C-Lim vs Hogg vs Siccness Megathread

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May 30, 2006
@ Young Brew.....Funny how u get @ me Freaks & Gas but aint said shit to the nigga Headlining all the bullshit. If u aint cheerleading then why take sides like u did dumb ass? Cuz that's all u did. U didn't have 2 ride with any particular person but u chose 2 ride against certain individuals for no reason. Yea I made the thread exposing C-Lim. So fuckin what! U the only mafucka crying about it. Like I said before. Nobody was paying attention to yo corny ass so u came in & tryed to take shots just so u can be in the mix of things. Sit back bitch & be cool cuz u sound like a Slim Loc groupie & its pretty evident.
Apr 25, 2002
peehole...u a gay groupie....live with that..son
and freaks dont let the flood gates open.....for u

all day? seriously lets compare posts this weekend and see who did too much..specially involvin this gay shit


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
peehole? what is this, third grade? you're calling another man a peehole, I know your name is Young Brew, but you don't have to live up to that name.

The Evil Penis was way funnier

carry on...


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
^^ i know you are turned on just reading the word penis...but miss me withb your fetish..i want no parts of that

lol@"carry on" ok tony sinclair...
I come to this thread seeking comedy, not beef.....calling someone a peehole is funny, not because you're calling someone a peehole, but because you're a grown ass man saying "peehole"
Isnt evil genius the siccness member thats a member of the police academy?
LOL I forgot about that.....lil mini boeg jr over there
Aug 17, 2006
just so you know c-weenie I am on my centro! but you wouldn't know shit about that. anyways were in chico right now... zagg & draft calhoun just performed and we still lookin' for ya... it's funny cause I wasn't readin' no posts I was just enterin' text while standin in townhomes talkin' with real north side niggaz. cuz you know the footage is goin up as soon as we come bacc from the 49er game tommoro nite. go let cavio control your weak ass some more

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
peace its saturday night i got shit to do that duznt involve cheerleadin
why were you right back online at 11pm, arguing in this same thread, callin niggas peeholes?

your 'saturday night" revolved around 4 hours, and coming back to the computer to argue? damn, lucky nites nigga....lucky nites

and what typa nigga tells the internet hes going out for the night? Is this shit that important to you? just go out. we dont give a fuck. thats what i did, and thats why you aint see me respond to this till 7am.
May 30, 2006
peehole...u a gay groupie....live with that..son
and freaks dont let the flood gates open.....for u

all day? seriously lets compare posts this weekend and see who did too much..specially involvin this gay shit
If the shit is so gay then why did u feel the need to post anything in this thread? Oh, that's right. U were being neglected. Funny how on ur previous post u was hollering its Saturday nite & u got shit to do & as soon as I post ur bitch ass is right on my bumper. Funny how u subconciously & conciously kiss C-Lims ass when he's starting all the madness & flooding the boards. The nigga is flooding the boards so hard that they're combining the threads!!! Ever think about that shit? Come on baby girl. U sound more bitch made then him.
May 30, 2006
Isnt evil genius the siccness member thats a member of the police academy?
I was going for a CO job but decided not to cuz my aunt wants me to go to barbar skool cuz she is looking to give me & my lil cuzzo her barbar shop. Its gonna take awhile & I gotta lot of politicking to do but its all good. I take it that u don't have a family to feed like some of us.
Jan 13, 2007
I was going for a CO job but decided not to cuz my aunt wants me to go to barbar skool cuz she is looking to give me & my lil cuzzo her barbar shop. Its gonna take awhile & I gotta lot of politicking to do but its all good. I take it that u don't have a family to feed like some of us.
I remember that thread don't think im an idiot. You wanted to become a regular COP, then someone suggested you should be a CO instead. Like thats any better wtf.

Thing is, even if i did have family to feed, i wouldn't even THINK about being a cop, it wouldn't even cross my mind, not because of anyone else but because of me. That would be going against everything i believe in.

There are so many fucking jobs out there, and you seriously wanted to become a cop, then asked members of a gangster rap website what they think about that.

May 30, 2006
I remember that thread don't think im an idiot. You wanted to become a regular COP, then someone suggested you should be a CO instead. Like thats any better wtf.

Thing is, even if i did have family to feed, i wouldn't even THINK about being a cop, it wouldn't even cross my mind, not because of anyone else but because of me. That would be going against everything i believe in.

There are so many fucking jobs out there, and you seriously wanted to become a cop, then asked members of a gangster rap website what they think about that.

First off dummy I never said nothing about being a regular cop. No one suggested I be a CO either so u are an idiot. I also didn't ask anyone what they think. So many other jobs out there? Where the fuck do u live so I can relocate? Against everythig u believe in? Fuck what u believe in cuz I aint u & u aint me. U sound stupid. How is what I'm doing affecting you? Civilian jobs aint paying much anyways so why don't u tell me what u do for a living...... and not what ur"about" to do?