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Jan 9, 2004
communism's basic theory says that people can control the economic system by thier own will
"from each according to his ability to each according to his need"
perfect example of forcible coercion of the economic system...
this use of force automatically indicates a government... a government does not require buildings, an oligarchy, or a taxation system, all it needs is force being exerted by one group... over another, to fcreate the first group's desired system...
communism proclaims the RULE of the working class... which automatically shows this...
going even farther, one can attack communism on the basis of human nature... psychologically this theory ignores humans, it treats humans as if they are automatons, with no real predispositions...
such an ideais laughable... which is why libertarianism is so pure... it takes into account the nature of humans, and then constructs a valid system of equality based on that... it provides for everyone, while still allowing for freedom...
Jan 9, 2004
socialism/communism is idiotic
communism by the way is an economic system and so is rightly placed versus capitalism... the diff being that communists believe that the optimal economic system can be reached throguh the government of a few people, while capitalists belive that the optimal system of economics can best be met by the control of the whole...
communism violates every system of economics, and isn't workable at all..
capitalism is the only economic system that equally and justly distributes resources...
now both are completely different from political systems...
their corresponding political systems are usually in our time fascism/democratic states for [partial] capitalism and socialist states for communism...
what no one realizes however is that all these states still believe in communism to a degree and are therefore flawed... only libertarianism is pure capitalism, and therefore purely free, equal, efficient, and non-agressive...
to oppose libertarianism, is to fall to propaganda..
Apr 6, 2003
A perverted form of socialism has taken over America while the citizens who normally are fiercely opposed to socialism has just stood by and watched and payed. The lower and middle classes are robbed for the benefit of the upper and nobody or very few has lifted a finger to protest it. The wellknown principles of capitalism have been either taken to its most extreme or sold out, depending on your definition of the word capitalism. The "free market" has been turned into a welfare-organization for corporations with good connections to the administration. Corporate socialism bleeds the country to death!

We have seen, on a frightening regular basis, how the American government has used tax-money to give subsidies to companies that for different reasons were unable to run by normal capitalist market-economy standards. A few airlines hit by a slump pocket some billions. A few car-makers don't produce cars good enough to compete on the open market and are showered with billions of gold. Other companies of many sorts, unable to function on an open market, need regular infusions by tax-payers' money to stay out of trouble. The capitalist theory says that a company unable to run at a profit is not healthy and will as a result go bust, favoring the well-run and efficient companies. Not so in US. Sick individuals may be left to die, but sick companies are held under their arms, given regular transfusions and sent to expensive retreats.

The industry that takes the most advantage of Americans' hard-earned tax-money is the weapons industry. The manufacturers of jet-fighters, carriers, cruise missiles, computers, helicopters, robots, artillery, tanks, and all the other non-beneficial hardware that can be imagined, stand to profit hugely from the ignorance and silence of the American tax-payers as the government spends grotesque amonts of money on padded contracts, unnecessary equipment and immediately steps in with new contracts for any company that risks bankrupcy. Huge amounts, not needed to protect American citizens or defend the nation and to the detriment of much more needed areas like education, welfare, national health and communal services. Contractors, like the Carlyle group and Halliburton with close connections to the highest leaders of the land are awarded enormously profitable contracts. The main burden is carried by the lower and middle classes. The profits are reaped by the few and wealthy.

The neo-con theory that some of the profits of the wealthy trickles down to benefit the middle and lower classes is proving itself a disaster for the country. In reality it's not so much of a trickle but sporadic drops that only serve to confirms the leaks of the theory and nothing else. America has taken the words from Karl Marx' famous socialist manifesto "... from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" and turned them on their head to a philosophy that can best be described as "... from the workers according to their capacity, to the wealthy according to their greed." If a Marx has devised the American scheme it must have been Groucho and not Karl!

The latest, most obvious and most deadly form of corporate socialism is at this time playing before a dismayed global audience, in the ruins of an Iraq already brought to its knees by 12 years of devastating sanctions and repeated bombings. The invading countries, US, UK and Australia are, on pretexts that are based on lies and deception, violating international law by waging a war of aggression against a sovereign member of the international community. The stated pretexts of Iraq as a threat to the world, having weapons of mass destruction that endanger us all and having connections with terrorists have all been refuted, disproved and revealed as incorrect and had to give way to the latest pretext for war, liberating the Iraqi people, and not easily possible to refute without submitting the Bush-junta to a lie detector test. We can see the war in all its horror going on on the TV-screens round the clock. Most comments regard tactics and military progress and the simple truth is buried far beyond the burning buildings.

The mighty military machine that is used to crush Iraq is funded by, mainly, American tax-money. Every rocket, missile, bomb and machine is payed for by American tax-money. The costs for the war is financed by American tax-money. The reconstruction and rebuilding of the country, after the killing has stopped, will be payed for by American tax-money. The killing will be done by American and British soldiers cum tax-payers. The dying will likewise be done by American and British soldiers/tax-payers and above all by Iraqis. To obtain control over Iraq's oil-riches and to stop Iraq trading its oil in Euros, which might endanger the continued dominance of the dollars they are stashing away in their bank-vaults, some American men in high positions are willing to send out their own young men and women to kill and die!

The oil that will flow to US oil giants after the war will benefit a few rich individuals. The reconstruction profits by Halliburton and others will benefit a few rich individuals. The new Iraqi "government" will take its orders from a few rich American individuals. Poor civilian Iraqi men, women and children will pay with their lives and suffering in their thousands for the illegal war and American tax-payers will finance it with money and blood. The profits will be pocketed by men thousands of miles away who don't risk either life or money. The American way of socialism is a true winner for the plutocrats. To hell with the rest of humanity, including less rich countrymen!

The amazing thing is not that this devious scheme of perverted socialism works so well for a very limited number of rich and affluent American individuals well "embedded" in government circles since the sinister days of of Ronald Reagan. The amazing thing is that so many millions of decent Americans don't care about it and are willing suffer under it and to give their lives to uphold it.

Don't they see it? Are they all watching Fox News? Are they all out shopping?

In the meantime, the unelected president G.W. Bush keeps decieving America in his role as a latter day Robin Hood turned rogue, and he and his friends laugh all the way to the bank.
No suffering for them!

thats is socialism at it's finest....big business runs this country...i've said hundreds of times on here since 98...GATES has more power to make shit happen than BUSH does...

just ask him, when the US gov't asked him for a loan....

the US is a socialist country...claiming to be capitolists...

open ya eyes people...
May 2, 2002
no.. he should shut the fuck up cuz hes talking out of his ass and his response didnt have much to do with mine... and he just had the throw my name in the mix.

and I probably know more about it than the both of you combined.
Jan 9, 2004
bottom line is this: You Marxists, or whatever you want to call yourselves deal in what if. Capitalism deals in the bottom line-reality, what IS. All the theory you can regurgitate from books you read, or borrow from your favorite rebel leaders fails to address reality. I haven't read one instance where anyone of you has laid out some kind of plan as to implementing your socialist paradise. it's always, `you ignorant capitalist pig slave drivers will never let us experiment with pure socialism`.

you have zero historical precedence to back up any of your theories, you have zero practical, large scale experiment samples to prove the viability of your theory. You rely on your naive belief in a tried and failed socio-economic system.

You people are really starting to look pathetic with your baseless philosophical rants on the evils of capitalism/ the state/ liberal democracy. Once, just ONCE, back up an argument with a plan, some evidence, some direction as to how pure socialism should a) be implemented without completely destroying society b) enforced without completely destroying society c) perpetuated without setting human enlightenment back 200 years.

how will you address the issue of motivation to succeed without the incentive within capitalism?

How will scientific and technological advances be realized without the ingenuity found only within capitalism?

Without a state structure, how can the people be assured of equality with no one there to enforce the measures or to prevent oligarchies from developing?

How does the exisitng state structure wither away? If it doesn't happen simultaneously, how does one prevent the existing states from simply over-running the proletariat masses, annexing them into a super-state? Without a state structure, how can equality be guaranteed?

How do you foresee human intuition for success, survival and advancement quelled in order for humanity to be untied in the purduit of the common goal of complete equality?

who sets the goals of a society without a state structure? Who sets manufacturing quota's?

Who leads? Who decides who leads? If there is to be no state structure, who provides benchmarks for stability or prosperity?

what about the question of ethnic or religious differences?

don't ignore these questions........enlighten me.
Apr 6, 2003
2-0-sixx is a marxists, but i never said i was, i never said i was PRo socialism either....did you even fucking read the post i put up? all the facts are right there

all those things are happening right now

am i happy about u think i'm tellin people to open their eyes...cuzz they don't see it....u don't see it...

yes this US land was founded and still runs on capitolism....but the many ways that once made this a great land have been overcome by socialist tactics....thats my point...

i'm in NO way for it....i'm for fairness and equality in every aspect for each and every single person on this planet...

but with HUMANS runnin the show, it will never happen...

i'm not right wing, or left wing, not liberal or conservative...i just want what is right, the freedom to make my living, eat my food, raise my children, and do anything i please(that doesn't harm someone else)...

i refuse like to many here to label myself this or that, i want 2-0-sixx to have the same freedoms as i would for your self...

but bottom line is this is not a "CAPITOLIST COUNTRY" anymore, on the surface it is, but man u gotta dig deeper
Feb 9, 2003
Psycho Logic said:
no.. he should shut the fuck up cuz hes talking out of his ass and his response didnt have much to do with mine... and he just had the throw my name in the mix.

and I probably know more about it than the both of you combined.
yeah...and thats why you resorted to name calling. I don't see the problem, first off its a problem because these people are illegal, then you have a problem because they will be able to come here legally?
Dec 25, 2003
Mcleanhatch said:
because your so smart??? LOL
adj. The possessive form of you.
Used as a modifier before a noun: your boots; your accomplishments.
A person's; one's: The light switch is on your right.
Informal. Used with little or no sense of possession to indicate a type familiar to the listener: your basic three-story frame house.

Contraction of you are.
Jan 9, 2004
none of you coomunists answered the questions i posed.....those questions are intrinsic to the vialbility of any socio-economic system. Is it possible that communism can't provide answers, or is it you don't know them?
Apr 6, 2003
say maune juss drop it....u don't get it, and most likely never will

your asking a scripted question(s) to something that can't be scripted or answered in tha fashion you desire...

communism works great in theory, as does socialism, and capitolism...

the point i made, and will continue to make, is that once the human element is added...those plans do not run there true course...

RE-READ what i posted....all the things mentioned ARE ACTUALLY HAPPENING in the UNITED STATES in this very day and age...

it doesn't have to meet your so called "written definition" of what socialism is...

case in point the web site we are on, it's a rap website...rap isn't considered music by many...but that doesn't change the fact that it is still music...

can you honestly tell me this country is being run the same way it was in the 50's?....hell no, it's different, and it's gotten worse as time has gone on...

there is no american pie.....
Apr 25, 2002
PoeticBass said:
none of you coomunists answered the questions i posed.....those questions are intrinsic to the vialbility of any socio-economic system. Is it possible that communism can't provide answers, or is it you don't know them?
I'll serve you when i've got some time and nothing better to do.

Till then keep jackin off while thinking of how smart you are.
Jan 9, 2004
PoeticBass said:
bottom line is this: You Marxists, or whatever you want to call yourselves deal in what if. Capitalism deals in the bottom line-reality, what IS. All the theory you can regurgitate from books you read, or borrow from your favorite rebel leaders fails to address reality. I haven't read one instance where anyone of you has laid out some kind of plan as to implementing your socialist paradise. it's always, `you ignorant capitalist pig slave drivers will never let us experiment with pure socialism`.

you have zero historical precedence to back up any of your theories, you have zero practical, large scale experiment samples to prove the viability of your theory. You rely on your naive belief in a tried and failed socio-economic system.

You people are really starting to look pathetic with your baseless philosophical rants on the evils of capitalism/ the state/ liberal democracy. Once, just ONCE, back up an argument with a plan, some evidence, some direction as to how pure socialism should a) be implemented without completely destroying society b) enforced without completely destroying society c) perpetuated without setting human enlightenment back 200 years.

how will you address the issue of motivation to succeed without the incentive within capitalism?

How will scientific and technological advances be realized without the ingenuity found only within capitalism?

Without a state structure, how can the people be assured of equality with no one there to enforce the measures or to prevent oligarchies from developing?

How does the exisitng state structure wither away? If it doesn't happen simultaneously, how does one prevent the existing states from simply over-running the proletariat masses, annexing them into a super-state? Without a state structure, how can equality be guaranteed?

How do you foresee human intuition for success, survival and advancement quelled in order for humanity to be untied in the purduit of the common goal of complete equality?

who sets the goals of a society without a state structure? Who sets manufacturing quota's?

Who leads? Who decides who leads? If there is to be no state structure, who provides benchmarks for stability or prosperity?

what about the question of ethnic or religious differences?

don't ignore these questions........enlighten me.
Apr 25, 2002
Since one of your buddies linked you to this site it would be nice if you went back and read previous threads on this topic since most of your questions have been already answered. It gets old when we have to post the same thing over and over every time someone who gets served invites one of their “smarter” friends to come and try and defend their positions. Or becomes an alias to get served again, which ever you may be.

in any case i had some free time . . .

how will you address the issue of motivation to succeed without the incentive within capitalism?

um.... false. Just because you're not getting stock options and a company car doesn't mean you're going to sit on your fukking ass all day and watch Jerry Springer. People need monetary incentives now because the alternative is being raped in the ass daily by a bunch of old white guys who control the majority of wealth in the world.

So if the wealth of this country was held by the people, not some fraction of a minority, then everyone would have an interest in keeping the US Economy afloat. They would have the incentive to work harder, produce more, etc. It doesn’t even have to be common good that you work hard for. If you want your family to do better, you work harder. Except in a communist economy working harder will actually do something to uplift people, under capitalism if you work harder you don’t get more, they pay you the same and fire the guy next to you and then tell you to work even harder. In communism common good is a by product of doing for self.

How will scientific and technological advances be realized without the ingenuity found only within capitalism?

That’s quite an arrogant statement. Just because capitalism is the only thing you know (I’m not convinced you even know that) does not mean that’s the only source of ingenuity. How would you explain innovation prior to the development of capitalism?

Product quality, innovation, and efficiency also comes with social consciousness. The more people become aware of the importance of what they produce and that product's importance to their survival and well being the more efficient they will be come at producing said item and the higher the quality it will be. Why would innovation be stifled, when every innovation would make life for everyone involved better?

Invention has nothing to do with capitalism. Invention is the quest for novelty/discovery in physical form do not try to relate your immoral greed to manifestations of genuine genius.

Without a state structure, how can the people be assured of equality with no one there to enforce the measures or to prevent oligarchies from developing?

The state is the institution of organized violence which is used by the ruling class of a country to maintain the conditions of its rule. Thus, it is only in a society which is divided between hostile social classes that the state exists:

While the conquest of state power is necessary to prevent the capitalists from restoring capitalism and to create the conditions for a genuinely free association of producers:

“Between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary government of the proletariat.”

The workers’ state is however quite a different kind of thing as compared to the bourgeois state. The whole point is to do away with the exploitation of person by person and do away with class divisions, and do away, therefore, with any need for a state:

“When at last it becomes the real representative of the whole of society, it renders itself unnecessary. As soon as there is no longer any social class to be held in subjection; as soon as class rule, and the individual struggle for existence based upon our present anarchy in production, with the collisions and excesses arising from these, are removed, nothing more remains to be repressed, and a special repressive force, a state, is no longer necessary. The first act by virtue of which the state really constitutes itself the representative of the whole of society — the taking possession of the means of production in the name of society — this is, at the same time, its last independent act as a state. State interference in social relations becomes, in one domain after another, superfluous, and then dies out of itself; the government of persons is replaced by the administration of things, and by the conduct of processes of production. The state is not “abolished”. It withers away.”

So under capitalism, a special organization of violence is required to maintain the conditions of legalized theft on which capitalism is based. This state must give the appearance of standing above the conflicts of bourgeois society.

The state therefore develops into what appears to be genuinely an expression of the will of the whole people:

“political recognition of property differences is, however, by no means essential. On the contrary, it marks a low stage in the development of the state. The highest form of the state, the democratic republic, which in our modern social conditions becomes more and more an unavoidable necessity and is the form of state in which alone the last decisive battle between proletariat and bourgeoisie can be fought out — the democratic republic no longer officially recognizes differences of property. Wealth here employs its power indirectly, but all the more surely. It does this in two ways: by plain corruption of officials, of which America is the classic example, and by an alliance between the government and the stock exchange, which is effected all the more easily the higher the state debt mounts and the more the joint-stock companies concentrate in their hands not only transport but also production itself, and themselves have their own center in the stock exchange. ... And lastly the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage. As long as the oppressed class — in our case, therefore, the proletariat — is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tail of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.”

How does the exisitng state structure wither away?

After "the revolution", where the workers take control of the means of production and attempt to eliminate class, government is formed to administer the transition and secure the gains of the revolution. (This is a main point where you will see a difference between a real communist society and the fake ones people like to list off in this country USSR, China, etc). This is a huge majority of the population of a given country which will have already organized itself democratically bringing control of the government to the majority from the hands of a minority. The only thing being installed is democracy. The majority bringing to power the system and people (themselves) it deems most fit. Because this is a government which is now an instrument of the majority it does not need a heavy apparatus of full-time soldiers, police, guards, etc and certainly needs no heavy apparatus of repression (prison system, corrupt judicial system, etc) to defend the people from a small minority that may oppose it. Where as in Capitalism there is a minority in control and they need all of said jobs/institutions of repression to hold down the majority.

So already from its inception the state (the government and its institutions) has started to wither away.

Such a state which starts to wither away from its inception, begins to devolve more and more of the traditional state functions to self administrating bodies of citizens, to society in its totality. So there is no need for a dictator because the people are controlling their government much more democratically than ever before seen in capitalism, since so many like to call capitalism democracy.

This withering away of the state goes hand in hand with what i said before about the withering away of commodity production and of money, accompanying a general withering away of social classes and social stratification(of the division of society between administrators and administrated, between ‘bosses’ and ‘bossed over’ people, or the governors and the governed).

As the need for state withers away more and more control goes directly into the hands of the people and the state is eventually eliminated because it is no longer needed. True democracy goes hand in hand with true communism.

The state will be able to wither away completely when society adopts the rule: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", i.e., when people have become so accustomed to observing the fundamental rules of social intercourse and when their labor has become so productive that they will voluntarily work according to their ability. Capitalism, which compels one to calculate with the heartlessness of a Shylock whether one has not worked half an hour more than anybody else--this narrow horizon, will then be left behind. There will then be no need for society, in distributing the products, to regulate the quantity to be received by each; each will take freely "according to his needs". It will all Wither Away.
Apr 25, 2002

how does one prevent the existing states from simply over-running the proletariat masses, annexing them into a super-state?

The Marxist idea of a state which — having no counter-revolutionary forces and capitalists to suppress, because the power of capital has been eradicated from the face of the Earth — slowly fades away, opening the way to communist society. And because of internationalism. Internationalism is the ethical value of the workers’ movement towards the interests of the working class of all countries over and above the interests of the working class in any one country, and the practice of organizing on an international basis.

How do you foresee human intuition for success, survival and advancement quelled in order for humanity to be untied in the purduit of the common goal of complete equality?

Common good and total equality is in the interests of survival, advancement, and success of the human race. Anything getting in the way of equality in the enemy of survival, advancement, and success.

who sets the goals of a society without a state structure?

The society and the people within it.

Who sets manufacturing quota's?

Not who but what. What sets the manufacturing quotas? The needs of the people

Who leads? Who decides who leads? If there is to be no state structure, who provides benchmarks for stability or prosperity?

The people lead themselves. This “leadership” that you see now Marxists refer to this “bourgeois democracy”, in which people vote once every four or five years in huge geographical electorates to elect representatives to sit in a legislature which never has a chance of legislating socialism, as dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Every one has equal rights, but everyone does not have equal power. Bourgeois democracy is a façade masking class dictatorship.

Proletarian democracy differs from bourgeois democracy in a number of crucial ways: all positions of authority are elected, and all elected officials are subject to recall at any time, and are paid at the same level of wages as ordinary workers, and above all it is a participatory democracy, that is to say, those who are responsible for carrying out a particular task, at whatever level, are responsible for deciding how it should be done. Free education and free health care would create conditions for all to participate equally.

Stripped of their power to use their money to control government and forced to submit to majority vote, not just in elections every few years, but in the workplaces and schools, everywhere, under such conditions the rule of the majority would be not a farce but a reality.