Fast-food workers strike nationwide in protest against wages

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Sep 20, 2005
Hundreds of protesters across the US marched Thursday to demand higher wages for fast-food workers, forcing the closure of one McDonald's in Detroit after its employees walked out.

The protests are underway in cities including New York, Boston and Chicago, and organizers are expecting the biggest national walkouts yet.

A McDonald's restaurant in Detroit closed Thursday morning as workers and protesters chanted "hey hey, ho ho, $7.40's got to go," outside, WJBK reports.

In New York, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn joined about 300 to 400 protesters in a march before flooding inside a McDonald's near the Empire State Building on Thursday morning. Shortly after the demonstration, however, the restaurant seemed to be operating normally and a few customers said they hadn't heard of the movement. The same was true at a McDonald's a few blocks away.

The lack of awareness among some illustrates the challenge workers face. Participating workers, who are asking for $15 an hour, still represent a tiny fraction of the industry. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, which works out to about $15,000 a year for full-time employees.

The movement comes amid calls from the White House, some members of Congress and economists to hike the federal minimum wage. But most proposals seek a far more modest increase than the one workers are asking for, with President Barack Obama wanting to boost it to $9 an hour.

In a wide-ranging interview with the Associate Press, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez said the strikes are another sign of the need to raise the minimum wage for all workers. He compared the protests to the demands of demonstrators in the 1963 March on Washington, who sought a national minimum wage to give workers better living standards.

"For all too many people working minimum wage jobs, the rungs on the ladder of opportunity are feeling further and further apart," said Perez, who's taking a lead role in Obama's push to boost the minimum wage.

The Service Employees International Union, which represents more than 2 million works in health care, janitorial and other industries, has been providing financial support and training for local organizers around the country.

Organizers say the strikes will hit more than 50 cities on Thursday, following a series of strikes that began last November in New York City. The biggest effort so far was over the summer when about 2,200 of the country's millions of fast-food workers staged a one-day strike in seven cities.

Ryan Carter, a 29-year-old who was walking out of the McDonald's where workers demonstrated on Thursday, said he "absolutely" supported workers demand for higher wages.

"They work harder than the billionaires in this city," he said. But Carter, who was holding a cup of the chain's coffee he bought for $1, said he didn't plan to stop his regular trips to McDonald's.

McDonald's Corp. and Burger King Worldwide Inc. say they don't make decisions about pay for the independent franchisees that operate the majority of their U.S. restaurants. Wendy's and Yum Brands Inc., which owns KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, did not respond to requests for comment.

Workers were also expected to walk off their jobs in cities including Atlanta, Boston, Hartford, Conn., Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Many targeted restaurants will likely be able to stay open, however. The strikes were announced earlier, giving managers time to adjust staffing levels.
Jan 29, 2005
LMAO @ these people asking for $15 an hour to work at fucking McDonalds, I understand a raise, but holy shit these people are retarded, no wonder they work at McDonalds...

That boost to $9 an hour that's being talked about is a lot more reasonable

$15 an hour to work at McDonalds, that was the funniest thing I heard today
May 9, 2002
Working at fast food has become 3rd class job. Its undesirable. Most of the folks who work there can barely speak English, in terms of major cities. But in hicktown Indiana, its going to be kids mostly. However, there is always that 50 year old loser who never made a life for themselves.

Here is the deal. An old friend of mine's mother worked at McD's. She has worked there for 30+ years. She started out at the bottom, and became regional manager. She started off making minimum wage and now makes over $50000 a year (she lives in small town in Minnesota, so extrapolate that to your area) and wears suits to work. If you want it bad enough, you can do it. Plain & simple.
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Jul 12, 2002
Here is the deal. An old friend of mine's mother worked at McD's. She has worked for 30+ years. She started out at the bottom, and became regional manager. She started of making minimum wage and now makes over $50000 a year (she lives in small town in Minnesota, so extrapolate that to your area) and wears suits to work. If you want it bad enough, you can do it. Plain & simple.
There was an article in my local paper about a woman who worked her way up from the bottom and became a regional manager too and then she ended up buying like 2 or 3 of the McDonald's here from her former boss.

I was laughing pretty hard at that $15/hour.


Feb 16, 2006
Hahahaha @ $15 an hour to flip burgers and wipe down tables. The fuck outta here. Get a second job you fuckin bums! They only have themselves to blame.
Props: Mixerr
Jan 29, 2005
$7.40 is horrible. Considering how much each of these chains make, they can afford an increase. $12.50 is reasonable.
no $12.50 is not reasonable, this isn't Australia

Believe it or not $12.50 is actually a "decent" wage for a large portion of our country. Paying somebody $12.50 throw fries in a fryer isn't reasonable in any way shape or form regardless of how much the company makes.
May 7, 2013
A fast food worker in New York definitely deserves to make $20/hr not minimum wage. How you expect someone not to go out there and slang dope or rob when they can't find a job except Crap Ronalds who wants to give them $7.25/hr and less than 40 hours to avoid providing healthcare (of course the Fed gave Crap Ronalds a waiver on the healthcare laws too). Crap Ronalds is a multi-billion dollar worldwide corporation. They can't take better care of their hard working in restaurant employee's? GTFOH These workers might take a little more pride in making your McFat meals for all the McFattys if they were justly compensated for it. When they drop your horse burger on the ground they might toss it instead of wrapping it up and serving it to you like its all good. Private entities such as In N Out pay their workers $10+/hr and will pay for college. A multi Billion worldwide conglomerate like Crap Ronalds can't do better? If you believe that to be true you have been bamboozled. The workers need to unionize, real talk.


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
no $12.50 is not reasonable, this isn't Australia

Believe it or not $12.50 is actually a "decent" wage for a large portion of our country. Paying somebody $12.50 throw fries in a fryer isn't reasonable in any way shape or form regardless of how much the company makes.
Higher wages mean more money that will stimulate the economy, especially on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale.


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
A fast food worker in New York definitely deserves to make $20/hr not minimum wage. How you expect someone not to go out there and slang dope or rob when they can't find a job except Crap Ronalds who wants to give them $7.25/hr and less than 40 hours to avoid providing healthcare (of course the Fed gave Crap Ronalds a waiver on the healthcare laws too). Crap Ronalds is a multi-billion dollar worldwide corporation. They can't take better care of their hard working in restaurant employee's? GTFOH These workers might take a little more pride in making your McFat meals for all the McFattys if they were justly compensated for it. When they drop your horse burger on the ground they might toss it instead of wrapping it up and serving it to you like its all good. Private entities such as In N Out pay their workers $10+/hr and will pay for college. A multi Billion worldwide conglomerate like Crap Ronalds can't do better? If you believe that to be true you have been bamboozled. The workers need to unionize, real talk.
Jan 29, 2005
Higher wages mean more money that will stimulate the economy, especially on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale.
That means every single type of job that exists would have to raise wages then. People with degrees and certifications are making $12.50 an hour, justify to them why Joe Blow at McDonalds who 9/10 works at McDonalds because either A: they're a teenager or B: they're an extreme fuck up should make just as much as them.

Random business man who runs a welding company can't afford to pay his certified welder more than $12.50, but you think burger flipper fuck up should make that much?
Jan 29, 2005
A fast food worker in New York definitely deserves to make $20/hr not minimum wage. How you expect someone not to go out there and slang dope or rob when they can't find a job except Crap Ronalds who wants to give them $7.25/hr and less than 40 hours to avoid providing healthcare (of course the Fed gave Crap Ronalds a waiver on the healthcare laws too). Crap Ronalds is a multi-billion dollar worldwide corporation. They can't take better care of their hard working in restaurant employee's? GTFOH These workers might take a little more pride in making your McFat meals for all the McFattys if they were justly compensated for it. When they drop your horse burger on the ground they might toss it instead of wrapping it up and serving it to you like its all good. Private entities such as In N Out pay their workers $10+/hr and will pay for college. A multi Billion worldwide conglomerate like Crap Ronalds can't do better? If you believe that to be true you have been bamboozled. The workers need to unionize, real talk.
and LOL @ this guy, saying a fucking McDonalds employee should make $20 an hour lol that's about $40,000 a year and extra LOL @ "hard working employee". You ever ate at a McDonalds, what hard work are they doing there? lol


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
That means every single type of job that exists would have to raise wages then. People with degrees and certifications are making $12.50 an hour, justify to them why Joe Blow at McDonalds who 9/10 works at McDonalds because either A: they're a teenager or B: they're an extreme fuck up should make just as much as them.

Random business man who runs a welding company can't afford to pay his certified welder more than $12.50, but you think burger flipper fuck up should make that much?
Being a certified welder isn't that much better than being a burger flipper, mate. Tradies here get paid fuck all unless they work for themselves.