

if i wanted to battle you, i would of asked, but why in the fuck would i now, i already know how you battle.

OBTW, i was havin fun with this battle until you stepped in, i laughed @ infernos verse, thought it was funny how he said it. Now im just what Ev.

no peace, just OUT:
Apr 25, 2002
if your bytch ass didnt wanna start shyt then u shoulda left that "nut rydin" thing outta your reply puta. i gave u honezt feedback, an honezt vote, and i even offered advise. but your too proud to take it. man do az u wish, everything i juzt said will help you along tha way, if u uze it to your advantage, but i doubt you will so u can go ahead and disregard it. Krooked Konceptz iz full of top-notch talent, and for sum reazon thoze who doubt their own talent seem to think we're nut rydin when we vote againzt em. tha point im tryna get across iz we dont give votez bcuz we are in tha same krew. plain and simple. thatz wut started thiz off since u implied that we do. wutever tho man, you're ignorance wont allow you to understand wut im tryna deliver.


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
Shut ur fuckin trap fatal...U DO DICC RIDE so shut the fuck clearly states that u cannot vote for people in ur clicc/group/whatever ...its like u gotta be fuckin popular to get a vote on here....people need to stop being fuckin bitches holdin grudges and start being honest....and stop voting on thier homies battles...u see me vote for fawg? NO I DIDNT I DONT DICC RYDE LIKE UR LIL POSSY (RIP adrian) no disrespect to him but u need to get ur shit strait before u open them marshmellow ass lips of urs...

and fuck ur vet line u used....thats some judgemental shit right there...just cuz u been on a website longer ur word automatically means more? naw homie u got it twisted...we all the get off ur high horse and wake the fuck up...
Apr 25, 2002
Cmoke said:
Shut ur fuckin trap fatal...U DO DICC RIDE so shut the fuck up....
if you can show me one vote that i wuz dick rydin on i swear to God ill leave and never come back. but itz not possible, so shut your sissy ass up you weak wannabe flowin ass trick.

....people need to stop being fuckin bitches holdin grudges and start being honest....
i never had anything againzt Fawg you stupid fuck. and tha only reazon you're jumpin on me iz bcuz he'z your buddy. talk about dick ryding. fuckin hoe.

not to mention all thiz iz comin from you....Cmoke....a punk ass hoe who wanted to join Krooked Konceptz. i tried to be nice, but therez no way in hell id let your weak ass in. LMFAO!

have you guyz ever seen thoze poztz about newbiez comin in thinkin they're tyght or thinkin they know shyt that they really know nothin about, and how everyone hatez that shyt. well guess wut, you two fuckz are prime examplez, in fact you 2 are 2 of tha fuckerz they're talkin about in thoze poztz! so keep talkin. fuckin jackassez.


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
There you go with that quatin bull shyt, just give it a rest homie. I told you I was sorry for postin that, and you can't get over it. I really don't care that you dick ride, its your own bizz. Just give it a rest.



Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
Do me another favor, and for everyone else, get the fuck over yourself. Just because your a part of an ON LINE CREW, doesnt give you room to talk out ta yur ass.

Not that i can stop you, JUST GET OVER YOURSELF. And its all good.



Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
lol when a KK member votes on another KK members battle...that would be far as those posts ur talking about...ya i started that post, once again get ur facts strait before u open ya jaws....i did want to join kk at one time...u said u needed help...i thought peeps wuz kew...i wuz wrong...OH AND ONE MORE THING>....HOW THE FUCK ARE U GUNNA CALL ME NEW? LOL! I BEEN HERE FOR 2YEARS BEFORE THEY REDID AND SOLD THE SICCNESS, FOR THE LAST TIME BITCH GET UR SHIT STRAIT BEFORE U OPEN THEM HIPOCRITICAL LIPS OF URS....

btw this is not for fawg...this is cuz im sick of faggots on this shit dicc rydin then starting a 4 page arguement so they can make themselves feel better....thats all i gotta say im done with this thread dont bother posting somthing to me...ur not worth my time...maybe ill see u around some time....
