Bye Brandon you will be missed.....

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Mar 16, 2005
i dont see how you can say that...hes one of only like 5 COMPLETE WRs in the game, every year a elite player at his postion signs a new multi year contract hes going to be "highest paid _______ ever"....Micheal Roos (lt) and rob bironas (k) come to mind from my squad alone

brandon marshall wanted a long term deal in the very beginning (half of the reason he was such a problem ), miami wasnt going to blow two decent 2nd round picks and keep him on his tender only..thats only more reason for him to act like a fuckin idiot...

i think Miami will be tougher then he Jets next year, that boy Henne can throw, and now that they have the number 1 Tedd Ginn might finally burst out into the sceen...hes had his moments but he had no real play makers on his side other then the wildcat rbs...
There are at least 5 other wr's I would rther have then Marshall. his attitude and his dropped passes do NOT mean he should be highest pd wr.
Jan 5, 2006
Another Larry Johnson type.... they should regulate this shit, if a player cant stay out of trouble outside of sports, they get the boot. That's some immature shit....


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
the dropped passes thing isnt that big of a deal when you consider he still caught over 100 balls last year and 21 in a single game for the nfl record. he could have dropped double the passes and still no receiver on denvers roster could hold his jockstrap.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
There are at least 5 other wr's I would rther have then Marshall. his attitude and his dropped passes do NOT mean he should be highest pd wr.
5? thats all? the way you talk about him there should be 30 or 40 receivers youd rather have. i dont think marshall is as big a problem in denver as mcdaniels is. if denver doesnt make the playoffs and has a crappy offensive season, that seat is going to get reeeeeeal hot for the young coach. im not sold on him at all. you cant say he has nothing to do with the way marshall has acted. wouldnt it be ironic if cutler and marshall have mvp seasons while the donkeys go nowhere again?


Super Moderator
Apr 25, 2002
in between the the endzones and side line to sideline marshall is one of the top 5 recievers in the game period. You can hate on his off the field antics and "dropped" balls etc all you want. Denver just lost their best player. PERIOD.

sorry for your loss. I think royal is a stud. he just needs to get ahead of his learning curve and he will be fine. A RB and a RUNNING game would be nice for the broncos as well.

SO while i empathize with your tongue in cheek "Bye brandon fuck off" thread, i also know deep down you guys are now past shit creek and have landed in what i like to call shit swamp. the feeder pool for shit creek.

good luck Denver!
Mar 16, 2005
I think too many people watch and take espn's word as gospel instead of watching teams themselves and forming opinions.

Didnt I tell you all how Cutlers season in chicago would play out and it came true. Marshall in Miami where all his old friends are from and where all his troubles started, but now add millions of dollars in his pocket...he's begging for a suspension, just watch!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I think too many people watch and take espn's word as gospel instead of watching teams themselves and forming opinions.

Didnt I tell you all how Cutlers season in chicago would play out and it came true. Marshall in Miami where all his old friends are from and where all his troubles started, but now add millions of dollars in his pocket...he's begging for a suspension, just watch!
espns word is pretty much the same as yours. i think you took it as gospel. all anyone hears about is what a cancer marshall is. just like they dogged moss when he got traded to new england.

as for cutler, chicago needed a different offensive direction. why do you think orton looked so much better in denver? he had weapons and wasnt in an offense that an 8th grader could defend against. thats why chicago brought in martz. cutler and marshall are franchise players and the broncos ran them off.
Aug 9, 2006
dropped passes are apart of the game......point blank, T.O. is known as one of tops of all time and he has dropped pass after pass...

Marshall is one of the meanest WRs after the catch ive ever witnessed....he has RB vision and moves....
Feb 14, 2004
Did Seahawks win or lose with Marshall trade to Miami?

After all the talk of Brandon Marshall coming to the Seahawks, the Denver Broncos wound up trading the controversial receiver instead to the Miami Dolphins on Wednesday morning.

Which begs the question: Good news or bad news for Seattle?

That one won't be accurately answered for awhile, of course. Not until we see how Marshall fares with the Dolphins.

But what never will be clear is how Marshall would have dealt with the Seahawks' own situation and that's one that leads me to believe it's probably best for the club at this point to keep the two draft picks Miami surrendered -- a No. 2 this year (43rd overall) and a No. 2 in the 2011 draft.

Not to mention, the Dolphins agreed to a four-year, $47.5 million contract with Marshall that makes him the highest-paid receiver in the game, according to ESPN. That package includes $24 million in guaranteed money right off the top.

We'll see if Marshall lives up to that payday.

Having watched the Seahawks in their first minicamp workout Tuesday, it's pretty clear this club is in rebuilding mode. There are a lot of holes the Seahawks need to fill. This isn't a team in one-stop shopping mode.

And while Marshall would have added a key piece in the offense, how happy would he have ultimately been to be part of what could be a losing season or two on the horizon before all the pieces are in place?

That's the part we'll never know. But it seems to me, a guy who has been disgruntled in the past generally is going to struggle when things don't go well. And I'd be surprised if there aren't some rocky roads before the Seahawks smooth things out under Pete Carroll's regime.

That said, giving up a pair of second-round picks for Marshall could be a coup for the Dolphins. The guy is a big-time talent and it will be fascinating to see how he fits in there.

Personally, I think guys with histories of trouble aren't worth building around because those histories tend to repeat. So count me among those not upset with seeing Marshall go elsewhere.

I give credit to new Seahawks GM John Schneider for looking into the Marshall situation, but not budging from the stance that it wasn't worth surrendering a No. 1 pick to sign him to an offer sheet ... nor ultimately to part with as much as Miami paid to land him.

But what do you think, Seahawks fans. After all the build-up, is this good or bad news for Seattle today?


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
to me it seems you dont know how unbiased i am even when it comes to players of my fav teams.
i can vouch for you on that aspect but i still dont think denver is better off without marshall. theyd be better off with marshall and cutler than mcdaniels.
Mar 16, 2005
i can vouch for you on that aspect but i still dont think denver is better off without marshall. theyd be better off with marshall and cutler than mcdaniels.
ok wait.....I never said we are better off without bmarsh the player.

we are better off with brandon marshall the person. Like I said, he is 1 call away from 8- 16 game suspension, and I believe it comes sooner than later.

And regarding Cutler....we are better off without him both as player and person.