So the white cop pulled my boy over on his trip from AZ to Cali and took his DL's..??

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Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
My boy was traveling from AZ to San Diego to visit his fam and chill with the homies...

Here are the texts my boy sent me...

(1/2) Cops stopped me at 1am and asked "why are you in california and you have an AZ DL?" I said because i'm from SD and just visitin fam.. This muthafuka took my AZ DL and said

(2/2) "well I'm going to mail this back to the AZ DMV and you can pick it up there.... And dont get caught drivin or they will tow ur car, good luck"... And dipped!!!

He said the speed limit was 70 and he was on cruise control, so he wasnt speeding..The cop(4 total) only asked for his DL and not proof of insurance or registration....The situation ended with my boy getting a citation for "illegal lane change"(he was in the same lane for 4 hours) and "unlicensed driver"...WOW....

Damn, I wish I knew the law better..can they just take his L's like that? The whole situation sounds fishy...he is already dealing with a lawyer regarding his child custody case, I told him to run the situation by him and see if he can help or can refer him to somebody....

P.S. This was in Santee....
Mar 21, 2007
i got pulled over on high street in the town and they locked me out of my car with the engine running and laughed about it and left me there i can laugh about it now cuz it was hella long ago but i was hella mad it was a lil bucket so i just broke the lil side window
Dec 2, 2006
It isn't what you say but how you say it. When I get pulled over it is yes sir, and no sir just to give them their ego fix.

Not sure what happened with your folks when he was talking with the cop, but they are human and some were faggots before becoming cops so when they put on that badge what do we expect is going to happen? IMO, theere needs to be extreme pyschological evaluations on potential law enforcement officers to ensure they have right state of mind to deal with the public on a daily basis. Alot of these people are just robots though and that is the problem. What the law says doesn't always serve the best interest of society, but try telling that to them....
Mar 21, 2007
i got pulled over on high street in the town and they locked me out of my car with the engine running and laughed about it and left me there i can laugh about it now cuz it was hella long ago but i was hella mad it was a lil bucket so i just broke the lil side window
by the way they were black so black cops can b assholes too haha


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
lol pulling the race card
LMAO @ anyone thinking I was using the "race card" in my title....I only said the "White Cop" because it has become a Siccness meme due to that Kreayshawn & Rick Ross thread from a while I assumed most would have caught on...If the Meme didnt exist, I would have just said "A cop"......but its all good...

P.S. The 4 cops were white
Jun 23, 2005
he can legally use his DL in another state without a problem, so the cops were just being dick heads.

but i think its a little to late to do anything at all. its your boys word against the white cop. and we all know who wins in that one. ask Stretch and kreayshawn