2 days without beers. Good enough to tell myself Im not that bad of an alcoholic. Wish I would just smoke weed at times, but a couple friends of mine just got picked up. Visas cancelled and 10 year bans from re-entering China. One poor French fucker is charged as being a dealer, even though he just handed weed to his friends. China is cracking down hard on all kinds of shit. Corruption, drugs, etc. etc.!
I'm making a 4 year plan. Gotta get out. Gonna push hard for my businesses. Need to be able to sell or keep some shit running when I leave. Been negotiating a franchise deal for 2 months. Finally came to an agreement today. Opening a second shop next month. Signed a cooperation deal with a factory for my trading business. Working on a new product line to show end of October at the Canton Fair.
Getting too old. Cant keep working so much without having anything to show for it. And I can't keep my son in the Chinese school system forever. Fucking robot shit.
Fuck. Pressure is on! Has been, but now I gotta jump through the burning tire...