Anybody Fuck With Twitter?

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Apr 9, 2005
My boy at work finally made me sign up yesterday. It's kinda like MySpace/Facebook but all it is is status updates and messages. You just keep in touch with what your friends are doing i guess. It's pretty cool, I'll probably get addicted...

There's an iPhone app too called Twitteriffic

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i have a twitter cuz people kept sending me gmail invites because i usually have something to say, but that shit is pointless. im supposed to answer what im doing over and over?


that just sounds like a blog junior

instead of me ranting about everything i gotta rant about what im doing

you know what ive learned about my twitter though?

my life revolves around the usage of marijuana, drinking, and selling drugs

atleast my life since ive gotten a twitter

oh and xbox. my bad. a few entries about that
i mean every post i make on siccness is a twitter msg really

except im talking to myself

i guess twitters more interesting when u got like 100 people reading your shit and u follow 100 people but i aint that deep in it yet i got maybe 14 followers and 8 friends or somethin cuz i never use it