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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Im about to go to war with comcast.

I got my shit hooked up on the 20th of last month and was quoted a price for certian shit.

So today my friends come over to bbq and drink, I go to turn on hbo and it has a message to call comcast.

So I call them qnd wait 10 + mins.
Goddamn comcast will charge you for fixing their mistakes too lol

I can't get comcast cause they say I owe them $300 from like 2006 which is bullshit. I returned all their gear and paid everything off
May 4, 2002
I get some chick on the line I give her all the info.

Short story, dude lied about hbo for 2 years, lied about faster internet, lied about the contract.

This chick felt hella bad and bc I cant talk to billing until monday, she hooked it up with hbo cinimax, showtime ect + faster internet.

All the calls are "recorded"* bullshit.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
BUTCHER 206 @BUTCHER 206 Someone gave me a Fantasia ecig last night... it's filled with pineapple juice ese. Could tell a huge difference right off the bat between this and the faggot blu brand
Nice! Thats what I've been trying to tell people for like a year lol

Blu cigs and little cig-a-likes are like the bobby brown sticks and seeds weed of the ecig community. I'm not sure what the fantasia is, but from an image search it looks like an ego battery with a clearomizer attached. Not the greatest, but its bare minimum what people should try if they're trying to quit.

I swear blu is purposely designed to be shitty so people say Fuck it and pick up smokes again. Wait til you hit a mechanical mod with a rebuildable atomizer on it or any other nice more advanced device. Itll be the same thing as from the blu to the fantasia, you'll be like lol wtf I didn't realize there is such a huge difference
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