interestin, but my celly didnt ring? hhmmmmmmmmmm although kev did eventually leave a message in the early hours of the morn,blocked #'s on my cell go to my voice mail........for those wonderin, lol.......kevs message was very much anger yet so comical i had to save it, i think i will use it on my next album, then ican put " featurin brotha lynch " real big across the cover....would that count? more thing lil nigga.......its out in alot of citys, not just sac......youd be suprised the doors that were opend up 4 me thanks to de puttin together the fu cd.......well im off into the nite, see i got hotties waitin........and on the wanna buy your house tip, lol, alot has changed over time kev, youd be suprised how a mutha fuca livin, i tell you wat, take 50 to praire city,right on iron point, well i think you get the picture.......aint nothin over here over 2 years old, hot tub n swimmin pool, but i aint braggin......just statin the facts...........msane.......