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Feb 3, 2014
putting in my two weeks at one of my jobs. i have 7 sick days that i never used but i cant cash them out when i leave. anyone know if i give my two weeks then use some of the sick days if they can fire me or if there is any possible negative consequences? my thoughts are use them or lose them...right?
Feb 3, 2014
but it also depends on what you do for a living, if you work at mcdonalds then fuck it leave now lmao but if you do a lot of networking in your field definitely do not leave on bad terms.
haha id definitely like to use them as a reference which is why im giving the two weeks notice..just sucks losing 7 paid days off that i rightfully earned..but if i give two weeks then im all of a sudden sick theyre gonna know im full of shit...probably just take the loss
Feb 3, 2014
the thing is i only became full time at this place in i have the time to use but i cant cash it out because they base it on me staying through technically i havent accrued it all yet
May 17, 2002
Just look at it like this, the last two weeks notice is kind of a vacation in itself because all you literally have to worry about are short term responsibilities. so as long as you arent a janitor, call center, retail or fastfood type work, etc, you will be able to chill, to some degree, more. When i was laid off recently, i knew i was going to be, and i was in software implementation so my last month, i literally did about 20 hours of work.

At the very least, show up late, long breaks/lunches, leave early.
May 7, 2013
my main hoe's steр-aսոt makes $82/հr ○ո tհe іոterոet. Sհe հas beeո ○սt ○f w○rk f○r 8 m○ոtհs bսt last m○ոtհ հer рayсհeсc was $21649 jսst w○rkіոɡ ○ո tհe іոterոet f○r a few հ○սrs. Read m○re ○ո tհіs sіte... GoogleProjectjob2014
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May 17, 2002
the thing is i only became full time at this place in i have the time to use but i cant cash it out because they base it on me staying through technically i havent accrued it all yet
i know companies if you technically havent earned the accruals but they give them at the beginning of the year, per say, they will not allow you to use whatever has been forecasted to you. Some companies will even adjust your final check if you use accruals that have not technically been earned but are used.