First Degree The D.E. is Super Exposed in "LISTEN UP, YA PEDO!"

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Nov 13, 2008

Thanks DE, and yeah overall I agree with what your tryin to do with this, props to ya.And yeah some whites need to look in the mirror, but
so do people of all races black,latino,asian,purple,whatever, everybody got make changes to ease some of the racism in this country.

was listenin to Now Eat the other day,was amped up off that Don't Be My Pleasure, I aint listened to that in forever.
May 1, 2010
Anyone who is taking offense to the term honkey and cracka doesn't know shit about race relations and racism. Yes, the terms are racially offense, but nowhere near the significance and effect of other racial terms used against minorities. Call a white person a honkey and cracka and will they get mad? Yes, for like a second, and then remember they are white and continue to live their life.

I don't use the terms myself, but I see DE's point - he is using them to get attention and to make a point. If you only look at the surface and are short sighted you will say "oh you can't make a stand against racism by being racist" - but DE is not being racist, he's driving the point home through the use of the words. He's not promoting violence against whites, he's just pointing to the obvious - that as the rich and white continue to take away from the poor the disparity will grow and times and people in turn will get desperate.

I have to say this was not what I expected from DE when he announced this a while ago, but it was definitely dope and worth the wait.

And for the idiots who don't think race was and is the MAJOR reason behind the birther debate tell me why those tea party assholes are emailing pictures with a baby Obama being held by two monkeys with the phrase "Wonder why no birth certificate?" There was a question about McCain's citizen ship too because he was born on a military base in Panama - they checked his certificate and that was that - yet Obama gets this shit for two years into his presidency? I'm all for being politically correct and not jumping to conclusions or playing the race card for no reason, but if you really don't think race is the reason then you are an ignorant fuck.
Wisely put Speedboi. Great point about McCain.

Speedboi, this is also your judgment day, as a strong minded, leader, white man. Its now official, you and people like you, are the correct, empowered majority. You have the hearts and souls of Us. There are enough of Us angry that we will crush the soul of the weak minded white man. This is Our time! We stand with you.

Watch the weak threat to clinch onto their dollars in order to stop this. HAHA! "DE Im never buy your albums again!" HAHAHA! "Oh no, I shoulda cancelled production cuz this random, weakminded fuck isnt gunna give me $8!" LOLOLOL

Watch the WEAK disrespect with lies cuz they fear the power of Us. No one BUT A WEAK MINDED CRACKA would believe the friendless lies you speak to stop this! You weak minded crackas!

Judgment day 4. God bless the strong minded white me. You are Our brothers.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I agree that a big portion of the birthers have a problem with obamas race and they are in general a large group of fucking morons but using pictures of him with monkeys is a bad example. They did the same thing to george bush. Why? because he looked like a monkey. Same with obama. I dont think its one bit racist considering we all came from monkeys. We all resemble them somehow. If that's racist then youre just diminishing the power and value of the word and make race just a trivial matter.

I'm not even going to attempt to point out how ridiculous and faulty some of first degrees logic is in that "song". Weak ass song. Weak ass beat. Weak ass attempt at getting a point across. All you did was look like a dumbfuck. You are better than that first degree, but obviously not smarter. I actually hit play thinking you were going to drop some knowledge and maybe have something good to say. You arent any better than the crackers and honkeys holding you down.
Feb 25, 2007
If anything, I find this thread insightful, to say the least. I've had doubts in the past concerning Barack Obama's citizenship, but not because he was "black". I found it odd that he took so long producing a birth certificate. I found it odd that a Hawaii detective, and a few others, came to the conclusion that it was a fraud. Now, it could be that those "honkeys" are behind all of this. Or, it could just be fear-mongering. I don't know, like I said some, like me, are prone to conspiracies. I'm sure, just like with most everything, there's a few racist's in there. I can't speak for everyone. I find it hard to believe anything Obama, or the government says, having been caught lying time after time. Maybe I'm just "short-sighted" and "ignorant as fuck". My 2 pennies....
Feb 25, 2007
Either way, whatever the motive, based on Obama's performance, I wouldn't mind how they got him out of office.

My bad for derailing the thread.
Thought of the Day...

HONKEYS AND CRACKAS are not a race! They are a group, not connected by race, but by ignorance. If one said, "I hate house painters!" are they racist?

No, honkeys and crackas are a defected bunch. We all have them. However, it is time for the crackadom to end.

Do not distract yourself with me. Its is YOUR JUDGMENT DAY. Look in the mirror, be the best you can be, and pick a side.

We support you strong minded white man!
May 1, 2010
D-Con, I don't care if you have the opinion that Obama looks like a certain animal, but common sense and decency would tell you that photoshopping him into a picture like that is offensive. Let's say theoretically a black man or woman resembles a primate to you, historically blacks have been called monkeys and worse as a way to degrade them and make it seem like they have lesser intelligence than whites. Comparing Bush to a monkey because he looks like one is not the same as what is going on here and for you to not be able to see and recognize that difference just shows your ignorance in my opinion. You seem to like to mask your ignorance in this costume of not caring about race personally, etc. but even if you don't care about race, it is ignorant to ignore or make excuses for others blatant racism.
Feb 25, 2007
phil, I don't care if you have the opinion that Obama looks like a certain animal, but common sense and decency would tell you that photoshopping him into a picture like that is offensive. Let's say theoretically a black man or woman resembles a primate to you, historically blacks have been called monkeys and worse as a way to degrade them and make it seem like they have lesser intelligence than whites. Comparing Bush to a monkey because he looks like one is not the same as what is going on here and for you to not be able to see and recognize that difference just shows your ignorance in my opinion. You seem to like to mask your ignorance in this costume of not caring about race personally, etc. but even if you don't care about race, it is ignorant to ignore or make excuses for others blatant racism.

I think that's what you meant to say.
May 1, 2010
yeah bruh, meant phil and not you. As far as criticizing the pres, that's your right man, don't mean that everyone who has criticism of the pres or skepticism is the same way, I just feel the majority of the people behind it are closet racists.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
i do too speedboi maybe i was unclear about that, i was just saying, the photoshop pic itself is not racist to me personally because i think obama looks like curious georges twin brother. i dont care if you think im racist for that. simply having the opinion that obama looks like a monkey doesnt make you racist. i already stated previously that a large portion of the hate directed at obama is because he's black. i dont care for him because hes a fraud and a disgrace to our country as was bush and any other party politician.
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