Who's gonna sell mo than mix allot out tha WA

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Jun 1, 2004
Damn, I hate when people talk about hip hop like it's just about money and gimmicks. That's how most of this shits all turned pop. Dedication and desire are part of it... but some people got natural talent, ya know?
May 31, 2004
WORD! and no Church didnt teach me how to rap, heonly influenced and incouraged me. Because without rap i'd just be another grimmy little Hillyard kid ( you too On One ).
Nov 24, 2003
nobody is gonna match mix a lot for a long minute....i cant remember which one but one of his recods was the highest selling rap record the year it was released
Feb 4, 2004
what people are forgetting is this......

yes mix sold a ton of cds but it wasn't overnight he developed a fanbase, a huge one at that.

The problem with hip hop cats today is they may be the tightest in seattle but something about thier game is lacking (either stage show, production or just out right not promoting themselves the right way). Hell anybody can come out with a dope ass cd but if you don't have any promotion or do hot ass shows after it is released you might as well have stayed in the studio or actually stayed at home and just burned cds on your homies cpu.

Sometimes artist forget that they are in the
music business

music = 15%

business = 75%

to develop a fanbase of mix's magnitude people will actually have to promote themselves like there is no tommorrow (opening for bigger artist is a start but if your music isn't good then it might hurt your chances rather than help them). Its starting to happen a little with a couple of artist in Seattle now but unfortunatly thier music seems to be a little sub par compared to whats being produced in the mainstream now.

thats just my 2 cents


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
^^ I understand where you're coming from, but never in my life will i consider business more important than the music.

Solid stage show, quality time in the studio, good beat selection...thats music to me.
Gettin ON shows, what you pay for studio time, what you pay for beats...thats business to me.

Basically, everything got a yin and yang. If you just throwin out $800 for a beat just to say you paid DJ So-and-so for a beat, thinkin he'll owe you somethin later...puttin his name on the cover like it means something......and the beat aint even that HOT...thats fucked no matter which way you look at it.
Feb 4, 2004
Let me restate myself when I say music and business I mean that after you have gotten a tight album together many people just stop at that.

where people lack in focus is the promo after the cd is released and actually before the cd is released also. Thats the business I am talking about. Ask yourself this how many artist web sites have you been to who say that they got an album (shit fill in the number...... everybody gots one right?)

But from that list of catz how many posters or flyers are you seeing about thier album being released (has there been any hype for this catz album)? How many shows are they doing to support thier album (many times you have never seen or heard of this cat before so where can you see him or her live)?

Now everybody wants to sell a platinum album but if knowbody knows who you are or if they can't see you perform then chances are you won't sell that many records.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
^^ I'd love to spend money on fliers or posters, but when you got studios busting your balls and charging 500 for a 3-song demo, there wont be much left to spend.

Basically, its OK for studios to only be about their money, but artists are supposed to put out good music PLUS handle business......shit is a double standard if you ask me.
Feb 4, 2004
yeah I hear you on that one. The fronting of the $ for promo and stuff like that is mainly where the record lable comes in if not earlier to front the cash to record the actual album. (which is another ball of wax all together)

Many studios are out just for the money but many arent granted they still need to pay thier rent so unfortunatly studio rates can add up depending on how much time you spend in the studios. Thats why I base all the artist that come in my studio on a project by project baisis. I find out what the artist budget is for his or her whole project from album or demo conception to its release and promo period. Because as you well know if you don't promote it people won't buy it.
Jun 1, 2004
Hell yeah... music is a money hole if you just try to deal with the "game" (industry). What normal person that has something REAL to spit has the thousands of dollars to spend on studio time and beats? Hmmm... I guess if I would have started at 13 instead of 23 I would have had a chance... but who gives a fuck? In the end... I'm about music.

Oh, and I don't think anyone anytime soon will sell more than 'Mix. There are a couple that I'd like to see sell like him...



Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
Whoever it is needs to have a lot of applesauce behind them. Video, national radio play, street teams, tours, ect. unless they become a star overnight which is rare. And they need to have a universal sound. Only a few people that I can think of from Washington have even been in full rotaion on the radio, (and none in rotaion in other regions. and no one I can think of besides mix a lot has ever had a video on BET or MTV. But I can think of plenty of people from WA that have the talent to do it.
Apr 25, 2002
tadou said:
Basically, its OK for studios to only be about their money, but artists are supposed to put out good music PLUS handle business......shit is a double standard if you ask me.
That's why you get management that 1) understand the real music business and 2) knows what the fuck they're doing. And don't forget, it's going to cost a whole lot of money to make anything happen to make sure you have a financial investor who isn't scared to write checks and has DEEP pockets.

The music game is a whole different party these days. Careers arn't handed out anymore.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I think if by some miracle, Bullet, Cool Nutz & DOG (when he got back) formed a group, made an album and toured together, they'd be a VERY tough team to contend with. With all their money & muscle they can throw behind it, you could gurantee t wouldn't keep getting pushed back.

But solo acts...i dont EVER see it happening.
Apr 25, 2002
As far as studios, they SHOULD be about their money, period. The equipment isn't free to own or operate so it's silly when these rappers whine about having to pay for studio time. It's like saying the cats equipment should be provided as a public service & his time has no value.

Who is going to outsell Mixalot in WA? Nobody. Either the music isn't hot enough or just simply doesn't appeal to a broad enough audience, and/or there's nobody working the business side of it with enough knowledge of the real music game (ie: not the local or limited-region independant scene) or juice to make anything happen.

Most rap music can be summed up as either talking about fairytale gangsta shit, fairytale pimpin', drinking liquor & doing drugs, or acting pussy-whipped. Atleast learn to be innovative.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
@Sick Wid It
Come on now...you should have known what i was getting at. A studio with a track record and a respected client list can and should charge 40 to 50 an hour, yes; but studios that JUST OPENED within the past year should NOT be charging that much until they prove themselves (i dont give a fuck if they have $700,000 worth of equipment). And on top of that, most studios are content to just take someone's money no matter what the quality of their music is. And that shit right there is just rediculous. Thats prostitution at its finest right there.
Apr 25, 2002
Come on now? I should know what you're getting at? You, and others, got so much of this stuff so far backwards that I wonder if you know anything about any aspect of the music business at all!

A studio isn't responsible for quality control anymore than a restaurant is responsible for making sure you put a napkin in your lap and eat with silverware instead of your fingers. And a track record? A studio with a "respected client list" should charge 40 to 50 an hour? You have no clue how laughable that is.

Some of you cats needs some serious schooling.