any columbia reviews??

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Aug 8, 2002
Here is my half-assed review of the 2 shows....i feel like shit so im gonna make this quick.

2 shows close to 1500 people.....439 people arrested for bullshit.

Nah, maybe only like 20 people arrested for bullshit. But the cops were on one this weekend. Must be low on their arrest quota for the month.

anyway, back to the show. I didnt see Vertigo perform, except for their new song CREAM. I made sure I caught that part. Which was dope. It was good to see Panic get some experience infront of a packed house.

I wasn't able to catch BG's set at all either night.

Skatter and Snug brought out Boy Big aka Big Boy Levar for "Crazy" on friday night. And they rocked the crowd with say what you say, shut it down and block party. Those are the crowd pleasers for sure. Saturday night was equally as dope.

Tech's show on friday was interesting. I loved the new intro. I hope nobody ruined it yet by saying what the intro was and how the show started. It was just tooooo fuckin dope. The energy was at an all time high it seemed like for these shows. It was interesting to see how Tech was showcased a little more...while Kutt and Grant still had a part of the show, their roles were reduced a little bit. On the other hand Kaliko had a lot more to do with the show than ever before it seemed. But friday night ended with Grant punking out on jumping from about 12 feet in the air.....haha.

Saturday was real dope.....2 striper cages were set up and 5 females were dancing in them during the first couple songs, and then again during the last song. I dont think anyone was paying attention to Tech or anyone but the bitches dancing during Im A Playa.....I know I wasn't. Grant came through on the second night and jumped into the crowd from 12 feet up. Then damn near everyone followed suit and did a stage dive or two.

They were 2 really fun nights. Columbia's finest really needs to stop fucking with us everytime we come down there though. Its almost like we need to stop off at the police station and take care of business right when we get to town each time....haha. But I guess they are just "doing their job".

FUCK A FIRE HAZARD...i know you feel me Steve.

I'm out.....see yall Friday.
Sep 19, 2003
geez... he keeps on answerin posts like it aint shit... like his ass isn't gettin clown'd on EVERY time he posts... he's kinda smart though... haha... he listened to his mommy when she told him "just ignore them"...
Jan 12, 2003
michampin said:
jl already said he wasnt going
and i prob am going now
^^ sounds like you were going a min ago. Imma be blunt here, its obvious to other people that you are worried/"something" that theres a chance something could happen to you. You're being very indecisive right now. This is where you're just going to have to sack up and take it like a man.
Jan 12, 2003
michampin said:
i aint worried about shit and thats on the real
and i will go and have a great time and if something happens then it does
then based off this you should go. I mean you can get your ass kicked all over the place your whole life. But how often are you gonna have a chance to see a show like this one WILL be ???