Boxing schedule for June

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Apr 25, 2002
Olympic weigh ins are extremely different than professional weigh ins. In the Olympics you have to weigh in every day that you're there and be in range of your class and then make weight the day you fight. It's also tournament based so you have to be on weight every 3-4 days. Guys normally compete in the amateurs at one weight and then come in lighter in the pros.

Any fighter should be upset when a guy doesn't make a contracted weight. Paul Smith just comfortably made 168 in back to back fights with Abraham so it's not like he's a big guy himself and it should be frustrating for anyone when they work to make the contracted weight and the guy on the other side comes in heavy.
You're proving my point. He competed at a higher level in the Olympics and had the potential to fight guys much larger than himself. And if he was able to comfortably compete in the Olympics then he shouldn't run around calling out smaller fighters and asking for catch weights against guys who really don't pose a threat. Yeah he came in lighter in the pros, the point being, he was able to compete on a higher level (training wise) and had the potential to fight guys who outweighed him by 13lbs if he came in at the minimum. And then we have the fact that his opponent, while contractually obligated, is still coming in at the weight a LHW would so what is the problem? I'll tell you what it is, Ward is a diva who thinks the world revolves around him yet he can barely sell out Oakland his home town.

Fuck him.
Aug 31, 2003
That's just it, he's not necessarily competing against guys much larger than himself. He's competing against guys that if they were to fight in the pros would likely fight in a weight class lower due to being able to cut weight for weeks, weigh in the day before the fight, and have an entire day to rehydrate. It's a different system. It's easy to blindly say so and so fought at this weight here so he should be able to do the same thing here, but it's a completely different environment and can't really be compared to each other just as looking at a great amateur fighter and saying that he'll definitely translate over to be a great professional fighter.

There's no way you should be arguing for someone who missed his contractual weight regardless of how you feel about Andre Ward. I'm sure your argument would be different if it was Ward that missed weight.

I'm not a huge Ward fan, but that doesn't excuse Paul Smith missing weight that badly when he's been making 168 his entire career.
Jan 18, 2006
This shit is weak, they didnt give my Italian brother enough time to prepare for the fight. Thats the only reason why Spencer dominated lol
Sep 3, 2002
Floyd says Spence is ready. Floyd just wants to see good fights Then again Floyd also said his next opponent might be Berto, so he might just be doin dabs.

Thurman also sounds confused by all the talk as well.