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Rest In Peace
Jun 24, 2008
your in the wrong website to try to encourage anybody baby girl.the comment in this place will leave you more heart broken and sad.but if you wanna argue with people back and fourth about your situation and start name callin then that shows what your real intentions are.
off subject, but what kinda guy has dudes poorin champange all over each other? kinda gay


Attention Whore
Oct 8, 2008
No name calling, but if dude so terrible, and you got so many stories to tell on dude, why would you be with him in the first place? if you talking to other females telling he pushed sex on him, why would you even kick it with it dude?
This is stuff that Ive found out since this situation between me and him took place. There's no way in hell that I would deal with a pussy crook or someone with tendencies of those kind.
Jun 12, 2006
Yeah nigga this is Ki Ki, if your dumb ass watch the video I was sent to the hospital and treated for my injuries. Look at the discharge papers you dumb bitch. As far as your dumb ass logic on if I was so hurt the police wouldve made me leave my home thats bullshit, they encourage you to either stay with a friend or have a friend stay with you. I live in a very nice neighborhood and if anybody wouldve came over her with some bullshit, their asses wouldve been in jail before they wouldve made it out of here. FYI bitch I dont smoke weed so I wasnt the bitch trying to buy weed from you. And if all y'all niggaz thats supppose to be his potnas is balling so hard, why the fuck none of y'all tired ass niggaz put up his $250,000 bail? In the video I also said he beat me for an hour, the youtube video was done days after the actual incident. Yes my eye was swollen shut, yes my lips were swollen, but with the help of ice, I reduced alot of the swelling so therefor my face doesnt look how it did the day the incident happened. And as far as him trying to leave that night, that nigga never tried to leave. While we were on our way home we were arguing and I told the nigga at that time to call someone to pick him up from my house or sleep in the car but he chose to bring his drunk ass in the house to fuck with me. He hit me first and you damn right I bit his ass, I wanted that nigga the fuck up off me. I see you got just as much bitch in you as that nigga, if not more since you sitting here talking about you gone beat my ass when you see me. You aint gotta wait to you see me, I'll let you know were I'll be. I'll be in LA next week from January 8-10 and I'll be staying at the Beverly Garland Hotel and I'll be doing an in-store signing at Shiekh Shoes in Hayward at Southland Mall January 11 from 3-5. So bring your ass and whatever other bitch ass niggaz you can find that fight girls because they're too pussy to run upon another nigga. And another thing, since your dumb ass think he's such a fucking good dude, let me go ahead and release the aim conversation I had with this 18 year old white girl that says he forced himself upon her sexually back in June, just weeks after her 18th birthday. I dont give a fuck how good of a person you think this nigga is, aint no good nigga gone try to take pussy from a bitch or put his hands on one.
liiiieeess liiieeeeesssss all lieeeessss..

you do smoke weed u lying bitch,,, u introduced urself as kia.

you did attack him first

you dont got no fans... no one gives a shit about ur ass

and aint no one goin to no place to beat up no snitch cuz they just gonna end up gettin snitched on. SNITCH!!!

and for u being all beat up u sure were laugin and joking with the cop 5 minutes after the incident

and from what i hear you used to hoe up for the nigga

why dont u tell them why his bail went from. $175,000 to $250,000
cuz u snitched on the niggas momma.

and fuck shiekh shoes for support ur rotten ass

and this is sad that u adresss the issue publically just to get sum fame.

you one sad rotten fake bitch.

eversingle person that has read ur shit.. watched ur shit.,. can tell that u lying and just tryna use this to get back in the spot light.

Dec 6, 2005
This is stuff that Ive found out since this situation between me and him took place. There's no way in hell that I would deal with a pussy crook or someone with tendencies of those kind.
sweetheart you dont owe a thing to the members of this site , not even an explanation. If they dont want to believe you FINE. But you best believe that when women hear this , such as myself, I will be telling my friends about what went on and I think that was the point of why you made the video. There are so many women in abusive situations who think its OKAY For a man to beat on them or they are too scared to do something about it before its too late. I had a friend who ALMOST DIED behind a man beating her ass. How is that OKAY? Dont fight with ignorance - stay clear of it. And I hope 09 brings you blessings Kiki for you and your son and you're able to in the end learn valuable lessons from what happened and make smarter decisions about men in the future. We as black women do need to stick together .


Super Moderator
Apr 25, 2002
She most likley needed to do so because outside of the bay who the hell knows who the federation is? Much less the individual group member names?
my point is, why attack his group and friends and people he associates with? why cant it be "hi, my name is kiki and my boy friend beat my ass" instead of "my boy friend in jay z's producers group, you hyphy federation from warner bros records and all that!!!!" like she wants brownie points for getting smacked up by a fucking rapper. fuck her and her tactics. looks to me that she bit his back, and he tossed her off and she hit her eye on a door handle.... no harm no foul.



Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
sweetheart you dont owe a thing to the members of this site , not even an explanation. If they dont want to believe you FINE. But you best believe that when women hear this , such as myself, I will be telling my friends about what went on and I think that was the point of why you made the video. There are so many women in abusive situations who think its OKAY For a man to beat on them or they are too scared to do something about it before its too late. I had a friend who ALMOST DIED behind a man beating her ass. How is that OKAY? Dont fight with ignorance - stay clear of it. And I hope 09 brings you blessings Kiki for you and your son and you're able to in the end learn valuable lessons from what happened and make smarter decisions about men in the future. We as black women do need to stick together .
Stop captina save a ho, your making me sick to my stomuch.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
Is that honestly the best counter argument you have ? YOU get the fuck outta here.
so if you do anything to a man BUT try to kill him, he should not hit you? your fucking tripping, you live in a fantasy world, I hope somebody caves the side of your rat head in.
Dec 6, 2005
my point is, why attack his group and friends and people he associates with? why cant it be "hi, my name is kiki and my boy friend beat my ass" instead of "my boy friend in jay z's producers group, you hyphy federation from warner bros records and all that!!!!" like she wants brownie points for getting smacked up by a fucking rapper. fuck her and her tactics. looks to me that she bit his back, and he tossed her off and she hit her eye on a door handle.... no harm no foul.

Dutch, from the posts Ive seen, you are an intelligent individual- now what good would that be to say her "boyfriend" beat her ass? If other women are going to heed the warning they are going to have to know who the hell he is , who he runs with, who he associates with. True, she might have taken it a little far but I really dont think that in itself is going to give her any additional attention or buzz. We are so quick in our society to dismiss accusations women make especially if they are in or around the entertainment business.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
I think you are missing the point. We not dismissing these accusations, cuz I know I am not. We are just trying to figure out why she name dropping like she interviewing for another reality show gig.
yeah, she is a loser, has no talent, got tossed off the show, her only hope is to put herself back on craiglist.
Dec 6, 2005
so if you do anything to a man BUT try to kill him, he should not hit you? your fucking tripping, you live in a fantasy world, I hope somebody caves the side of your rat head in.
so you tell me then- what justifies beating up a woman? And no I dont live in a fantasy world but sweetheart I most likely live in a world you WISH you could be apart of ; best believe that. And thats the LAST time I respond to your ignorant comments. I find that people who talk like you have A)never graduated high school 2) have never left the hood their whole damn life 3) have issues with their own masculinity. You can pick what category you belong in , Im done with you. I just
Dec 6, 2005
so if you do anything to a man BUT try to kill him, he should not hit you? your fucking tripping, you live in a fantasy world, I hope somebody caves the side of your rat head in.
so you tell me then- what justifies beating up a woman? And no I dont live in a fantasy world but sweetheart I most likely live in a world you WISH you could be apart of ; best believe that. And thats the LAST time I respond to your ignorant comments. I find that people who talk like you have A)never graduated high school 2) have never left the hood their whole damn life 3) have issues with their own masculinity. You can pick what category you belong in , Im done with you.


Attention Whore
Oct 8, 2008
liiiieeess liiieeeeesssss all lieeeessss..

you do smoke weed u lying bitch,,, u introduced urself as kia.

you did attack him first

you dont got no fans... no one gives a shit about ur ass

and aint no one goin to no place to beat up no snitch cuz they just gonna end up gettin snitched on. SNITCH!!!

and for u being all beat up u sure were laugin and joking with the cop 5 minutes after the incident

and from what i hear you used to hoe up for the nigga

why dont u tell them why his bail went from. $175,000 to $250,000
cuz u snitched on the niggas momma.

and fuck shiekh shoes for support ur rotten ass

and this is sad that u adresss the issue publically just to get sum fame.

you one sad rotten fake bitch.

eversingle person that has read ur shit.. watched ur shit.,. can tell that u lying and just tryna use this to get back in the spot light.

You sorry ass nigga was you there? How you gone say I attacked him first? Like I said you ignorant nigga, the video was done days after, do you know what that mean? It means that none of the footage, not even of me talking to the officer was done that day. Watch the video again dumb fuck and you will hear a knock at the door and you will hear me say "who is it". Okay, you got it now, you understand. Know what the fuck your talking about. His bail was raised because the DA added 3 new charges you bitch. I see why y'all friends, you really are stupid, you bumping your gums and dont even know what the fuck you talking about. And nigga I would never in a million years hoe and fa damn sho not for Goldie. You're only right about 1 thing, I dont have fans, I have lots of supporters, over 12,000 of them just on myspace, compared to his little 5,000. Goldie is not more known than I am so capitalizing of him for fame is something that I dont need to do. No one knows who the hell The Federation is outside of California and Vegas. You go ahead and keep riding his dick and drinking his nut, your baby daddy will eventually be home