How come no one wanna talk about quality of music when we ask why the Bay isnt on top

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Apr 25, 2002
Seems like its always people not supporting the Bay, people downloading music, radio stations hatin, no music videos, etc.

But its never QUALITY of music.

Two of the most anticipated albums of the summer dropped, that Husalah and B-Luv and the new Messy Marv. Look at the reviews people are giving those.

How you expect people to support and buy albums that are generally 2 or 3 stars out of 5? Albums with bad mixing, recycled tracks, mediocre beats, half-ass effort?

I'm going to buy some rappers cd because he lives in the 150 mile radius we call the Bay Area? I'm gonna take $15 out of my pocket to shell out to someone from my neighborhood who don't even know my name?

Now I'm not saying that either of those albums has bad mixing, recycled tracks, mediocre beats, half-ass effort cause I haven't heard them. But tell me you don't pick up Bay Area CDs from your favorite artist with bad mixing, recycled tracks, mediocre beats, half ass effort.


Face Scrunched Lookn Rude
Aug 1, 2004
NASWIPP. A subdivision of IKSRTFO
tonka boys and cake and ice cream are BOTH solid !

i been a bay listener since like 1991 yo take it from me

if keak wanna put out 7 side albums to support his coke habit thats fine cuz when Deified (the official album) dropped it was fire

people get music too easily like if u had to catch the bus to the record store and spend whatever last moneys u had on tonka boys and cake n ice cream , and barely have enough money for weed after , youd be more open to giving the shit a chance. thats how we had to do it in the 90s!
May 9, 2002
Seems like its always people not supporting the Bay, people downloading music, radio stations hatin, no music videos, etc.

But its never QUALITY of music.

Two of the most anticipated albums of the summer dropped, that Husalah and B-Luv and the new Messy Marv. Look at the reviews people are giving those.

How you expect people to support and buy albums that are generally 2 or 3 stars out of 5? Albums with bad mixing, recycled tracks, mediocre beats, half-ass effort?

I'm going to buy some rappers cd because he lives in the 150 mile radius we call the Bay Area? I'm gonna take $15 out of my pocket to shell out to someone from my neighborhood who don't even know my name?

Now I'm not saying that either of those albums has bad mixing, recycled tracks, mediocre beats, half-ass effort cause I haven't heard them. But tell me you don't pick up Bay Area CDs from your favorite artist with bad mixing, recycled tracks, mediocre beats, half ass effort.
Amen. And yes, both those albums suffered from that.

tonka boys and cake and ice cream are BOTH solid!

i been a bay listener since like 1991 yo take it from me
Opinions are opinions.

if keak wanna put out 7 side albums to support his coke habit thats fine cuz when Deified (the official album) dropped it was fire

people get music too easily like if u had to catch the bus to the record store and spend whatever last moneys u had on tonka boys and cake n ice cream , and barely have enough money for weed after , youd be more open to giving the shit a chance. thats how we had to do it in the 90s!
No, its the principal of it all. Why give someone YOUR hard earned money for their HALF ASS EFFORT? If you build a house, and you pay a contractor to do his job, but instead leaves wires hanging out, missed some drywall, or did a poor job with your kitchin tiling....are you gonna be like "oh well, here is what i oew you"? I dont know about you, but i paid for the contractor to do his job RIGHT and FINISH the job.
Apr 25, 2002
tonka boys and cake and ice cream are BOTH solid !
That's not what most people on the board seem to feel. You are right, people are entitled to their own opinion, but in general it sounds like both albums were pretty dissapointing.

people get music too easily like if u had to catch the bus to the record store and spend whatever last moneys u had on tonka boys and cake n ice cream , and barely have enough money for weed after , youd be more open to giving the shit a chance. thats how we had to do it in the 90s!
I dont understand at all what you're trying to even say here. I love music but if I had to catch the bus to the record store and spend whatever last moneys I had on tonka boys and cake n ice cream and barely had enough money for weed after and i thought it was not good i would be really dissapointed.


Sicc OG
Feb 9, 2006
advice is do it for yourself not jsut for the bay all you hear is bay this bay that!!! you do it for yourself first and what follows that!!!

music is music no matter what region!!!stop putting the bay in a seperated bracket then the rest we all make music and good music at that!!!get your name heard and push it as far as you can!!!
Jun 12, 2008
Amen. And yes, both those albums suffered from that.


Opinions are opinions.


No, its the principal of it all. Why give someone YOUR hard earned money for their HALF ASS EFFORT? If you build a house, and you pay a contractor to do his job, but instead leaves wires hanging out, missed some drywall, or did a poor job with your kitchin tiling....are you gonna be like "oh well, here is what i oew you"? I dont know about you, but i paid for the contractor to do his job RIGHT and FINISH the job.
you right the bay dont sell cuz niggas want to do everything in the garage or the room record mix and master and then be mad cuz you dont like it

our music is cool but the mixs be way below standard


Apr 25, 2002
advice is do it for yourself not jsut for the bay all you hear is bay this bay that!!! you do it for yourself first and what follows that!!!

music is music no matter what region!!!stop putting the bay in a seperated bracket then the rest we all make music and good music at that!!!get your name heard and push it as far as you can!!!
Good point. Rappers in the Bay really pushing units (Zion I, Hieroglyphics) have sounds and audiences that aren't limited to the region.

Anyone remember when X Raided was given an interview and said the reason the Bay was so successful in the 1990s was the geographical audience was not just Northern California but Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado etc. Places mainly to the North or Midwest that were dying to hear good music and didn't have a seen. I remember he didn't mention LA or SD and his point was those were always supportive areas but not absolutely nessecary to be successful.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
look yall

me and premo are gonna create an organization on siccness that judges bay area cds unbiased, not from the first listen and we will review every new CD that drops from here to now in fairness and detail.. some of you completely ruin the comsumers motivation to check albums by bitching about everything under the sun. And what needs to happen to bring the bart, and possibly, noticibility of albums in the bay back, is for someone to fucking step up and write about it who LIKES THE MUSIC BEING PUT OUT.

if anyone has album they would like to be reviewed, whether its dropped or promotional, holler at me. [email protected]

we also need creative writers so if you feel like you could help out with this holler at me

i want to bring back the bart as far as fans of the bay area music

not people who are such big whiners and haters
its all good to not like something but if youre jus a hater dont hit me cuz imma just not use your shit.

were gonna create a real reviewing system in here, with ratings and all. if i or he dosentr hear about your album make it your job to throw it to us. like i said anyone wanna get down with this movement holler, bring the bart music back to the forefront.

and i dont care about your opinion on what i plan to do just roll with it or dont. you got the email

as it stands now we will be a duo with one person from soutern cali and one from northern cali, both who have lived in opposite areas. eventually itll spread past the bay if we stay up on it.
May 9, 2002
look yall

me and premo are gonna create an organization on siccness that judges bay area cds unbiased, not from the first listen and we will review every new CD that drops from here to now in fairness and detail.. some of you completely ruin the comsumers motivation to check albums by bitching about everything under the sun. And what needs to happen to bring the bart, and possibly, noticibility of albums in the bay back, is for someone to fucking step up and write about it who LIKED THE MUSIC BEING PUT OUT.
So becuase some people dont share your opoinion of these releases, you have a better say than the rest of us? LOL! What kinda ass backwards thinking is that? How you gonna say "unbiased"? Whats biased about saying The Tonka Boyz albums was crap? Do you think i hate them personally, so my outlook on the album from the jump will be biased? I dont know those two cats and i dont care to. I care about the music they put out, which, in this instance, was hot trash. Thats MY has nothing to do with biases.

i want to bring back the bart as far as fans of the bay area music
And i want the Bay to make good music again. So i guess we BOTH lose.

not people who are such big whiners and haters

Here we go with the whole "hater" shit again. Most overused and misunderstood word on the fuckin planet.

its all good to not like something but if youre jus a hater dont hit me
So in YOUR eyes, what is the difference? If someone doesnt agree with you, they are haters?

May 9, 2002
I think Gas is half fuckin around, half serious...
Gas is mad cus im right.


i dont even read anything you say

i just look at your ass breaking shit down line by line and scroll past so i can reply

sorry but yeah..i dont give a fuck
Sorry for what? Funny thing is, i dont give a fuck if you read it...its there for anyone to read.

Apr 25, 2002
nah, im a fan of the music coming out lately and i have no problem doing a little bit of creative writing to illustrate my standpoint as someone who enjoys the music. itll be there for people who like to read music reviews.
I'm a fan of the music too.

Three albums I plan on buying in the next few months:

Keak - Deified
San Quinn - From a Boy to A Man
Jacka - Tear Gas