I'm not gonna say the album is horribe. But it is YUK'S weakest solo album. It might be the weakest album he ever put out and that includes the SILVER & BLACK LUNIZ album.
I don't why in his interviews he keeps saying that MDMP is his best album. He couldn't be serious. YUK is still my favorite artist alive but the song selection and some of the mixing is horrible. He owes us as fans.
You can't drop OPERATION, LUNATIK MUSIC, THUGGED OUT, THUGLORD, GODZILLA, UGA 1, UGA 2, IN THUGZ WE TRUST, ALL OUT WAR I & II, UGA dvds and the EYE CANDY dvd and call your last cd MDMP. The anticipation for this was built up for at least 3 years and to deliver that as the final product is super disappointing.
How can you blame RAP-A-LOT RECORDS for the material you recorded? Ultimately it's the fans who the artist(s) have to satisfy and YUK needs to resurrect his image in the fans eyes.